I moved the discussion to the proper thread...
I'll give some thought to preparing a more elaborate explanation of all this. And if Shutter is agreeable, maybe we can also move some other things from the DZ site to here.
Go ahead and post whatever you wish. this site falls under "educational, news etc. so, using material from another site should not be a problem.
just make sure credit is given with the information provided.This is a touchy subject (T-bar) since we have a well known flight path, but we have found problems with the path, and the transcripts.
1) Several minutes into the flight the transcripts have a timing issue.
2) The area from Merwin lake to the Columbia have a 2 minute gap.
3) Parts of the transcripts appear to be left out.
4) Timing issue from Battleground to the Canby intersection.
I'm sure there is more, but I just woke up about a half hour ago

(very long hard week)
Now, the things above don't mean the flight path is in the wrong location, but it does present a problem with validation. I back 99's theory, and agree it has some merit, but I'm not ready to move the path without some hard evidence to back it up. finding the original transcripts seems to be the key to unlocking and understanding the path.
The Merwin lake area clearly has a problem, it could be a simple human error, or a complete guess as to it's location on the map. the FBI states the map is "the believed flight path" that's not very positive in my opinion.