Once again, I wish people would stick to the categories provided, if there is going to be a flow of conversation on a topic. I know! I'm a harsh taskmaster ... and I don't even run this website!

Valuable posts are getting put in places where people can't respond; that's the point.
Two posts I'm bringing here:
That appears to be the conversation. The original post on DZ is here:
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Rataczak said he could see the lights of Vancouver and Portland coming into view. Jo surmised it was on the right because he sits on the right. However, as you say Robert99, that could be in front of the aircraft on either the right, the left or straight ahead. Rataczak said nothing on that point. It shows how a comment can be misconstrued over time.
The plane starts turning westward past the 8:15 mark. he could easily seen through the front window of the cockpit s the sides.
I believe he also states the pressure bump was felt over the suburbs. that's a good distance away from the original jump point. When Carr came to DZ he promoted discussion on the flight path. To what extent he was representing the FBI vs himself, I do not know. But he was interested in any technical remarks concerning the FBI's 'flight path'. He even released FBI docs to Sluggo for sharing with the public. The technical discussion of the FP that ensued was open and deep. Nothing was left off the table. It became clear that Larry was open to anything 'the best technical minds' could offer, and quite frankly it was during that period, that R99 appeared and posted his calculations to Sluggo at Sluggo's website.
That was a marvelous period. It is also worth noting that others with strong credentials were working off to the side, and I won't name them except to say their contributions were substantial. During that period Tom Kaye's team was formed and began it's work. Real work was being done on core questions in the DB Cooper case, for the first time perhaps since 1980!
From all of the above, two key group beliefs have emerged. (a) those that hold with the original time stamps and the original projected dropzone for Cooper, vs. (b) a second group who believes there is flexibility in the time stamps such that Cooper could have jumped further south than originally thought, closer to the Columbia basin. This second group believes there is significant flexibility in the time stamps regardless of the flight path chosen, discounting an 'east-path near the Washougal'.
The second group is bolstered by several key facts and assumptions: (1) Himmelsbach and other agents announced in 1976 that the FBI's position on the dropzone had changed, and was now "12 miles north of Portland". That demonstrates unreliability in the previously forecast prime jump zone. (2) All flight paths intersect the Columbia River which flows right by Tina's Bar. (3) Cooper money was found on Tina's Bar in 1980. (4) The evidence of the money exhumed by the excavation in 1980 at Tina's Bar, supports the view that the Ingram money was not just a "plant" but a more complex natural phenomenon produced by Nature. The forensic facts found during the excavation exclude the possibility that 'the Ingram find was a single source man-made plant' that merely had been worked on by natural forces over time at Tina's Bar. We believe that the bulk of any new evidence that emerges will also support that interpretation.
In contrast, the first group of 'flight path-dropzone fundamentalists', produced only empty searches, an Amboy chute of uncertain stature, multiple conflicting stories about who and what derived one or more original flight path maps, a redacted Transcript of flight communications, and total uncertainty leading to endless speculations over who Dan Cooper was or was not, and total uncertainty about how Cooper money could have ever wound up at Tina's Bar further south on the Columbia river at all except via some unknown set of unpredictable circuitous circumstances, or as a plant by who knows who!
The difference between the two groups is chaos vs order.