The Garmin GPS is an amazing tool. I just wish it was on the 727 for testing purposes. I can program the Garmin in the C90, or Baron 58, and take off with my tablet on, and the plane will fly the course given. I set it for Seattle to Malay, and then to PDX. I just put the tablet in front of me by my computer, and continue to surf the net while watching the plane 5 feet away of the cockpit on my Samsung tablet.

Once you set the Garmin, I just takeoff and reach the desired altitude, and pop on the auto pilot, and the altitude hold, and the plane flies all by itself....

the video above didn't have the auto pilot engaged. I just followed it's course telling me when I drifted off of the given course. you have to engage the auto pilot, and the "Nav" button for it to link to the Garmin, then push the "Alt" button to hold the altitude.,
The auto pilot works good in the 727, but wind will still cause it to drift off course....