Author Topic: General Questions About The Case  (Read 972100 times)

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #285 on: May 06, 2015, 03:48:12 PM »
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Bottom Line: Why are the shoes an issue for you?

Remote view yourself walking through the woods while wearing only socks on your feet.  It's somewhere around 40 degrees and wet out.  Are you making good time?

That's what levitation is for!

Another option is that DBC took the reserve chute, cut it up for booties, and stuffed them with bundles of twenties, so he had superb mukluks to stomp through the mud. Saving his loafers for his stroll out of the woods....
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 07:38:58 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline sailshaw

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #286 on: May 06, 2015, 04:28:34 PM »
Georger and Jerry Thomas      Thanks Georger for making the shoes lighter so the details can be seen. It is just a portion of the Boeing News photo that was used for the add. If I could reduce the resolution of the photo I could attach it to my post here. Possibly I could send the whole photo to you Georger and you could post a reduced resolution of the photo. It shows Sheridan all spread-out with his hands in the air like a skydiving position but in his trademark suit just like DB Cooper but 8 years before the Norjak Caper. Jerry, sorry to call the Cossey Chute story a phoney, but it is as DB received the two chutes from Norm Hayden who told me the two chutes were alike and in two different carriers (sports type and Military type). Jerry I would like to get together with you sometime for lunch on me at my YC and with Bruce Smith. I think we have some common items to discuss that might be of interest to you.
PS the double photo's of the shoes was due to my attempt to lighten the photo and it did not work. You were able to do it and thanks again.

Bob Sailshaw
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Offline nmiwrecks

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #287 on: May 06, 2015, 06:17:14 PM »
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On the subject of loafers that DB wore, take a look at the picture below of Sheridan Peterson's loafers he wore for the advertisement in the Boeing News paper just 8 years before Norjack and dressed just like DB did for the caper.
Those are photos of a shoe, not a loafer.

Let me expound.  The Cooper suspect's footwear was described as loafers, which are a type of shoe.  Loafers are basically defined as a low leather step in shoe, which resembles a moccasin with a flat heel.  They are not a lace up dress shoe, which would be referred to as a "shoe". 
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 10:00:50 PM by nmiwrecks »
"If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got." - Henry Ford


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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #288 on: May 06, 2015, 11:29:14 PM »
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Georger and Jerry Thomas      Thanks Georger for making the shoes lighter so the details can be seen. It is just a portion of the Boeing News photo that was used for the add. If I could reduce the resolution of the photo I could attach it to my post here. Possibly I could send the whole photo to you Georger and you could post a reduced resolution of the photo. It shows Sheridan all spread-out with his hands in the air like a skydiving position but in his trademark suit just like DB Cooper but 8 years before the Norjak Caper. Jerry, sorry to call the Cossey Chute story a phoney, but it is as DB received the two chutes from Norm Hayden who told me the two chutes were alike and in two different carriers (sports type and Military type). Jerry I would like to get together with you sometime for lunch on me at my YC and with Bruce Smith. I think we have some common items to discuss that might be of interest to you.
PS the double photo's of the shoes was due to my attempt to lighten the photo and it did not work. You were able to do it and thanks again.

Bob Sailshaw
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you have incoming ...


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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #289 on: May 06, 2015, 11:31:17 PM »
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On the subject of loafers that DB wore, take a look at the picture below of Sheridan Peterson's loafers he wore for the advertisement in the Boeing News paper just 8 years before Norjack and dressed just like DB did for the caper.
Those are photos of a shoe, not a loafer.

Let me expound.  The Cooper suspect's footwear was described as loafers, which are a type of shoe.  Loafers are basically defined as a low leather step in shoe, which resembles a moccasin with a flat heel.  They are not a lace up dress shoe, which would be referred to as a "shoe".

Here is a penny loafer ... loafers are a slip on style shoe with no laces. An oxford dress shoe has laces.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2015, 11:36:24 PM by georger »

Offline Jerry Thomas

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #290 on: May 06, 2015, 11:34:29 PM »
Sailshaw: About the chutes and shoes my info comes directly from Ralph and the FBI. Phony I don't think so. Still you didn't upset me at all you voiced your view on the subject,  I've known you for a number of years now and you have always been straight up in your opinion. I respect that. Your right we do need to get together soon I plan on being over in the Shelton area and Forks this summer. I need to spend some time at my place on the ocean its 24mi south of forks by ruby beach. In Shelton theirs 20 acres there I'm looking at buying. Think I might retire again Naaa that won't happen but Shelton is one of the places  I went to high school and a lot of my old friends still live there.  Jerry

Offline sailshaw

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #291 on: May 07, 2015, 01:54:39 AM »
George   You show a photo of a Penney Loafer and a Dress Shoe. We also call the shoe that Sheridan wore a Loafer as it has just three lace holes and can be slipped into/outof if the laces are not too tight just like the Penney Loafer. Anyway, that is what we called them in my days and I am 80 years old now. What Sheridan is wearing is certainly not a Dress Shoe and I bet that is what he wore for the Norjak Caper.

Jerry The Cossey chute story was what he told Ralph (as the FBI agent) but it is not true as a lot of the info the FBI was told by Cossey. If you read the new book by Bruce Smith, the chute story is correct in the book that the two delivered to DB were from Norm Hayden and in the picture below he is wearing the chute that was returned to him by the FBI as DB did not return the other.

Bob Sailshaw
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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #292 on: May 07, 2015, 04:04:12 AM »
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George   You show a photo of a Penney Loafer and a Dress Shoe. We also call the shoe that Sheridan wore a Loafer as it has just three lace holes and can be slipped into/outof if the laces are not too tight just like the Penney Loafer. Anyway, that is what we called them in my days and I am 80 years old now. What Sheridan is wearing is certainly not a Dress Shoe and I bet that is what he wore for the Norjak Caper.

Bob Sailshaw
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I can slip in and out of my hip wader loafer too. Loafing is as loafer does!  ;)

Offline Jerry Thomas

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #293 on: May 07, 2015, 08:12:10 AM »
Sailshaw: They got 4 chutes Hayden got his back Cossey didn't The 2 missing chutes was Cosseys and the dummy chute with the white X. Bruce is mistaken. According to Ralph last night I'm right. Bruce did not discuss this with Ralph. Believe me when I say this case is deceiving due to the number of years that has past and the number of books that has been written. One needs to go back to the beginning of this case and go to the FBI case files in Seattle and read. Then talk to all the agents in this case as I have. I know this case forward and backwards I've been Involved with it for 30yrs.  Jerry      PS: Cossey  and others have changed stories in the past in an attempt to make money on this case. Lets not forget our famous Marla Cooper and a few others to include authors who has attempted to fraud this case in the recent years. This is the last I will post on this subject, I don't believe it is worth arguing over the bottom line, this case is still unsolved and you and others are trying to help solve it. That is what is Important now.    Jerry
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 08:37:58 AM by Jerry Thomas »

Offline sailshaw

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #294 on: May 07, 2015, 10:38:17 AM »
Jerry Thomas   I know you and Ralph are very good friends and you respect what he tells you and you have a different conclusion about the chutes but the FBI still has not solved the crime and don't know who Cooper is and will never find out using their misinformation they have. I have known who DB was since 1961 and he is still alive and well in California. I know how to solve the crime and have passed my information on to the FBI. They have been placed on "STAND DOWN" so nothing gets done and they can't figure it out with the bad information they have. I like the FBI very much and have been waiting for them to finally solve the case, but it is going nowhere as they are on STAND DOWN. The simple clue to solving the case rests in the DNA under the Stamps/Envelope Flaps of the four letters sent to the newspapers. DB had plenty of time to think out and plan his caper, but DNA was not a technique used in those early days as so it was not considered and overlooked by DB. It is such a simple (at little cost) clue to find the DNA under the stamps/envelope flaps and compare with what was taken from Sheridan Peterson by the two female agents. A match (and I am sure there will be a match with Sheridan's DNA) will prove he was in Portland and not in Nepal as his phoney alibi goes. DB thought of everything and his caper was well planed except for the DNA, I even believe his only disguise was the cosmetic BROWN contact lens (to cover his blue eyes) that he proudly showed the Flight Attendants before he put on the sunglasses for the remainder of the flight. The most simple of disguises and it has worked well. We need to get together sometime and talk.

Bob Sailshaw
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PS another photo of Sheridan's shoes (left and right) is attached.

Offline Jerry Thomas

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #295 on: May 07, 2015, 01:28:49 PM »
Bob , I'm will aware of your suspect for Cooper. I respect your dedication to this quest. However your post says 1961 you may want to change it to read 1971, just saying.   Jerry


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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #296 on: May 07, 2015, 01:37:12 PM »
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Sailshaw: They got 4 chutes Hayden got his back Cossey didn't The 2 missing chutes was Cosseys and the dummy chute with the white X. Bruce is mistaken. According to Ralph last night I'm right. Bruce did not discuss this with Ralph. Believe me when I say this case is deceiving due to the number of years that has past and the number of books that has been written. One needs to go back to the beginning of this case and go to the FBI case files in Seattle and read. Then talk to all the agents in this case as I have. I know this case forward and backwards I've been Involved with it for 30yrs.  Jerry      PS: Cossey  and others have changed stories in the past in an attempt to make money on this case. Lets not forget our famous Marla Cooper and a few others to include authors who has attempted to fraud this case in the recent years. This is the last I will post on this subject, I don't believe it is worth arguing over the bottom line, this case is still unsolved and you and others are trying to help solve it. That is what is Important now.    Jerry

Your remarks above are nothing but pure intimidation based on some mythology you continue to peddle - about having special information and position in the DB Cooper case. So far as I have ever been able to determine, nothing could be further from the truth.  Your claims are a mythology so far. You are not allowed to view links. Register or Login

Himmelsbach was never in charge of the Cooper case as you claim, not remotely, and you aren't either!   

DB Cooper Bullshiteers Anonymous of the State of Washington & Oregon.

Give us a break! ;D
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 03:27:43 PM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #297 on: May 07, 2015, 04:16:40 PM »
Jerry! You just got here and now you're clamming up?  What gives?

If I'm wrong about the ownership of the chutes, then you and Ralph have to explain both the FBI documentation that states Norman Hayden is the owner of the back chutes that went aboard 305, and also Norman's entire narrative, along with supporting evidence such as the returned parachute and the rigging card from Cossey.

You've got some 'splainin' to do, buddy.

BTW: Thanks for your promise to buy my book!

Offline nmiwrecks

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #298 on: May 07, 2015, 07:08:45 PM »
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I even believe his only disguise was the cosmetic BROWN contact lens (to cover his blue eyes) that he proudly showed the Flight Attendants before he put on the sunglasses for the remainder of the flight. The most simple of disguises and it has worked well.
Bob Sailshaw
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The "blue eyes" thing is tough to overcome.  Contact lenses were in their infancy in 1971 and they were very rare, and very expensive.  Hair dye would have been a much more practical way to disguise ones appearance. Speaking of hair, Peterson doesn't appear to have much in the photos I've seen.  Could you post more photos of him please?  How tall is he?
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Offline Jerry Thomas

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Re: General Questions About The Case
« Reply #299 on: May 07, 2015, 09:55:02 PM »
Bruce I bought your book now I have to buy a kindle any suggestions.  By the way hello Georger every thing going ok hope so I'll research in greater detail about the chutes after I talk to Bruce. Jerry
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 09:55:45 PM by Jerry Thomas »