Carpet warehouse and Cooper expert RobertMBlevins says:
Sep 24, 2014, 4:02 PM
Post #55608 of 55611 (95 views)
Re: [mrshutter45] Trip to WA 2010 & Carr! [In reply to] Quote:
'The FBI doesn't know where the map originated from. Carr even admits this...'
[Blevins reply]
"Most likely scenario is that it was created by Paul Soderlind and his team from NWA, using the available data from all the known sources. There is a picture out there on the internet somewhere (I may have it on one of our other computers still) that shows a similar map in the background. On a wall. It is one of the pictures taken during the Army search for Cooper."
Blevins has been repeating the same confusion for four+ years. !
So there you have it folks. This is where the FBI Map presented by Carr came from! From Paul Soderlind and his team from NWA; date uncertain.
And the Air Force was not involved! And, das photo Blevins is speaking of with the FBI (yellow) map in the background, he saw somewhere on the internet (I wonder where!), is attached below. "It is one of the pictures taken during the Army search for Cooper." The FBI map Carr presented is clearly visble in the photo Blevins mentions - yepper! See it?
"Soderlind retired in 1973. He later became a consultant for Boeing, Embry-Riddle, the U.S. Air Force, and the Federal Aviation Administration, among others."