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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1065 on: November 25, 2015, 02:02:13 PM »
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Don't forget the show Decoded where they concluded that Bernie was not the accomplice. this put a huge hole in there own theory.

What I always found troubling is the fact that it appears Lyle and Kenny were close, and yet they never talked about the hijacking when it first occurred? Lyle didn't notice the sketch being shown on television, in the newspapers, but decades later seen the sketch on a television show and it all started to make sense?

I wanted to contact Mike Fitzsimmons and find out if it was true that Lyle didn't believe his brother was Cooper. he has made statements that he was Cooper in the past.

Hello Dave:
I did interview Mr. Christensen regarding his claim that his brother was D.B. Cooper.   I found several inconsistencies with his responses and when I pressed him he stated that while his brother fit many of the accepted profiles describing D.B. Cooper, his brother could have been D.B. Cooper but probably was not the hijacker.
Mike Fitzsimmons

A quick Google search shows Lyle stated several times his brother wasn't Cooper...

Lyle Christiansen, of Morris (left), is shown in online video of the History Channel series "Brad Meltzer's Decoded." Christiansen contends his late brother, Kenny, is very likely infamous skyjacker D.B. Cooper. The "Decoded" investigators visited Christiansen in Morris as part of a program on the Cooper case. Image courtesy History Channel Web site.

No agenda, I just notice that many who claim KC is Cooper have multiple stories making it hard to understand people who believe Kenny was Cooper...

Now, if the two quotes above were about Marla. Robert would be screaming LIAR, and making articles, PDF'S, and what ever other media avenues he could find to make sure it was seen.

What I always found troubling is the fact that it appears Lyle and Kenny were close, and yet they never talked about the hijacking when it first occurred? Lyle didn't notice the sketch being shown on television, in the newspapers, but decades later seen the sketch on a television show and it all started to make sense?

My reaction has always been the same.

We only have Blevins' words that KC and Bernie were "close". This comes mainly from Blevins' socalled interviews. But, under examination every every socalled statement of facts Blevins has made has turned out to be something totally different. Blevins' allegations of fact cannot be trusted. That is the proven record. Geoff Gray even piped in on this saying, quote: " Everything Blevins says is highly highly highly_very highly_ questionable.

Geoff Gray's investigation of Kenny didn't bring Geestman into the picture? Why not if these men were as close as Blevins contends? Gray actually says that Kenny was "close" with other named people, none of "whoooom" is Geestman.   ;) Lyle never mentions Geestman in Kenny's life - why is that if they were as close as Blevins contends?
I seriously doubt how involved or knowledgeable about Kenny's life, Lyle was.

But, now that Blevins has made his allegations you can almost bet Bernie knows exactly where he was on 11-24-1971 and if he doesn't, then quite likely he was not spending the day involved in the Cooper hijacking but engaged in something else? Or, Bernie may not even know where in hell he was!

It even gets stranger. Bernie was asked if he thought Kenny 'could have been DB Cooper'? He reportedly says "yes" ? The question asks about Bernie's assessment of Kenny skills and talent/temperament. But, if Geestman and Kenny did the hijacking wouldn't Bernie already know the answer - why would he have to think about it!?  :)
This reflects a deep disconnection on Decoded and Blevins' part, if they "know" that Geestman and Kenny were co-conspirators.

Very likely Bernie knows where he was on the day and Kenny would to. Lyle has never said Kenny told him where he (Kenny) was on the day. Lyle is having to guess it, or make it up!

The central question is where were Kenny and Bernie at on the day? Were they even together on that day?
Were they as close as Blevins contends. My guess is "no".



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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1066 on: November 25, 2015, 02:03:29 PM »
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As for KC being DBC, for me the main issue that says no way is that KC was an NWA flight crew member. Way too easy for someone to say "hey, I know that guy in the sketch. I've flown with him. If KC was going to hijack an NWA plane he'd have used a major disguise and there is no evidence that DBC did. Just my opinion.

I do think Bernie was lying about his sea time on the Foss tug, but there could be a hundred reasons for that unrelated to Norjack.

How about Bradley's Dad, Jack Cooper? The FBI did interview him (according to Bradley). Jack is depicted as a scammer and he needed money. He was an expert skydiver. We never pay any attention to him here.


Duuuuuuuh: the issue is, where were these men on the day. Bernie knows! Were these men even together?

The answer to that simple question cuts through all other gobblewobble/entertainment.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 02:05:06 PM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1067 on: November 25, 2015, 02:59:23 PM »
Bernie had a tug waiting upstream from T Bar. They spoofed a VORTAC station to direct the airliner over their desired jump run. Duane engineered the transmitter and rotational phase shifter for the phony VOR radials. It was a mod to the tug's marine VHF transceiver. No big deal as Duane and his truck stop RF engineering team were experts in modifying CB gear to work on aviation freqs. Duane wasn't the jumper, but we knew that all along. A few bundles of twenties were lost during the river pickup.

And the conflicting radar track? Duane was an EWO for Air America. It was easy to mask the skin paint and transponder ping for the plane and substitute echoes and replies that showed the airliner far from its real position.

Case closed as Greycop used to say.  ;)

« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 03:01:53 PM by 377 »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1068 on: November 25, 2015, 04:10:38 PM »
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Bernie had a tug waiting upstream from T Bar. They spoofed a VORTAC station to direct the airliner over their desired jump run. Duane engineered the transmitter and rotational phase shifter for the phony VOR radials. It was a mod to the tug's marine VHF transceiver. No big deal as Duane and his truck stop RF engineering team were experts in modifying CB gear to work on aviation freqs. Duane wasn't the jumper, but we knew that all along. A few bundles of twenties were lost during the river pickup.

And the conflicting radar track? Duane was an EWO for Air America. It was easy to mask the skin paint and transponder ping for the plane and substitute echoes and replies that showed the airliner far from its real position.

Case closed as Greycop used to say.  ;)


Finally, logical explanations for all those nasty technical problems.

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1069 on: November 25, 2015, 07:31:42 PM »
I just don't see how several people can recall the week of the hijacking, and say they were missing? we have seen others who were actually involved with the case, and they can't recall things.

December of 2011, I PM'd Robert asking him if he knew where the money came from Kenny had in his account. his reply was that all they new was the amounts in his checking, and savings accounts.

We kept hearing things like it was a mystery how he had that much money, but a thorough check was done on his finance's? we all know a simple records check showed where the money came from. in fact, close to a $100,000 was missing...

Like a couple others out there, it's a story that sounds good on the outside, but once you start poking around, things start to surface. how could Carolyn Powell have stated Kenny bought his house in cash? only one person stated this. that's because he thought "purchased a house" meant cash. did Carolyn really say this? I doubt it. this is the biggest problem when someone speaks for you.

The DNA was another problem he didn't follow, or understand. this is a criminal case. you can't just walk into the office and drop off DNA as evidence. the same goes for the Amboy chute. even though it was dismissed, it's still part of the case, and they refuse to talk about it since the case is still open. it's an easy loophole for them...

He tries to say they based it on Cossey alone. that's bull.

The conclusion was based "on the totality of the information," Seattle FBI spokeswoman Robbie Burroughs said, and not just the opinion of Earl Cossey, the FAA-certified parachute rigger who packed each of the four parachutes that were handed over to Cooper on Nov. 24, 1971.

"Other parachute experts were consulted," Burroughs said, including some who steeped forward to help the FBI after the parachute's discovery was announced last week.

Agents found more fabric and parachute lines as they dug at the site, but no harness, which would have provided a serial number and possible source of the find, FBI spokeswoman Robbie Burroughs said.

“We haven’t made a determination one way or the other yet,” Burroughs said. “We’re still in the process of finishing up what investigative steps we think are necessary to feel certain about calling it one way or the other.”

How much more do you really need, I have more?
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 10:05:00 PM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1070 on: November 25, 2015, 09:10:36 PM »
My favorite is the "witness" who suddenly remembered that she was wrong on the brand of cigarettes that Kenny smoked, and drove WAY out of her way to correct that. But yet, she had no idea how important that was? Highly suspicious.

We must also remember, that it was the investigative work of a couple of others (can't remember who, Shutter maybe?) that discovered that Kenny did not pay cash for his house. Robert Blevins did not make that discovery and had it not been made by others, he would still to this day be claiming that the house was purchased with cash.

You folks have a great Thanksgiving and GO COWBOYS!!

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1071 on: November 25, 2015, 09:50:54 PM »
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My favorite is the "witness" who suddenly remembered that she was wrong on the brand of cigarettes that Kenny smoked, and drove WAY out of her way to correct that. But yet, she had no idea how important that was? Highly suspicious.

We must also remember, that it was the investigative work of a couple of others (can't remember who, Shutter maybe?) that discovered that Kenny did not pay cash for his house. Robert Blevins did not make that discovery and had it not been made by others, he would still to this day be claiming that the house was purchased with cash.

You folks have a great Thanksgiving and GO COWBOYS!!

I found both documents, the mortgage, and the sale of the large property. nobody said anything until smokin99 seen them. I think I overlooked the mortgage due to the sale of the property for $300 grand...something like that.

Nobody got together and decided to research the case. it just rolled into it. no agenda...just researching the case like Robert asked so many times in the past....
« Last Edit: November 25, 2015, 09:52:39 PM by Shutter »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1072 on: November 25, 2015, 11:09:47 PM »
for me the main issue that says no way is that KC was an NWA flight crew member. Way too easy for someone to say "hey, I know that guy in the sketch. I've flown with him. If KC was going to hijack an NWA plane he'd have used a major disguise and there is no evidence that DBC did. Just my opinion.

Larry Carr has a similar statement...

for me the main issue that says no way is that KC was an NWA flight crew member. Way too easy for someone to say "hey, I know that guy in the sketch. I've flown with him. If KC was going to hijack an NWA plane he'd have used a major disguise and there is no evidence that DBC did. Just my opinion.


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1073 on: November 26, 2015, 12:22:28 AM »
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for me the main issue that says no way is that KC was an NWA flight crew member. Way too easy for someone to say "hey, I know that guy in the sketch. I've flown with him. If KC was going to hijack an NWA plane he'd have used a major disguise and there is no evidence that DBC did. Just my opinion.

Larry Carr has a similar statement...

for me the main issue that says no way is that KC was an NWA flight crew member. Way too easy for someone to say "hey, I know that guy in the sketch. I've flown with him. If KC was going to hijack an NWA plane he'd have used a major disguise and there is no evidence that DBC did. Just my opinion.

In his Decoded interview, Geestman said that he and Kenny weren't 'that close'; as close at RB contends.

RB's first claim was that KC and BG were together in a trailer at Paradise Park on 11-23/24-1971. That claim fell apart under scrutiny. Blevins moved the site to some 'machine shed' somewhere in WA. Someone (forget who) then said Bernie and Kenny were supposed to show up on Thanksgiving, but didn't, and that proved Bernie and Kenny were together on Thanksgiving Day. (Blevins interview). Either Kenny or Bernie told that person later that Bernie and Kenny were together, according to Blevins.

... let me cut to the chase and dispense with all of this bullshit ...

Kenny and Bernie were somewhere on the planet on 11-24-1971, together or apart.

Bernie said on Decoded he and Kenny were not that close (as Blevins claims). Gray found no such association between Geestman and Kenny?

Where were the men on 11-24-71? And why is this involving some dead guy who can't even speak for himself?

Why doesn't Blevins claim instead that his father or 377 was DB Cooper? Or, why doesn;t Blevins claim that he himself was DB Cooper - he might as well!

« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 12:30:03 AM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1074 on: November 26, 2015, 12:36:11 AM »
Why doesn't Blevins claim instead that his father or 377 was DB Cooper?

377 is alive, and can reply to any accusations. Jo, and Roberts best defense is always "you can't prove he wasn't"

I don't remember where my father was on November 24, 1971, so I can't prove he wasn't Cooper either...

"I have a secret, but I can't tell you"....then why even state it?

I have a car for sale, but you can't buy it.....same?
« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 12:38:55 AM by Shutter »


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1075 on: November 26, 2015, 01:31:26 AM »
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Why doesn't Blevins claim instead that his father or 377 was DB Cooper?

377 is alive, and can reply to any accusations. Jo, and Roberts best defense is always "you can't prove he wasn't"

I don't remember where my father was on November 24, 1971, so I can't prove he wasn't Cooper either...

"I have a secret, but I can't tell you"....then why even state it?

I have a car for sale, but you can't buy it.....same?

Logic, logic, logic, the problems that conspiracy theories have to deal with.

I can remember where I was on the evening of November 24, 1971.  I was a passenger riding the airlines east of the Mississippi.  And November 24th was also my birthday. 


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1076 on: November 26, 2015, 01:57:54 AM »
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You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login
Why doesn't Blevins claim instead that his father or 377 was DB Cooper?

377 is alive, and can reply to any accusations. Jo, and Roberts best defense is always "you can't prove he wasn't"

I don't remember where my father was on November 24, 1971, so I can't prove he wasn't Cooper either...

"I have a secret, but I can't tell you"....then why even state it?

I have a car for sale, but you can't buy it.....same?

Logic, logic, logic, the problems that conspiracy theories have to deal with.

I can remember where I was on the evening of November 24, 1971.  I was a passenger riding the airlines east of the Mississippi.  And November 24th was also my birthday.

What if Bernie says he knows where he was on 11-24-71 and he wasn't with Kenny, but he didn;t know until later where Kenny was, because as he said on Decoded 'he and Kenny weren't that close' ?

Have facial tells for people on that Decoded show been analysed for 'lying'? That includes Blevins' face...

Lastly, GPS corrected time (simultaneity) did not exist in 1971? According to GR a clock at 10,000 feet is at least 20 NS faster than a clock at sea level? Any thoughts?  :) :) :) I was watching NOVA tonight and suddenly realised this applies to flight 305 ... not that it matters!  ;)

More salty questions:

1. Who is the real Bernard Geestman and what was his life? Who were his real friends and associates?

2. How come Gray never encountered Geestman in the "close friends of' Kenny story?

A whole list of brand new questions and answers has surfaced now due to recent developments. Galen has the package! (or soon will) ... happy turkey day to all.

« Last Edit: November 26, 2015, 02:06:33 AM by georger »

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1077 on: November 26, 2015, 02:20:22 AM »
I can remember where I was on the evening of November 24, 1971.  I was a passenger riding the airlines east of the Mississippi.  And November 24th was also my birthday.

Looks like you have two reasons to recall this time frame. Happy B day...little late... :o


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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1078 on: November 26, 2015, 02:41:33 AM »
Hope this turns into some books sales for Ross:

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Re: New Forum & News Updates
« Reply #1079 on: November 26, 2015, 04:51:07 AM »
Happy B-Day, R99.

Also, I've gotten a few emails about Richard Lepsy. Apparently, some news outlets are covering this story as their "new" anniversary angle.

ROSS- you making money? Let us know how the book sales are. You should get a bump, no?