I like what FJ is doing. He may have filled in a gap that may be crucial.
7:50-53 quick climb 7000 to 10,000 and hold. 170-180 knots. Crew on O2]
7:54 pm
MSP: As soon as reasonably sure the man has left the quicker you can land.
305: Roger. Miss Mucklow said he apparently has the knapsack around him
and thinks he will attempt a jump.
MSP: Roger. After leaving this freq go to 131.8 we have direct phone patch
There (to Company and FBI)
305: Roger.
With this comm everyone is alerted that Cooper may be bailing soon. After leaving this freq go to 131.8 we have direct phone patch ... to the company.
8:01 pm
MSP: What is altitude?
305: Now at 15 thousand. (typo) Indicator 160. Fuel flow 4000. 15 degree flap.
Gear down. CQN will stay at 10,000 until he has left.
MSP: Roger.
CQN will stay at 10,000 until he has left.
8:05 pm
305: Have attempted on two occasions to make contact with individual he
did not reply. Then used PA system and he said, “Everything is Ok”.
MSP: Roger.
Establishes Cooper still on the plane.
ANDERSON SAID, more time passed from 8:05 = 7 minutes later..
THIS HAS TO BE THE JUMP TIME (mark your maps)
8:12 pm
305: Getting some oscillations in the cabin. Must be doing something with
the air stairs.
MSP: Roger.
FJ's estimated best guess jump time?
Crew discusses and waits to call it in..
8:20 pm
305: Called. (no response from Cooper)
MSP: Go to 131.8 (phone patch to company on that freq.)
SEADD: He (Nyrop?) is already on that frequency.
MSP: Roger. We are on the phone and will be talking to him shortly.
SEADD: Roger
People have conjectured what this means. Called? Called who? Called company? But FJ may have nailed this: called for Cooper! That makes sense in the total context of these passages. But, they waited a long time, until 8:20, to call to see if anyone answers in the back. No answer. FJ may have nailed what "Called" means and who was Called.
By 8:20 305 is across the Columbia and in Oregon, and Cooper is long gone. Called to the back at 8:20 and nobody answered. They might have not waited so long and called at 8:15 to see if anyone answered. 8:15-20 the crew may be busy talking to the Company etal explaining what has happened and trying to recover the correct jump time and place . . . finally as a check they think to call to the back one more time: no answer. Cooper is gone.
In addition, this establishes that the timestamps are neutral. Whether west-path vs. east-path ... the timestamps are a neutral fact.