To date, we have the following problems with the known flight path.
1) Plane takes off at 7:36
2) Reports 14 miles DME 7:40
3) Reports 19 miles DME 7:43
The plane fly's 14 miles in 4 minutes, and then 5 miles in 3 minutes?
Caution this area is still in the testing stages...
Lake Merwin Area
1) At the 8:10 to 8:17 area the timing is off.
2) The gaps are larger than 3 miles between the plots in this area.
3) According to the map the plane fly's 7 minutes.
4) After flying the simulator multiple times the times ranges from 8:20 - 8:35 minutes flight time, and not the 7 minutes the map shows.
23 miles DME
This time can not be made.
At this present time, I don't see any issue's with the Malay intersection. the plane simply fly's past this, and doesn't have much to do with the known flight path. it does have greater concern with what R99 is presently working on with a possible route taken that evening. it's plausible, and makes sense, but needs more backing. lets not confuse the two...