It's rather simple. the plane flew over Battleground around that time. go to Google distance maps and measure. I also measured it through the simulator. V-23 runs through Battleground. see attached maps. Robert99, does this sound correct?
Where are you going with this?
My maps are similar to what Georger added to his post....
In 1971 (and going from north to south), V-23 did a dog-leg from the Seattle VORTAC (which was located between the parallel runways on the Seattle Airport) to the Mayfield Intersection (near Toledo and now named the Malay Intersection) and then to the Portland VORTAC (now named the Battlefield VORTAC). From there, V-23 went direct to the Eugene and then Medford VORTACS and continued south.
Also in 1971, a V-23E went direct from the Seattle VORTAC to the Portland VORTAC and then did a dog-leg to the Eugene VORTAC where it apparently ended. Today, the segment of V-23E between the Seattle and Portland (now Battleground) VORTACS is known as V-495 and it goes from the Portland VORTAC to the Newburg VORTAC and continues off to the southwest.
At the same time, there was a V-23W that started at the Portland (Battleground) VORTAC and went off to the southwest. It was apparently renamed V-495 when V-23E and V-23W were deleted.
Copies of maps L1 and L2, which contains the information that the crew of the hijacked airliner would have used on the flight from Seattle to Reno, are available on Sluggo's web page.
Also, I sent Fred Poynter at the WSHM all the original disks on those maps, but I don't know if he has actually put them online. But I don't want to see them again, actually I have printed copies of them which I use, due to all the hoops I had to be jumped through just to get that information.
So if Bruce wants to view the original map disks, perhaps he should pay Fred Poynter a visit. Otherwise, Sluggo's web page should be sufficient.