I emailed a gentleman who was a Sage radar operator back in Cooper's time. unlike some of the witnesses who come forward with clear minds about what happened that evening, Bruce seems to be normal.

44+ years is a long time to try and remember where you were and what you were doing on one particular day. At that time, I was stationed at the 761st Radar Sq. in North Bend, Or.
The SAGE system was state of the art, in its time, and I am sure the incident was tracked at SAGE 25th Air Division at McChord AFB which was the sector headquarters for NORAD. Our responsibility at the site would be to monitor and track direction and altitude of the aircraft. This would have all been done through the computer technology of the day.
I do not remember any talk of it within the ranks of my duty area. Upon separation from active duty in the USAF, I took an oath to not divulge any sensitive info. Although I am probably sure there is no sensitive issues here, I do still stand by that oath.
If there are any records available, I would think they would be housed at NORAD headquarters in Colorado. I wish I could be of more help, but I do not recall being on duty at the time.
Bruce .........