Blevins is playing his usual games with the flight path issue. Very simply it was the FBI, Larry Carr, (who came to us!) looking for advice about ... the flight path. Neither Cooper or any sign of him has ever been found, except for his money. The location of the money and the known flight path are quite divergent. It only makes sense that one would question the flight path and that is precisely what Carr and the FBI came to Dropzone to do ...... so Whiplash Blevins amid your claims of personal abuse and other Chicken Little stuff, don't try to change the history of Dropzone, and that's just for starters.
So you accept the FBI's flight path on faith, without knowing anything about it other than empty platitudes
and name-dropping, and people you don't know anything about either! Frankly, you speaking about the DB Cooper flight path is a lot like the horses' ass speaking about radar! Give the world a break Blevinaide, from your ignorant self abusive games.
Stop with the red herring: 'have you talked to Rataczak?'.
You have not talked to Rataczak! 
Stop with the straw man: "You should be talking to the FBI, not me!". Well Blevinaide, nobody is talking to you about anything looking for answers. It is you doing all the talking! People are merely answering trying to cope with your personal attacks you have repeated thousands of times since August 2010. The correct response would be: "GFY and STFU and go scrub a floor or clean carpet and stay the hell out of the Cooper debate and people's lives!!"

Quick Test: You tell us what Cooper's last order was for flap settings just prior to his bailing out?
You tell us where flight #305 was at 8:20pm
You tell us where the T33's came from and how and where they were directed to intercept 305, by who?