I was thinking about what you've posted above, Shut, with 305 flying over elevated terrain, up to 9,000 feet near Reno. Deciphering what Rataczak meant when he said what he said about 10,000 feet, Cooper having only 5,000 feet of airspace, etc., we have to remember what else he said: Rataczak was convinced that Cooper jumped at 8:13 pm. That puts Coop over Washington, not Nevada.
So, did Rataczak get confused during the HC docu? Did he mix up his concerns of flying over 9,000 foot terrain coming into Reno with his other speculation of Cooper jumping earlier in the flight?
It also begs the question of whether any pertinent information was edited out of the broadcast. Also, it shows the limitations of having rookie Cooper investigators, like Jensen and Fuentes, unable to really tease out the finer details from interviewees who may have memory issues or hidden agendas playing out.
To wit: does Bill Rataczak really want to put Norjak to rest, or he just saying that to get guys like me off his back? When I spoke with Bill in 2009 he was very eager to talk. We spoke for 70 minutes over the phone. But when he read the kinds of stuff I was writing on Norjak, he cut off all correspondence with me - no emails, phone or snail mail. Plus, he maintains his friendship with Himmelsbach, and even called him when I was sitting in Ralph's living room, back in 2011. What do they talk about? Hmmmmmm. I doubt those two guys let anything Norjak stay at rest for too long. And clearly, Bill's emotions about that night still reside close to the surface, especially when it comes to Tina.
So, this mantra that everyone recites: Norjak needs to go to bed, may be simply an attempt to wrap their actions of 11. 24. 71 in a cocoon that is sanctioned by the general public, and lets the principals off the hook of talking about it.
What could Rataczak be hiding? I'm not sure, but maybe he's been shaving the edges off the truth over the years to protect himself, NWO, the FBI and their secrets, or others in the crew. Maybe Bill was flying outside of V-23, high up on the slopes of the Cascades, and he - and others - don't want that information to be made public.