Author Topic: General Questions About The Case  (Read 775016 times)


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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #540 on: August 14, 2015, 04:31:00 PM »
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nothing is Crystal Ingram clear!

+1  8)

Chrystal Ingram gave a more cogent story vs. Harold's nervous narrative about campfires and miracles: Crystal simply said: The kids were playing in the sand poking around as kids do!  She claimed that her daughter Denise and Brian were literally side by side poking around in the sand. The whole group had been strolling down the beach, talking. After some distance walking-strolling with the kids, they took a break from walking. The kids went to playing in the sand in the area where they had stopped, Pat and Crystal went ahead a short distance talking about personal matters (which included Crystal's impending divorce from Harold's brother ...), and Harold was standing by himself looking around a short distance from where the kids were now playing in the sand. And it was Brian who called out something like: "Come look at this". The women turned around and looked back at the kids, Harold walked over to where the kids were now digging, and it was Harold who yelled out something like: 'Hey! Come look at this. It's money!'.

Harold's story was a rambling nervous narrative that involved 'campfire'! His wife Pat stood by stone silent, sullen, stern look on her face, ... wanting a reward for the family and she made that very clear!

I dont know whose story is correct. Crystal's story (to me) is the more ordinary and believable. At length Crystal said 'any reward should include her daughter 'Denise' because she said 'Denise and Brian were there together and made the discovery jointly'. Pat and Harold got an attorney. Crystal and Denise were left out completely...

And of course Crystal ratted Pat and Harold out to Himmelsbach for not turning in all of the bills. It was Crystal who then delivered more bills to Himmeslbach ... in behalf of Pat and Harold (the guy with the nervous rambling narrative)!


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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #541 on: August 14, 2015, 05:47:50 PM »
I just find it more probable that Brian was subtly led to the money by someone who knew it was there than he found it by chance.

I'm looking at the odds of a random find and find it highly improbable, but of course not impossible.

Might Harold's nervous rambling have been an indication that he planted it? Why be nervous about an innocent kid's random find?

Might some of the money initially withheld from the FBI have never been at Tina Bar?

I have one of the twenty dollar bills that Brian found. I look at it often wondering how in the hell it got to Tina Bar. I just can't figure it out.

The only reason I even mention the wildly speculative theory about Brian being led to the find by someone in the know is that it could explain a highly improbable find and also explain how the money got to Tina Bar. A two fer.



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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #542 on: August 15, 2015, 12:18:15 PM »
I don't thinks it's odd they decided to have a campfire on the beach, but with conflicting stories, and both making sense. which one is the truth, or does it really matter?

The question would be why do we have multiple stories?

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #543 on: August 15, 2015, 03:20:24 PM »
Indeed, why?

I'm not glib here, but the multiple stories form the Ingram clan may reveal more about the power of big cases and famous crimes to distort people's thinking. The Vortex seems to be a real phenomena, and not just a way to explain Jo Weber.

As for multiple stories at T-Bar, look at the feds and the Fazios - they don't agree on anything. Himms, McPheters, Dorwin, Al Fazio - they all tell wildly divergent stories, and we have no physical evidence to back up any of them!  How does THAT happen?

Then add in Galen and his teenage fishermen, and this thing just keeps growing. There seems to be no end to it.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 03:21:28 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #544 on: August 15, 2015, 03:23:55 PM »
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I have one of the twenty dollar bills that Brian found. I look at it often wondering how in the hell it got to Tina Bar. I just can't figure it out.


Three-Seven-Seven, have you tried talking to the money yet? Close your eyes and let it tell you what the story is.  Too woo-woo? Drink more wine, then.....then try it.

Seriously. I'd be curious to see and hear what comes up for you.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2015, 03:24:22 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #545 on: August 15, 2015, 05:31:34 PM »
Three-Seven-Seven, have you tried talking to the money yet?

I think I spotted 377 talking to one of the Cooper bills.  ;D :D ;)



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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #546 on: August 16, 2015, 12:25:39 AM »
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I don't thinks it's odd they decided to have a campfire on the beach, but with conflicting stories, and both making sense. which one is the truth, or does it really matter?

The question would be why do we have multiple stories?

Harold gave one story to the FBI. Pat sat by sullen not commenting. What story (stories) did Harold or Pat give others privately, before the FBI and news conference fame set in? Nobody has checked that out. We know that Pat, Harold, and Crystal (at minimum) gave accounts of the finding to a number of people prior to the FBI even being called. Crystal called several radio stations in order to enhance her chances at a reward after the meeting with Himmelsbach. Did Pat also? These people needed money, not a bunch of DB Cooper games!

Then Crystal surfaces and gives her own story, not only to the FBI but to news people! That is documented. Why news people ..... there's the rub:  because THEY ALL WANTED A REWARD once they realised they were not going to get the money back. Did they think they were loaning it to the FBI?  :) tisk tisk  :)  One minute their kids are pulling out a wad of free $20 twenties and are headed to redeem them at a bank .. the next minute they are having to turn it all over to scowling guys in suits with guns with no promise of even a reward ... in some famous piece of Unreality called the DB Cooper Hijacking case! WTF! How unfair and crazy does it get for the hourly blue collar worker! ???   

They wanted money! They needed money! Either the bills back OR a healthy reward. Denied both that's where the trouble began. They lobbied hard for a REWARD with anyone who would listen but no reward was forthcoming, so to a lawyer they go, and five times around the Horn they finally arrive in Paradise! Brian still lives in Paradise!

These are common people, with common concerns. No Nobel prizes or college degrees, not even a free Carnegie Make a Speech course at night school! Just working folks out on a walk on a free beach (when you can't afford a movie or the gas to go to Seattle!).

Does this bring the Ingrams more into focus? And their motives and their stories. One story for Harold. Another story for Crystal who also happens to be in the process of divorcing Harold's brother! She needs money! The Ingrams need MONEY! So ............. off to a lawyer they go ................ to get money for all! Never mind that it will take five lifetimes and 20 bankruptcies and evictions to get it !!!

Folks this aint rocket science!

Jack n Jill went up the hill to fetch a pale of water ... Jack fell down and broke his crown .... and ....  you can probably forget about complicated conspiracies and back stories involving drugs and pimps and some drug dealer the Ingrams used who knew DB Cooper who also was on drugs traveling in the same circle, and some reverse-sting to send the FBI off in some improbable direction (discovery of my loot!) and yada yada yada yada ...    :D The Ingrams are common folks and a divided family with lots of troubles at the time who are badly in need of infusion of cash. The last thing they need is more confusion, calamity, and less money with more attention directed their way! Harold has an outstanding warrant waiting in (New Mexico?) he has not settled. Yada yada yada yada.

If this was a conspiracy it was the screwiest conspiracy since Laural and Hardy bought Goslow Maine for $2.00 dollars only to inherit outstanding liens totaling $4 million dollars!    :D

Only in America could this happen!  ;)

« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 02:35:29 AM by georger »

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #547 on: August 16, 2015, 07:17:55 PM »
As much of a tale in bureaucratic incompetence as anything.

If the bills had just been bills not involved in any crime, it's simple.  You take them to the bank, the bank figures out how many bills there are.  The Ingraham families (either, both or whatever) deposit them.  The bank sends the bills to be destroyed and new bills are created  to replace them.

If they are evidence, they could take them to the bank, the bank figures out how many bills there are.  The Ingraham families (either, both or whatever) deposit them.  Then, instead of sending the bills to be destroyed the FBI takes them as evidence, but new bills are created to replace them.  If the case ends, the FBI sends them to be destroyed.  Everybody's happy, right?

But, no!  Lawsuits and family squabbling instead.  Just a waste of time and money!!

On a related point, I'm not sure why the Ingrahams were entitled to the bills at all.  I thought the finder of lost property has more rights to it than anyone else in the world EXCEPT THE RIGHTFUL OWNER.  It would seem to me Seafirst (or more likely, Seafirst's insurance company) would be entitled to the bills.

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #548 on: August 16, 2015, 07:27:08 PM »
It's my understanding the insurance company did get a large amount of the find. the FBI lost in this case getting the least amount....

Thinking about it, I doubt a bank would accept them. they would probably tell you to send them to the Treasury Department...
« Last Edit: August 16, 2015, 08:29:07 PM by Shutter »

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #549 on: August 17, 2015, 06:49:58 PM »
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Three-Seven-Seven, have you tried talking to the money yet?

I think I spotted 377 talking to one of the Cooper bills.  ;D :D ;)

Nice pic shutter!!

I have indeed talked to my twenty but it stubbornly refuses to engage in a dialogue. I gave it clean dry home but no gratitude, no cooperation.

You know those twenties, street bills, never did have the class of a hundred.




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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #550 on: August 18, 2015, 03:33:20 AM »
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It's my understanding the insurance company did get a large amount of the find. the FBI lost in this case getting the least amount....

Thinking about it, I doubt a bank would accept them. they would probably tell you to send them to the Treasury Department...

Actually I think its the insurance company, first. The FBI held on to the bills under the belief they were evidence and I actually agree with that concept but some Judge had a different logic. That is way beyond my pay grade - I would have had the whole Justice Dept up in arms over that and appealed to the Supreme Court if necessary in defense of the FBI's rights to hold on to important EVIDENCE! But it didnt go their way and they didnt appeal, evidently.

As for the Ingrams they lucked out imho.

Why didnt the Ingrams just go to a bank ?  Beats me. Would the bank have run a few serial numbers and found out it was Cooper money? We will never know. The story is Harold talked to some of his mates at work and one of them suggested contact LE? He called the Sherriff's office and they told him to call the FBI! I dont know if this story is true ... ?

Why didnt the Ingrams write a book about it!?

So many questions - so little time!  :o ;) ;)   

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #551 on: August 18, 2015, 11:08:07 AM »
Did the Fazio's ever object to the Ingram's wanting the money. Like Mark said, it was found on there property?


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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #552 on: August 18, 2015, 02:21:51 PM »
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Did the Fazio's ever object to the Ingram's wanting the money. Like Mark said, it was found on there property?

No, not that I am aware. Why would they? They are the finders. I think they were a little upset when the FBI showed up and closed off their road but once things settled down they joined the party, as it were, and they played a role in the excavation. Of course one question lurking at the time: were the Fazios hiding the money? Or did Fazio sand contain the money somewhere else on their property? I dont know if this was explored at all? I think the FBI came to the opinion that the Fazios were not culpable in any way. But Im no expert on any of this - its conjecture on my part!

Al Fazio said he thought the money had arrived with the last tide the week before being found? He thought it was a recent arrival ...

« Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 02:25:18 PM by georger »

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #553 on: August 18, 2015, 02:48:28 PM »
I was just wondering what Fazio thought about the find. it was found on his property, I believe he would have had the rights to it. even with permission the Ingram's were supposed to be camping, and not treasure hunting...

But, then again...

common law has a fairly definitive "finders-keepers" bent to it.

That's true even when the finding is done on someone else's property, as long as the finder had permission to be there, courts have established.

« Last Edit: August 18, 2015, 02:57:24 PM by Shutter »


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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #554 on: August 18, 2015, 03:00:44 PM »
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Did the Fazio's ever object to the Ingram's wanting the money. Like Mark said, it was found on there property?

No, not that I am aware. Why would they? They are the finders. I think they were a little upset when the FBI showed up and closed off their road but once things settled down they joined the party, as it were, and they played a role in the excavation. Of course one question lurking at the time: were the Fazios hiding the money? Or did Fazio sand contain the money somewhere else on their property? I dont know if this was explored at all? I think the FBI came to the opinion that the Fazios were not culpable in any way. But Im no expert on any of this - its conjecture on my part!

Al Fazio said he thought the money had arrived with the last tide the week before being found? He thought it was a recent arrival ...

And where did the sand come from that covered it?  That sand was working its way downhill from somewhere.

Are you sure that the Fazio's owned the land to the water's edge, which changed hourly?