DNA was first used as a forensic tool in the mid-1980s, in the UK, according to a recent Netflix docu that I watched. It took about another 5-10 years for techniques to be perfected and for LE to realize what they had.
The German investigator B. Mueller conceived the use of alpha-amylase as a forensic tool to validate the presence of saliva on a given surface, in 1928. By 1950, 37 standard forensic tests had been developed using saliva as the target. Hundreds of tests using saliva had been developed within medical science!
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LoginIf agents don't order tests, tests are not done. If agents don't know what tests to order then nothing may be done ... Many agents in the early 70s knew very little about forensic testing because it wasn't in their standard training regime. Some sections of the country were worse than others. Out of all of the agents that worked the Tina Bar dig in 1980, only one had an average science-forensics background! He is the one who insisted on scoring a grid in the sand .... "with the jawbone of an ass"! The sense of doing that became apparent later.
“Cain slew Abel with the jawbone of an ass,” He had left his molecular separator laser at home.
The point is, Bruce, in the 1970s there was a well developed arsenal of forensic methods available,
to those that chose to use them. It was a management issue far more than a scientific toolkit issue.
[edit] Cooper may have left evidence behind thinking that LE wasn't up to the task. Or, he may have had no concern about evidence, in any event. We don't know who he was to know, do we!
Idea: Let's just assume he knew enough to get himself into trouble, but he didn't know that fingers leave finger prints! He probably ate red licorice and had a hula hoop?