Plane takes off at 7:36. depending on which transcripts you read they are in the same ballpark. the plane levels off at 7,000 and slows down to 155 knots and applies 30 degree flaps. this according to Rat is for Cooper to be able to get the stairs down.. at 7:42 they report an aft stair light.on. at 7:45 they report no communication from him but report the aft stair light again.
8:05 they try to get a reply and finally get one stating "everything is ok" reports over the years have always been a "no"
The document you posted might be the communications shortly after takeoff. "anything we can do for you" he answers with a no, which conflicts with the 8:05 report "everything is ok" two reports of lights on the transcripts. I can't agree with the fully extended statement. you read the document and it's written as events happened after 8:10.
The transcripts state he was having trouble with the stairs. Rat spoke with him where he says "I can't get the stairs down" we seem to be missing all the communications with Cooper. the document isn't specific enough to separate the two events from shortly after takeoff to the 8:05 contact. conflicting reports and inaccurate information. who saw that coming lol. it's a head spinner..some sound backwards with timing...let me soak this in