The real take away is that Ulis and Robert99 have misrepresented and leveraged this irrelevant wind data to advance a narrative...
It is dishonest.
When you see a comment like above. it will have cause to ask questions...
I really don't understand the need for some to troll. It must be a jealousy thing. Frankly I could care less what TrollJack has to say. What has he contributed to the case other then theories such as:
1) Cooper really wanted to fly to Mexico but changed his mind and decided to jump near Vancouver.
2) The money came from a dump on the Columbia River.
3) Tina was hiding cash in her coat pocket that was visible in footage from Reno.
4) There were five parachutes delivered to the airport.
5) Cooper didn't want the jet to depart with the airstairs down even though it says so.
6) Eric stole his investigative research on the tie.
7) DB Cooper was 5' 8"

And, of course, the wind was actually coming from the south or southeast that night.
All very compelling theories that the world is itching to learn more about.