I always found this post by Agent Carr interesting....
As I always tried to tell Blevins - the quote indicates one reason the FBI came to Dropzone. To do a FP analysis - free! They were already aware of the options available (ie. amendments to the FP vis-a-vis the money find). Of course Ckret never made his (the FBI's) 'objectives' explicit in a formal way. Whose objectives did Ckret represent, if any, or was it just personal on Ckret's part?
Blevins always denied there was any formal concern for the FP involved, on the FBI's part. How would he know!?

On the other hand, Ckret said many times 'I am at Dropzone out of my own personal interest' and one of his primary points of interest was _ the integrity of the FP and DZ.
So. Who believed what when in the Bureau? We have H's quoted interview from 1976 saying '...the new drop zone is now 12 mile north of Portland'. So, FP and DZ certainty was already being examined at least by some in the Bureau 4 years before the money find!
We lack primary sources of info that might confirm or deny particular FP/DZ issues irrespective of what the Bureau thinks or wants, or any of it's agents think or want! And Ckret never said: 'We know how the money got to Tina Bar'!