Flo says about the same.."bundled as though they were taped together" this means the color was similar.
FJ is still trying to cobble something together that proves red electrician's tape - he has dropped his instance red elect tape was rare! Guess he has lost that one.

As I said, his page comes from a 7 page case summary identified above. There were case summaries issued almost monthly (along with monthly suspect counts) from the beginning of NORJAK almost to the end, yearly. From Part 8 clear through to Part 52. There are dozens of them all multi page documents.
The only mention of colored parts in the bomb were as follows:
Wire attached to dynamite with red insulation.
Red sticks are about the color “of my uniform”.
Sticks banded together with tape. (no color given)
(the sticks) were a “reddish rusty color”.
The wire had a red plastic coating on it except for the last inch which was bare and the man was holding between his fingers.
That's it. ! Sticks banded together with tape. (no color given)