Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 916529 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #510 on: February 20, 2015, 09:03:02 AM »
The above is more reason more documentation should apply. it's unfortunate they didn't keep very good records of this whole thing. I'm hearing Carr state "believed path, I'm hearing an undercover agent say they didn't know where he jumped. different stories between the pilots. it's an endless cluster of problems.

This is why I want to try an validate things. show other possibilities that are plausible. does anyone know if Dawson can be found, or if he is still alive. I can't find anything on the guy? are the traffic controllers anywhere to be found? Anderson is another key person for information. time is running out with getting any information from people involved in this!

Mr. Blevins likes to put things in bold, perhaps this will apply also  ;D

5' 10" - 6'
Hair parted on left.
Olive, Latin appearance

What happened in the "green river murders" does not apply to this case. Cooper's description was based on witnesses being with him for hours, not minutes, or seconds. the description was compiled by "pretty smart guys" just like Paul Soderlind.

I think his "double standard" applies here nicely  ;D

« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 09:08:09 AM by shutter »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #511 on: February 20, 2015, 02:18:06 PM »
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The above is more reason more documentation should apply. it's unfortunate they didn't keep very good records of this whole thing. I'm hearing Carr state "believed path, I'm hearing an undercover agent say they didn't know where he jumped. different stories between the pilots. it's an endless cluster of problems.

This is why I want to try an validate things. show other possibilities that are plausible. does anyone know if Dawson can be found, or if he is still alive. I can't find anything on the guy? are the traffic controllers anywhere to be found? Anderson is another key person for information. time is running out with getting any information from people involved in this!

Mr. Blevins likes to put things in bold, perhaps this will apply also  ;D

5' 10" - 6'
Hair parted on left.
Olive, Latin appearance

What happened in the "green river murders" does not apply to this case. Cooper's description was based on witnesses being with him for hours, not minutes, or seconds. the description was compiled by "pretty smart guys" just like Paul Soderlind.

I think his "double standard" applies here nicely  ;D

Back up!

When I wrote my post above last night, which centers on R2, I suddenly asked myself "WHY? is anyone having to write this?". I mean really! Who in hell do Kaye and Blevins think they are? God? The final word on the DB Cooper case?"  Half the world has talked to R2 and knows what R2 said and thinks... everyone but Blevins, that is! Then I go to DZ today and see Blevins even added to his 'Tom Kaye and Soderlind are Gods' post last nite, saying:

Note to folks interested in the DB Cooper case: Suspect anyone who disregards the truth in favor of personalities, or who goes after anyone on a personal level who is also investigating the case. This indicates they have a personal agenda which supersedes and taints any real truth they may be trying to present.
(This post was edited by RobertMBlevins on Feb 20, 2015, 1:46 AM)

Whose does this WACKO at Auburn WA think he is? This is obviously quite personal with him. I hope he doesn't throw himself off the Tacoma Bridge or shoot people in a convenience store 'out of sympathy with' the FBI flight path map, Paul Soderlind's memory, and Polar Bears!?

Blevins is just another Andy! A pure propagandist with nothing to offer in the DB Cooper case!

DB Cooper case and Blevins Psycho-Billy drama mill.... closed!   

This guy Blevins is plain f@@king nuts!   :-\ :-\ :-\ ::) ::) ::) :P :-[ :-\ :-* :-* :-* :-* :'( :o :o :o


There is money sitting on a sandbar about 4.7 miles downstream of Vancouver WA. A river connects that sandbar and *any* version of the 305 DB Cooper flight path you can come up with, real or imagined. Simon sayz: The river flows down stream of any possible intersection of the flight path and the river. 

The very highest probability is:  the money got to the sandbar by flowing water vs. being a plant or being brought there by polar bears. Simon sayz: 'flowing rivers have a habit of moving things, from point A to point B!

And psycho-billy propaganda and personal attacks from the Auburn Washington Nutcase, cannot improve or alter these basic facts of the cosmos!

This is a technical-historical problem involving mainly the Air Force and Soderlind who put together the first flight path accounts for #305. Mssrs. Tom and Kaye and Robert M Blevins weren't there and had no hand in this! Duuuh! Maybe that's the primary reason they don't have the answers now?  But, they sure as hell don’t mind claiming they have the answers now, which is an even bigger surprise and an exercise in futility!   

This is what usually happens when one person goes from running a mop in the Shipping and Delivery Dept. to issuing memos to Division Directors and then the CEO and the Board, then claiming he owns and runs the whole business while putting a flashing red light on the hood of his 'Little Subbie"! Some wacko like this arrives about every five years and makes it through the Personnel Dept and Quality Control!

« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 03:19:30 PM by georger »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #512 on: February 20, 2015, 04:41:41 PM »
The Blevins flight path?

Is there one? I doubt it. And I have never had the impression he is arguing acceptance of 'an' FBI flight path (which is east of V23?) because he needs to support KC, in some way? Blevins has never specified a dropzone for KC. In fact, so far as I know, Blevins has steered away from saying 'KC dropped here vs there'. That leaves open the option that KC could have dropped 'anywhere' and Blevins will attempt to accommodate that.

All that is at stake for Blevins is his ego. He took a stand supporting the FBI 'yellow' map. Now he is stuck supporting it. He will change his KC fiction to accommodate any flight path ! Just give him two hours to dream something up ... flight paths and facts are just an inconvenience Blevins tolerates and argues around, issuing bulletins to: Those interested in the DB Cooper case! It is baloney on it's face.

It probably comes as a surprise to Blevins that Tosaw wrote a book! That Tosaw actually talked and worked with Soderlind at all. That Soderlind even spoke to Tosaw. This marginalises the notion Blevins has been spouting that Soderlind was some kind of god who did 'all of the work on a flight 305 flight path'. Blevins has never mentioned the Air Force. Just the FBI web page, Tom Kaye's web page, and Soiderlind (God of all flight paths and NWA).

It probably came as a further disappointment for R99 to tell Blevins 'he' is the one who did the actual calculations for the placard Tom Kaye is using on his webpage!  I am sure Blevins thought Tom Kaye did the calculations ..  :D

I think what Blevins really wants is his own thread at Dropzone, where he is the Moderator and final authority. That way he could just perma-ban anyone he sees as an inconvenience. And he could have his own DB Cooperland Temple and rule the whole discussion, then advertise himself as an expert on the whole internet.

There is only One True Cooperland, and its name is Robert M Blevins. Worship at the Blevins of your choice!

« Last Edit: February 20, 2015, 04:58:26 PM by georger »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #513 on: February 21, 2015, 03:53:32 PM »
Once again, I wish people would stick to the categories provided, if there is going to be a flow of conversation on a topic. I know! I'm a harsh taskmaster ... and I don't even run this website!  :) :) Valuable posts are getting put in places where people can't respond; that's the point.

Two posts I'm bringing here:

That appears to be the conversation.  The original post on DZ is here:

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Rataczak said he could see the lights of Vancouver and Portland coming into view.  Jo surmised it was on the right because he sits on the right.  However, as you say Robert99, that could be in front of the aircraft on either the right, the left or straight ahead.  Rataczak said nothing on that point.   It shows how a comment can be misconstrued over time.

The plane starts turning westward past the 8:15 mark. he could easily seen through the front window of the cockpit s the sides.

I believe he also states the pressure bump was felt over the suburbs. that's a good distance away from the original jump point.

When Carr came to DZ he promoted discussion on the flight path. To what extent he was representing the FBI vs himself, I do not know. But he was interested in any technical remarks concerning the FBI's 'flight path'. He even released FBI docs to Sluggo for sharing with the public. The technical discussion of the FP that ensued was open and deep. Nothing was left off the table. It became clear that Larry was open to anything 'the best technical minds' could offer, and quite frankly it was during that period, that R99 appeared and posted his calculations to Sluggo at Sluggo's website. That was a marvelous period. It is also worth noting that others with strong credentials were working off to the side, and I won't name them except to say their contributions were substantial. During that period Tom Kaye's team was formed and began it's work. Real work was being done on core questions in the DB Cooper case, for the first time perhaps since 1980!

From all of the above, two key group beliefs have emerged. (a) those that hold with the original time stamps and the original projected dropzone for Cooper, vs. (b) a second group who believes there is flexibility in the time stamps such that Cooper could have jumped further south than originally thought, closer to the Columbia basin. This second group believes there is significant flexibility in the time stamps regardless of the flight path chosen, discounting an 'east-path near the Washougal'.

The second group is bolstered by several key facts and assumptions: (1) Himmelsbach and other agents announced in 1976 that the FBI's position on the dropzone had changed, and was now "12 miles north of Portland". That demonstrates unreliability in the previously forecast prime jump zone. (2) All flight paths intersect the Columbia River which flows right by Tina's Bar. (3) Cooper money was found on Tina's Bar in 1980. (4) The evidence of the money exhumed by the excavation in 1980 at Tina's Bar, supports the view that the Ingram money was not just a "plant" but a more complex natural phenomenon produced by Nature. The forensic facts found during the excavation exclude the possibility that 'the Ingram find was a single source man-made plant' that merely had been worked on by natural forces over time at Tina's Bar. We believe that the bulk of any new evidence that emerges will also support that interpretation.

In contrast, the first group of 'flight path-dropzone fundamentalists', produced only empty searches, an Amboy chute of uncertain stature, multiple conflicting stories about who and what derived one or more original flight path maps, a redacted Transcript of flight communications, and total uncertainty leading to endless speculations over who Dan Cooper was or was not, and total uncertainty about how Cooper money could have ever wound up at Tina's Bar further south on the Columbia river at all except via some unknown set of unpredictable circuitous circumstances, or as a plant by who knows who!

The difference between the two groups is chaos vs order.






« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 04:43:37 PM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #514 on: February 21, 2015, 08:10:50 PM »
I'll run a video of the position discussed above from about the 8:16 time frame, and post it here in a while. I just got home from a long haul northbound....

Georger, you are correct about the categories.......keep me on my toes  ;D ;D

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #515 on: February 21, 2015, 10:46:55 PM »
This is approx. the 8:16 location. the views are from the co-pilots seat. I raised the view a little bit due to the 727's having a high panel. they typically have to stretch up a little for a good view out the front window. should be watched in HD for quality.

« Last Edit: February 21, 2015, 11:58:16 PM by shutter »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #516 on: February 21, 2015, 11:31:10 PM »
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This is approx. the 8:16 location. the views are from the co-pilots seat. I raised the view a little bit due to the 727's having a high panel. they typically have to stretch up a little for a good view out the front window. shold be watched in HD for quality.

He had a good panoramic view.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #517 on: February 22, 2015, 12:02:36 AM »
He had a good panoramic view.

I put the video together rather quickly. I forgot to mention no volume  :P


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #518 on: February 22, 2015, 04:43:34 AM »
East of V23?

Both Smith and Blev keep saying R said "east of V23", at the jump time 8:11-13. And this puts 305 in the Washougal. And the FBI map is correct according to Blevins and Kaye. Have Blevins or Smith looked at a map lately!?

What are these people meaning when they keep saying "east of V23", to be in the Washougal?  East of the center line of V23, or clear out of the envelope of V23, east outside of the east boundary of V23?

If the FBI map is correct, 305 was never "outside" of the east-side envelope of V23. And during the critical period 8:11-8:13 305 was in fact almost on the center line of V23! 305 was never completely outside of V23 anywhere! Especially during the critical jump time 8:11-13. And in both cases 305 is not ever in the Washougal drainage basin where any tributary feeds the Washougal River!

Blevins can't have it both ways saying the FBI map is True, then saying 305 was "east of V23 based on Rataczak" which the FBI map does not show!.

It is time for Smith and Blevins to start looking at some maps for a change and stop blowing smoke. This has become a fruitless enterprise.

See maps attached.

« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 04:56:38 AM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #519 on: February 22, 2015, 10:46:21 AM »
Excellent post Georger. people need to understand certain points about viewing the path, and calculating. you can't look at the map and just plot things by looking at it. assuming things will not cut it either. if people don't know exactly where V23 is, they can't come to any conclusions.

Fuel consumption would be wasted flying the path they believe. then you are flying over major population points, and more fuel wasted getting back onto V23.


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #520 on: February 22, 2015, 11:08:56 AM »
Just as Robert99 has done in the past, anyone has a right to express possible routes the flight took, but calculations need to backup what you are implying. R99 has done this. he's working on things people haven't a clue about at this very moment. things like this take time, jumping to conclusions is not the answer. Bobby whines to R99 for not showing anything, but he fails once again to notice R99 has shown possibilities. Blevins likes short simple conclusions, but we all know where that got him with his botched investigative skills. we have a part time writer arguing with a known aeronautical engineer, a pilot, and a skydiver?

I'm not sold on anything path related, but I'm willing to listen to possibilities.  :-\

« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 11:10:54 AM by shutter »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #521 on: February 22, 2015, 03:03:50 PM »
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Just as Robert99 has done in the past, anyone has a right to express possible routes the flight took, but calculations need to backup what you are implying. R99 has done this. he's working on things people haven't a clue about at this very moment. things like this take time, jumping to conclusions is not the answer. Bobby whines to R99 for not showing anything, but he fails once again to notice R99 has shown possibilities. Blevins likes short simple conclusions, but we all know where that got him with his botched investigative skills. we have a part time writer arguing with a known aeronautical engineer, a pilot, and a skydiver?

I'm not sold on anything path related, but I'm willing to listen to possibilities.  :-\

Blevins and Smith have dispensed with any investigative skills. They are now delving in pure fiction ....... where facts just get in the way.

I hate to remind everyone but, this suspension of reality is the RULE at DZ, installed in order to keep Jo Weber going... and now Blevins. That Moderator himself was a "fiction" wannabe writer. Facts and truth get in way.

It is what it is and that's all that it is: to paraphrase Popeye.

Dat's All Folks!

« Last Edit: February 22, 2015, 03:40:58 PM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #522 on: February 23, 2015, 03:14:16 AM »
I don't say 305 was east of V-23.  Rather, I say that Bill Rataczak told me 305 was east of V-23.  I also write that BR told me he didn't know where he was.

Personally, after reading what is here, I'm thinking 305 was a lot further west than Bill alluded to. I-5-ish at least.


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #523 on: February 23, 2015, 01:48:03 PM »
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I don't say 305 was east of V-23.  Rather, I say that Bill Rataczak told me 305 was east of V-23.  I also write that BR told me he didn't know where he was.

Personally, after reading what is here, I'm thinking 305 was a lot further west than Bill alluded to. I-5-ish at least.

I think they were trying to fly V23 and generally were. I agree they probably would have avoided Portland going west or east around it, then on to Reno. I think Cooper saw the sky-glow of Vancouver-Portland coming up and bailed. When and where is the question. I think the money at Tina's Bar is like the placard. It indicates he landed in the Columbia Water shed but not east in the Washougal water shed. I think that is all anyone can say without more data. I wish we could have more information!

Please let us know if the news media up there covers Blevins' news release to the FBI. Or is it a total dud?

« Last Edit: February 23, 2015, 02:00:09 PM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #524 on: February 23, 2015, 02:02:21 PM »
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I don't say 305 was east of V-23.  Rather, I say that Bill Rataczak told me 305 was east of V-23.  I also write that BR told me he didn't know where he was.

Personally, after reading what is here, I'm thinking 305 was a lot further west than Bill alluded to. I-5-ish at least.

I think they were trying to fly V23 and generally were. I agree they probably would have avoided Portland going west or east around it, then on to Reno. I think Cooper saw the sky-glow of Vancouver-Portland coming up and bailed. When and where is the question. I think the money at Tina's Bar is like the placard. It indicates he landed in the Columbia Water shed and it is isn;t east in the Washougal basin. I think that is all anyone can say without more data. I wish we could have more information!

Please let us know if the news media up thee covers Blevins 'news release to the FBI'. Or is it a total dud?

During the past 4 years I remember reading a few things that I can't find at this time.

1) A teenage girl was at her family owned airport and listened to the chatter of the hi-jacking on her fathers radio. I think she said she heard the plane overhead when it passed.

2) One of the pilots wanted to dump Cooper in the ocean and he started to fly the plane to the west of their intended route.

Again, I am not sure if this is fact or fiction as I can't find the source. Georger, do you have any recollection of these two points?
You are entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.