Author Topic: General Questions About The Case  (Read 775070 times)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #630 on: September 01, 2015, 03:55:35 PM »
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Oh yes i forgot, the days of REAL jail time has went out the window too ! Access to a nice weight room and 3 politically correct meals a day, royalty money in your account.... Why would you want to be on the outside with that waiting for you ? Probably find yourself one hell of a "House Wife" in there too  :P

Well, for one thing Nightie-Knight, I wouldn't have access to a computer, or at least the Internet, so I wouldn't be able to read the DBCOOPERFORUM!

Thus, I would miss your wonderful communications, unless you came to see me in prison. Or put money in my commissary or postal account so I could call you. But then, the phone calls would be monitored and recorded.

For the record: Nightjumper71 has yet to email or call me, re: off the record corroboration.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 04:43:01 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #631 on: September 01, 2015, 04:05:12 PM »
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:oThis is what i know about the FBI, and i am speaking more so of the directors and "higher ups" than the grounpounders. They get so focused on one thing they literary shake hands with evidence. I will say what most people are thinking, but to afraid to say because they have been blinded as the FBI was. The highjacking was a success because of the people on that flight ! People, sometimes proof and evidence does not show itself in the form of physical object, but as freakn common sence ! The individuals that participated in the highjacking have NEVER went into hiding. I will tell you the exact moment "they" knew they we safe...when a big bottle of expensive perfume was gifted. Take it or leave it, that is the truth ! Do you people realize she had evidence in her hands the whole time ? Do you think "Cooper" has not been to some of goofy related events that have been held ? People please  :o :o

So, are you talking about the bottle of Chanel No. 5 that Rataczak gave to Tina? That was the "All Clear" signal?  How so?

When Ratacak told me about the perfume gift to Tina, he also told me that he "loved Tina, but not in a sexual way." Hence, he joins me and Bill Mitchell in the "I Have A Crush on Tina Mucklow" club.  So, was Billy in on this too, or am I missing something? Do you think I am unwittingly giving a white-wash to all these conspirators?

So, if Tina and Bill Rataczak were in on the skyjacking, how are you protecting them and their families? I have interviewed them multiple times, briefly as it might have been.  Eleven door slams, and still counting. As a result, I feel like I'm already a member of their families!!!

BTW: Rataczak called Himms when I was sitting in Himms' living room, talking Cooper. Do you think that was a coincidence?  Or was it some kind of high-tech surveillance operation?

Lastly, LMNO is coming to Cooper Country in a few weeks to film. Wanna join the show? Or are you going to just let us spin our own little spins in private, continuing the delusions that we have spawned in the absence of substantive, corroborated information from you?

« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 04:14:06 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #632 on: September 01, 2015, 04:10:04 PM »
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Oh yes i forgot, the days of REAL jail time has went out the window too ! Access to a nice weight room and 3 politically correct meals a day, royalty money in your account.... Why would you want to be on the outside with that waiting for you ? Probably find yourself one hell of a "House Wife" in there too  :P

As for finding true love in prison, here in my Plan A.

First, I would get a sex-change operation and let my inner Goddess free. Then, as a transgender woman, I would petition for a transfer to Litchfield - the fed's female prison in New York (or Connecticut - I forget). Besides Tina, I have a big crush on Suzanne Somebody, aka Crazy-Eyes, who is doing time there on felonious assault. But she is a writer and believes in the permeability of time and space. My kind of gal.

But Nightie- Knight, the big question is - would you come to visit me? If not, why not?
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 04:44:30 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #633 on: September 01, 2015, 04:37:04 PM »
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That was four years ago, Bruce.  Have you heard of any examples of the Bureau actively pursuing leads or running DNA test or fingerprint analysis since then?  If so, please enlighten us.

Would a spread sheet from Accounting suffice? Are you only interested in expenses for fingerprint analysis and DNA testing? I'll see what I can do.

But - how about other expenses?

Do you think anyone is looking for the cigarette butts? That would cost time and money, no? How about Al Di, aka Idla. Is he decoding on company time, or is he freelancing privately?

Also, if the feds whacked Cossey, then that cost a pretty penny.

I also suspect that the feds were heavily involved in the Washington State Historical Museum's exhibit on Cooper in 2013. The historical presentation was heavy on the FBI's who, what and where during the early days. But there were many things missing from the Exhibit and I suspect the Bureau went through the show with a fine-toothed comb to weed out any troubling facts and questions. There was no discussion of Earl Cossey and his claims of parachute ownership or his harsh criticisms of Cooper's skydiving ability. Nor was there any explanation of how the copycats got to the ground safely, some without any prior skydiving experience or with minimal clothing despite wintry conditions.

The presentation of the flight path was just the same old - same old from the Vault. No discussion of the many dissenting views from FBI agents and principals, such as Himms and Rataczak.

Spinning a story for the public takes a lot of time and money. How much do you think the Bureau spends on keeping the Cooper story contained?

But you may be correct. Maybe the feds are going cheap on DB Cooper. After all, Carr and Eng both let the Citizens Sleuth's into the evidence room unsupervised, apparently. According to CS statements, they tore the tie apart. Who let them do that? Or were the FBI babysitters just letting the kids run crazy while they went for lattes?

And Jimmy and Jake?  Who pays their salary?  They came and interviewed Sailshaw when he showed up at their front door. That's the beauty of Sail. The dodgey old guy just keeps on chugging along, pestering them with emails - and walks in the main entrance and demands to talk to Cooper agents. I haven't even done that.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 04:38:52 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #634 on: September 01, 2015, 04:50:46 PM »
Nightjumper, what is your take on the dummy chute?
You didn't answer my question about Alcatraz?
Would you be willing to talk to a producer about your story, or have you already, and denied going public?

Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #635 on: September 01, 2015, 05:17:17 PM »
I will answer these questions in parts to hopefully be clear. Mr.Smith (AKA) secret agent -000, you sure know a lot about being locked up ? Would that mean you would be called "Kaitlin Smith" after the sex change  :-*
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Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #636 on: September 01, 2015, 05:25:33 PM »
I'm sorry Shutter, i can not truthfully comment on Alcatraz because i do not know anything about The Rock. Was there a specific question ?...Dummy chute, im guessing you are referring to the reserve chute that he never used and was actually ment for temporary shelter if needed. It was not.
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Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #637 on: September 01, 2015, 05:48:12 PM »
If i may, i have a few questions for anyone spying this forum or actual members. These are legitimate questions that only close or personal friends would know and i have a hunch there IS someone watching that knows. Then i promise to get back and answer the other questions that Kaitlin asked earlier, because they are very spot on questions with validity.

What was Tina's nickname ?
What did Tina's personal Bible look like (be detailed please).
What was Tina's favorite perfume?
Very important one: What was Tina's first car (after the highjacking)make/model and year.
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Offline Shutter

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #638 on: September 01, 2015, 06:01:30 PM »
We don't play games here Nightjumper. either present some sort of evidence/proof of what you think you know. I'm sure there are plenty of other forums that engage in riddles, and games that will meet your needs.

Knoss played the same sort of games when he joined dropzone. this isn't dropzone. cold hard facts. not things that can't be checked. that's what we like to see here.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2015, 06:15:56 PM by Shutter »

Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #639 on: September 01, 2015, 06:39:58 PM »
I am not a game player Mr.Shutter, legitimate questions that have answers. Are you saying with all the investigative mind power here no one really knows the answers to any of the questions ? Agent -000 ? You are on the path, what do you really know ? People, please stop focusing on what happened after the highjacking. Tina, Bobby and "Cooper" knew each other a short time before the highjacking."Cooper" was not the only person to walk off that plane with money !
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Offline Shutter

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #640 on: September 01, 2015, 07:06:44 PM »
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I am not a game player Mr.Shutter, legitimate questions that have answers. Are you saying with all the investigative mind power here no one really knows the answers to any of the questions ? Agent -000 ? You are on the path, what do you really know ? People, please stop focusing on what happened after the highjacking. Tina, Bobby and "Cooper" knew each other a short time before the highjacking."Cooper" was not the only person to walk off that plane with money !

Once again, you need to provide some sort of proof. this doesn't mean what you know that can't be checked, or verified. that makes it a story. hard facts are what we like to see. we don't like to go fishing for them. you are putting things together that almost anyone could do who has better than average knowledge about the case.

Knoss tried the dummy chute bit, but didn't realize the canopy was sewn shut, and not the container. the milk can theory of how the money got to Tina bar. McCoy is still alive etc. etc. he states the truth as well? how many of you guys hold this key?



Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #641 on: September 01, 2015, 08:11:54 PM »
I agree with you 100%. Anybody including myself could just spew out lies and hope one of them hits home. I on the other hand have nothing to gain by lying or telling the truth quit frankly. I figured that one or two of you had personal interviews with Tina and Bobby they surely would of asked any and all questions as would a FBI agent or another detective that is on the ball !

Tina's nickname was Mouse or Squeaky
Tina's personal Bible that she always had with her EXCEPT 305 was a small leather covered Bible that she always kept in a zippered leather Bible case with a gold cross on front only. Not the larger Bible she was carrying the day of the highjacking.
Tina hated perfumes and preferred not using it, but Bobby had bought her a small bottle of No 5 prior and told her how good she smelled.
Tina's first car after the highjacking was a Ford LTD Brougham 2dr, Brown. Bought in Canada with Canadian money..."Transferable Money" 1973. That can be traced !

Mr.Smith is absolutely correct, Bobby loved Tina to death, but she was always very squeamish around him. Always hanging her head while in his presence.
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Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #642 on: September 01, 2015, 08:21:31 PM »
What I am telling you unarguably, absolutely Tina walk off that plane with THAT BIBLE in her arms with cash inside. That is a fact !
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Offline Shutter

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #643 on: September 01, 2015, 08:24:21 PM »
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What I am telling you unarguably, absolutely Tina walk off that plane with THAT BIBLE in her arms with cash inside. That is a fact !

It's only a fact if proven. I can tell you she wasn't wearing underwear?

Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #644 on: September 01, 2015, 08:31:19 PM »
 She was not, pantyhose. Big difference.  ;)
Time was my best friend. Now is my worst enemy.