There have been several times officially associated with the jump ranging from 8:10 - 8:13. For a long time I tried to understand why there was any disparity at all.
Ultimately I reasoned that the oscillations began at 8:10 and that the pressure bump occurred at 8:13. But, that the FBI didn't really know what all of that meant--at least originally. In other words, they weren't certain at what point in this three-minute long sequence that Cooper actually jumped. Therefore, they considered the entire three minutes--covering about 10 miles--as a prospective landing zone for DBC.
Later, after the Pacific Ocean tests, I think they gained a better understanding of what happened and the proper sequence. Thus, DBC jumped at the end of the sequence, ultimately around 8:13.
Now, Rataczak explained to me that he immediately notified Soderlind via radio when the pressure bump occurred. Therefore, I believe that Rataczak was certain that DBC bailed at 8:13 from the beginning, even though the FBI wasn't quite certain. Therefore, the Pacific Ocean test.
All of this said, I think 8:13 is the most likely jump time. Moreover, this would have been before they reached Vancouver which is a suburb of Portland. To have jumped anywhere near the Columbia River using the FBI Flight Path puts you smack in the middle of the Greater Portland area which doesn't add-up considering Rataczak's comments about approaching the suburbs.
Now, the $64,000 question. Whether DBC jumped at 8:10, 8:11, 8:12 or 8:13, what does it matter? How does the money get to Tena Bar if you buy the FBI Flight Path? It is this question that you should be pondering.