Rataczak has said a lot of things about the whereabouts of 305 when Cooper jumped. In the 2016 HC docu he said that 305 was over land that had an elevation of 5,000 feet, giving Cooper only 5,000 feet of air in which to pull his ripcord. Presumably, this put 305 over the western flank of Mt St. Helens, about 30 miles east of V-23.
In 2009, he told me that 305 was "probably a couple miles east of V-23."
In 2011, Himmelsbach told me that Rataczak told him that 305 was over the Washougal, which is 5-10 miles east of V-23.
The recent commentary presented in the Gryder docu that 305 could see Portland clearly because the weather system was breaking up is brand new information, as far as I know. I had never heard that opinion before.