377: There is no data that says there were "3 intact bundles"
I count bundles as something close to 100 bills, as delivered to Cooper.
It's very unclear whether there were chunks from 3 different bundles, just two or maybe even just one.
Yes there were 3 (divided into 12) chunks presented to FBI.
How come no one seems to agree with me on this? It seems huge. As big an issue as the mistakes on the parachutes.
All this talk about the money, and there are basic "facts" that are not well understood.
The timeline, and different numbers, used for "number of bills founds" is totally unclear.
No FBI files give us the info, in any kind of traceable way. (who counted and how? Did they weigh, separate or ?? Did they look at top/bottom start/end serials?? All known)
There is no agreed-on number for "number of bills found" that has any merit.