Author Topic: General Questions About The Case  (Read 774897 times)

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #405 on: May 15, 2015, 06:09:42 PM »
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I really do not understand why you Gentleman are being so sarcastic to me? Did your Uncle/Daddy ruin your life with those late night visits? Come on, grow up, present yourselves as men !
Now, i did not need to come to any conclusions, i know the facts. No, why would i call the FBI? Lot's of factors that no one needs to know. He was not a violent man. He lived in peace and never bothered anyone ever again. I told you I would the the truth and thats what I did now your not willing to accept that.Ask a civilized question and i will gladly answer you.

...and the real name of DB Cooper is?

Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #406 on: May 15, 2015, 06:54:57 PM »
Are you people really this stupid? Teasing ? I told you what happened and where he went! Take it or leave I do not give a rats @$$! You all are so narrow minded it is comical! And if he was your dad..... we are related. Thats all im saying about that. And you people emailing me, say it to the whole forum, are you hiding something !?
Time was my best friend. Now is my worst enemy.

Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #407 on: May 15, 2015, 06:59:03 PM »
That man in the poster is not "Cooper", sorry.
Time was my best friend. Now is my worst enemy.

Offline EVickiW

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #408 on: May 15, 2015, 07:41:28 PM »
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Are you people really this stupid? Teasing ? I told you what happened and where he went! Take it or leave I do not give a rats @$$! You all are so narrow minded it is comical! And if he was your dad..... we are related. Thats all im saying about that. And you people emailing me, say it to the whole forum, are you hiding something !?

Again...put up or shut up! 

If you want to name call, tease and disrupt you can politely go away. I have a feeling polite is not in your vocabulary. What are you hiding? Do you read what you write before you hit "post"? Do you even realize how you come across?

Questions? there are your questions...that is what you wanted. You did not tell us anything.  Do you realize that people are affected by your words? As for you dismissing my father as Cooper, unless you solve the case with the FBI.......I call your story.......fiction. Your move......

I hope you have a pleasant weekend and people treat you, and talk to you, the way you treat and talk to others.  :o
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.

Offline Shutter

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #409 on: May 15, 2015, 08:34:28 PM »
Ok, I've read the comments again. I will be removing the last two comments here, and issuing a warning to nightjumper71.

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #410 on: May 15, 2015, 08:53:13 PM »
I will offer an apology to EvikiW. That's not who i am, but my melt down point is being called a liar. You should understand more so than the rest if you believe"Cooper" is your father, why i did not and will not call the FBI on a family member even knowing he has passed. I hope you find true closure. If you would like me to leave this forum I will do so, but i refuse to disrupt his living family members at this point.
Time was my best friend. Now is my worst enemy.

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #411 on: May 15, 2015, 08:56:43 PM »
Nightjumper71, you seem to be stirring the pot pretty well for being on this forum for a couple days.

My assessment of Mr.Smith and never meeting him...Over weight pin head in his 50s? Has extreme tiny guy syndrome. Probably lives in mommy's basement or old mobile home. Probably never made over 40k a year and girl's think he smells like hog dung. Bet im damn close !

This is not Facebook. If I see another comment like the one above, you will be removed from this forum. do I make myself clear?

You are making some rather strong claims, and you need to put some validation into these statements. If I want to hear another story I can easily look up the Kenny Christiansen saga.

Questions have been asked...

I expect you to return with a positive attitude, and answer questions. some of the members might of been a little hard on you, but returning fire with personal attacks will not be tolerated. consider this fair warning my friend.
« Last Edit: May 15, 2015, 09:01:42 PM by Shutter »

Offline Nightjumper71

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #412 on: May 15, 2015, 09:14:46 PM »
I'm way to busy for Facebook and to old. I was not the first to attack, Mr.Smith was if you reread postings. He was not warned ? My claims are valid and have been confirmed. I'm watching what say because i was informed via email that a certain person on here is a small time journalist with a lawyer buddy that loves starting trouble.
Time was my best friend. Now is my worst enemy.

Offline Shutter

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #413 on: May 15, 2015, 09:37:09 PM »
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I'm way to busy for Facebook and to old. I was not the first to attack, Mr.Smith was if you reread postings. He was not warned ? My claims are valid and have been confirmed. I'm watching what say because i was informed via email that a certain person on here is a small time journalist with a lawyer buddy that loves starting trouble.

So, now you want to argue with me? I just read Bruce's comments to you, and I don't see anything remotely close to your comments. in fact, right after the comments between the two of you in the beginning I warned both of you!

"Ok, you both have made your statements. lets keep on track of the discussion and try and move forward."

This discussion is over....


Offline Shutter

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #414 on: May 15, 2015, 09:49:14 PM »
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next general noob question:
how significant is it that (other than the Tina bar find) none of the money has ever turned up?

if cooper had survived and spent the money, would we expect some bank somewhere to have found one of the bills?  I know the serial numbers were made public, and banks were told to look out for them.  but, while I don't know exactly how this worked, I can't imagine it was that complete of a dragnet.  i certainly doubt every teller in the country was checking every bill they handled.  and even if they were in '71 and '72, there's no way they're still doing it (though, post 1995 or so, it becomes easier to imagine this being done electronically....?)

on the other hand, it was a large sum of money.  so if cooper spent it, and then it got spent by others, and then spent by still others, you'd expect it disperse over time, for more people to handle the cooper money, and for the odds of someone catching a bill to go up.

so, again, what's the executive summary on arguments about this?  I'll take a link to one if it already exists.  though I'll also accept another one of George's good posts, if he doesn't mind doing the work!

Sorry to keep you hanging DB Cooper. as far as I know every 20 that came into banks was not checked, they would of been looking for large amounts. it was to much work checking every 20 in every bank across the country.

I can find you some links, but you might want to read out Tina Bar thread for starters....

Offline nmiwrecks

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #415 on: May 15, 2015, 10:32:23 PM »
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Alright Gentlemen, the facts and you can take them and twist them until it to is "just another story".
Touched down Merwin Dam
Picked up in Yale
Dropped off in Washougal
Train to just south of Stevenso, stayed 1 day.
Walked to Carson, stayed a day and a half.
Picked up, crossed into Oregon via route 35.
Destination Eugene Oregon.
Returned to Washougal in August 1973 to retrieve cash.
Returned to Eugene and never left.

There is what happened, now screw it up royal boys!
Intriguing.  How did part of the ransom end up at Tena Bar?
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Offline Shutter

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #416 on: May 15, 2015, 10:39:23 PM »
How is that not "just another story"



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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #417 on: May 16, 2015, 12:25:42 AM »
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Alright Gentlemen, the facts and you can take them and twist them until it to is "just another story".
Touched down Merwin Dam
Picked up in Yale
Dropped off in Washougal
Train to just south of Stevenso, stayed 1 day.
Walked to Carson, stayed a day and a half.
Picked up, crossed into Oregon via route 35.
Destination Eugene Oregon.
Returned to Washougal in August 1973 to retrieve cash.
Returned to Eugene and never left.

There is what happened, now screw it up royal boys!
Intriguing.  How did part of the ransom end up at Tena Bar?

Returned to Eugene and never left.

Poster is well read enough to incorporate Eugene in his tale. Eugene is of course pivotal in several chapters of the Cooper story.

~Tina at Eugene.
~Duane's friend alleged to live at Eugene. (Jo Weber)
~LD association with Eugene. (Marla)
~Mitchell says the FBI showed him a lot of pictures, mostly of people by agents out of the Eugene office.
~other Eugene references not commonly known or posted ...

Hmmm. The poster was paying attention. He noted Eugene linkage and uses it as a key element in his fiction.  ;) 

Conclusion: Cooper returns to his homebase Eugene OR and lives happily ever after. All things revolve around Eugene - a Camelot perhaps in the Cooper saga. Otherwise poster needs to show some proof for his assertions above.

« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 01:59:16 AM by georger »

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #418 on: May 16, 2015, 02:19:06 AM »
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I'm way to busy for Facebook and to old. I was not the first to attack, Mr.Smith was if you reread postings. He was not warned ? My claims are valid and have been confirmed. I'm watching what say because i was informed via email that a certain person on here is a small time journalist with a lawyer buddy that loves starting trouble.

I think the issue I'm having here is the same we have other people with preferred suspects.  They know someone who told them they were Cooper.  Or, they know someone who told them someone else was Cooper.  There was even one case where someone's shocked reaction to the suggestion of someone being Cooper was enough to convince him his suspect was Cooper.  They all believe their suspect is valid and confirmed.  We even have one who insists the FBI told him he solved the case.

You also believe that about your suspect.  But, you don't want to reveal the name.  Do you want to reveal HOW your suspect is "valid and confirmed"?  If you don't, I'm having a hard time figuring out what your angle is.

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #419 on: May 16, 2015, 04:28:35 AM »
Cooper in Carson Re-Cap, II

As I understand NJ-71, here is the latest:

1. DB Cooper landed in the Merwin Dam area successfully, then walked about ten miles east to Yale, WA.

2. In or around Yale, an unnamed individual(s) drove DB Cooper twenty miles south to Washougal, where the skyjacker buried the money, got on a train, freight most likely since passenger service is non-existent, I believe.

3. DB Cooper traveled about 30 miles to Carson, where he disembarked and walked to the next town, Stevenson, about five miles away. There he was spotted by a 17-year old girl - now 60 - who talked to him in the vicinity of a grocery store.  NJ-71 is now looking for this witness.

4. Some time afterwards, another individual or the same as in Yale, drove DB Cooper to Eugene along Rte 35. How far is unknown as Carson is on the Columbia River. Eventually DB Cooper traveled about 120 miles south by unknown means to Eugene, Oregon .

5. DB Cooper returned to the money in August 1973, dug it up, and returned to Eugene, which is kind of a psychic center for DB Cooper principals - the skyjacker himself, plus his two primary witnesses Tina Mucklow and Bill Mitchell. Later, the "most promising" suspect LD Cooper joined the gang, dying in Dale Miller's (aka Santa Claus) half-way house for felons and wayward lads out by the airport, circa 1999. DB Cooper remains in Eugene until the present day, along with Tina, who doesn't live too far away in Springfield, but works in Eugene. DB Cooper has kept his nose clean ever since 1971, but now NJ-71 is unleashing the Forces of Justice to return once more to comb the streets of Eugene looking for traces of Norjak.

6. NJ-71 says he doesn't want to tell us the name of DB Cooper because he doesn't want to upset his family.

7. NJ-71 states that at least one, and probably two individuals, drove DB Cooper, so we are looking for additional witnesses to talk with.

NJ-71, can we have the names of these individuals so we can confirm your account of DB Cooper?
« Last Edit: May 16, 2015, 05:09:28 AM by Bruce A. Smith »