Any chance the black box could have been changed on 305 without alerting Cooper, during the long delay while on the ground at SEA, before take off?
What would be the reason for changing it? I don't know if it can be accessed from the outside.
well the reason would be to insert a type of FDR that is longer duration and has more data inputs for a more detailed calibration of any and all events that may be going to occur during this hijacking, not the least of which is any data that may help calibrate when Cooper jumps - that is the reason I would have considered this. They stalled the refueling for hours! The opportunity may have existed?
Wally says it was a wire type which conflicts with the Snowmman-377 conclusion that it was probably was a foil type of shorter duration with fewer data inputs. Wally says: "yes" when asked if the 305 black box measured "cabin pressure"! That should identify the bump to the second. With a time-position reference that defines the area where Cooper should be on the ground. Wally is virtually saying:
we know exactly where and when Cooper bailed ... as I read his remarks. He is saying part of the information came from the black box in use on the plane.
The interview is of course from WSHM material ..
If Wally is correct, the time of Cooper bailing with respect to cabin pressures is known. All that is left is
position and that should be available through cross reference to cockpit and ATC voice recording!
It's time vs. position. How you get to that, if Wally is correct, is FDR, radar, and voice cockpit and ATC recording. The three data sets define time vs. position. The cabin pressure data from the FDR is crucial, if Wally is correct.
It sounds to me like they were dead-certain they had Cooper's position. Wally even notes:
*That is one of the reasons there was never a reward offered! Wally even adds:
"They always picked them up within about ... the longest any of them went was, I believe was 48 hours. They thought they had Cooper's drop point nailed!
[edit] This also explains why they rushed to do a recreation asap. They wanted or needed a data set for comparison. This is a story of data sets. (reminds me of the movie "Longitude")