R99, any input on what Flyjack has been presenting?
I don't know how accurate radar plots were in 1971. But the rule of thumb for VORTAC stations was that when 60 nautical miles from the station, one degree was about 1 nautical mile wide. This plus the accuracy of the cockpit VOR receiver (which was allowed to be off by + or - two degrees from the selected radial, if I remember correctly), and making allowances for safety, is why airways were 4 nautical miles wide on each side of the radial that specified the airway. Some airways are wider than that for greater distances from the VORTAC station.
If the same accuracy applied to the McChord AFB radar, then the FBI flight path could actually be about 3 nautical miles wide in the Portland area. But this flight path can be argued until Georger's cows come home.
FlyJack's main interest seems to be doing anything to support a flight path that contradicts the Western Flight Path.