Saw the trailer on youtube Shutter, when can we expect the full 305 flight path?
I'm hoping to start putting it all together soon. it's down to a time frame thingy. I'm going to record it in 3 separate portions, and the put it together. it's seems simple, but a lot will be involved. the best known recording program is called "Fraps". this eats a little over a gigabyte per minute of uncompressed video

. I'm still undecided whether or not to record the entire route from Seattle to Portland with so much dead space in between the times on the transcripts. I have to get creative filling in the dead spots so nobody falls asleep
The present time frame of the video would be close to an hour. that's a lot of time to make it worth watching. I'm open to any idea's from all.......
The plane is presently in Rome

I found a guy who paints X-Planes. he is putting the correct numbers on the plane (N467US) along with a Project 305 logo on the tail section. he's the one who made the Northwest livery you see on my plane now.
You found it pretty quick. I just posted it hours before you seen it