I don't argue with people who think the moon landing was faked. I don't argue with people who think the earth is flat. I don't argue with people who think Trump won the election.
I also no longer argue with people who think the flight path was anything other than the central one. The physical, circumstantial, and documented evidence is utterly overwhelming, and any other suggestions aren't worth considering.
That said, there are many other logical scenarios that place the money on Tena Bar besides landing near there or Cooper walking there - particularly those involving the river.
You see Chaucer, this is the kind of statement that one would consider rude. After all, the inference in the first paragraph is clear.
Now, let me describe the extent of the evidence supporting the FBI Flight Path: A guy from the Air Force hands the FBI a map a few days after the skyjacking and says "Here's the flight path."
There you go. That's it. Very compelling.
The problem is that the physical evidence does not support the FBI Flight Path--Tena Bar, placard, fiberglass skirt. Oh, and a grand total of ZERO has been found along the FBI Flight Path where one would expect to find something.
As for the river and Tena Bar: Explain the June diatoms. Explain three individual packets. Explain the money being found 50 feet from the water's edge and several feet above the average river surface level. Oh, and explain the timing of the infallible FBI Flight Path.
Good luck.