Also daughter of Mickey Hargatay, Mr. Universe back in 1950-something... for TV, credibility, etc, American TV is where the great minds of our generation are gathering. The writers behind L and O (20 seasons), SVU, Weeds, Orange/Black, Continuum, The 4400, Fringe, are top-notch. They have excelled with outstanding concepts and character development, the presentation of visionary themes, and the play of transformative storylines. I have learned more about the issues that swirl around rape, abuse, incest, workplace intimidation, date-rape, life on the streets, etc. from SVU and Marishka than I ever did in my master's program and 14 years working in psychiatry. When I see how "the system" can defeat even the best efforts of Lt Benson and her team, well, I don't feel so alone in the world...