According to this article Ratacazak seems to imply that they did signal when he jumped. anyone know about this as fact?
"The F-106 drivers never saw him," Rataczak said. "It was blacker than the ace of spades out there. They just saw a flash of light from us and then he just vanished."
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Tosaw's relates an argument between Cooper and Rataczak about taking off with the rear stairs down (but not locked down). Rataczak claimed that they could not take off with the stairs down and Cooper finally agreed to takeoff with them locked up. But Cooper then told Tina that he knew they could take off with the stairs down (but not locked). Basically, this was apparently a communications problem between Cooper and Rataczak who seemed to think that Cooper meant with the stairs locked down.
I have never seen anything previously about the airliner actually flashing their lights when Cooper jumped.
It's mentioned in the transcripts, but that's the only place I've seen this comment made until I read that article.
Did you find anything about Tosaw claiming Cooper wanted to jump early?
Whatever Tosaw says or does not say, Rataczak has never said he thought Cooper intended to bail early.
If Cooper planned to bail early why didn't he demand the knapsack he asked for ? Why didn't he solve the problem of the money early so he could bail early?
What was the point of all of his parameters for extended flight if he's going to bail as soon as they are off the ground? Why doesn't he issue parameters specific to bailing early if that is what he wants and needs?
He has the bomb! He can make them do any damned thing he wants them to do! If its important that he bail early and he tells Tina he knows the 727 can take off with stairs down .... why did he give in? He has the bomb! He can make them do any damned thing he wants them to do!
He's the guy in control - right? He's the guy with the superior knowledge - yes? Why is he letting a bunch of amateurs set conditions for him (the expert) when he knows what he wants and needs? Who is in control? Cooper or Rataczak!
Is he giving in on the knapsack and stairs et cetera because he doesn't want t hurt Rataczak's and Tina's feelings!?
What other myths can we make here?