Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 1130992 times)

Offline DBfan57

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3705 on: November 24, 2020, 04:18:33 PM »
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False leads is all part of the game..
If by some chance DB Cooper is still alive he must be loving this.  I mean, think of how much money has been spent trying to find him?  Likely several times more than what he stole?  This guy that is the lead on this new show is flying all over the place. 

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3706 on: November 24, 2020, 08:26:47 PM »
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If by some chance DB Cooper is still alive he must be loving this.  I mean, think of how much money has been spent trying to find him?  Likely several times more than what he stole? 


Here's my running tab so far:

1. Tom Colbert:   $250,000
2. Galen Cook:       50,000
3. Richard Tosaw:   50,000
4. Me:                      2,000

And who knows how much Tom Kaye has invested. Remember, besides lab fees and equipment, he paid for all the motel rooms when the Citizen Sleuths went to the Columbia River back when.

Or Eric? Or 377? They even funded all the Cooper Cons. Geoffrey Gray? I asked him how he could afford to interview all the folks in SKYJACK, and he simply said I put it all on plastic, which may be one reason GG is in Mexico these days...

Then add in the BBC, the History Channel, Nat Geo, Josh Gates, etc.

« Last Edit: November 24, 2020, 08:29:26 PM by Bruce A. Smith »

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3707 on: November 25, 2020, 11:03:35 AM »
It appears we have very little challenge surrounding the placard. I've emailed a few and it appears most agree the placard didn't come from 305.

The drop test wouldn't require using this option so I question the fact of them stating it was missing. no documentation of the placard missing is anywhere in the files until the Hicks placard was found. even when describing the stairs and controls in a 302 fails to note the emergency option. these are things I pointed out along with the stairs being locked down in Reno. FJ voiced out over and over as well. Hominid told me about  the damage the release would cause years ago. I believe some of that info is on here. we discussed it a lot during the simulator testing. you had to be exact with terms or he would correct you quickly. I had many phone conversations with him and miss that.
« Last Edit: November 25, 2020, 11:04:19 AM by Shutter »

Offline DBfan57

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3708 on: November 26, 2020, 08:44:20 AM »
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If by some chance DB Cooper is still alive he must be loving this.  I mean, think of how much money has been spent trying to find him?  Likely several times more than what he stole? 


Here's my running tab so far:

1. Tom Colbert:   $250,000
2. Galen Cook:       50,000
3. Richard Tosaw:   50,000
4. Me:                      2,000

And who knows how much Tom Kaye has invested. Remember, besides lab fees and equipment, he paid for all the motel rooms when the Citizen Sleuths went to the Columbia River back when.

Or Eric? Or 377? They even funded all the Cooper Cons. Geoffrey Gray? I asked him how he could afford to interview all the folks in SKYJACK, and he simply said I put it all on plastic, which may be one reason GG is in Mexico these days...

Then add in the BBC, the History Channel, Nat Geo, Josh Gates, etc.


Josh Gates likely made money on this like with Dorothy's Ruby slippers and many other famous cases?  The FBI burned a ton of money for sure. The one that says "me" hurts the most.  Your $2 grand Bruce.  But look at the fun you had doing it.  And your not even close to finished. 

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3709 on: November 26, 2020, 09:11:16 PM »
It's been a great investment.

Offline DBfan57

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3710 on: November 27, 2020, 08:13:43 AM »
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Wouldn't be the first time someone fools the public...crop circles, bigfoot, UFO's etc.

It's odd that it sat in the same position for almost 8 years and didn't get covered. it's documented as heavy brush or forest?

The FOIA record is 89.9% chasing false leads that go nowhere. That includes all searches ... by everyone. 

Somewhere are unique tracks that are Cooper's track alone .... where and what! ?

Just look at the show.  How many of these wives of suspects said "I KNOW he is DB Cooper".  Yeah right!  Suuuuure.  NONE of them including that woman are DB.  It is a waster of time

Offline DBfan57

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3711 on: November 27, 2020, 08:36:54 AM »
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Unless someone can come up with a logical answer to the Hicks placard being from flight 305 I believe this is no longer evidence in this case?

Since I made the drop device for one of my drones I'm still going to drop both at the same time just to see how the two act in a free fall.
Sorry but I cant find the post of whoever is working on the simulation?  Is it you?  So you have drones?  That is fabulous.  I really would like one for photography but I suppose if you mess it up it can be expensive?  My question to you, if you are the one doing the simulation, you are testing the drop, I suspect at different heights to test time it would take?  Are you trying to come up with the most accurate drop zone by Cooper based on using the time he left Seattle, combined with the time of the stair noise (which we know is when he jumped), and using skydivers expert advice as to when he may have pulled the ripcord to try and pinpoint it?  Also using the possibility of them being on autopilot which has been reported on at least one episode?  And of course using the speed he demanded also. You combine all of that, and you might have a  pretty accurate hypothesis of where he landed ? If so, how close to Tena Bar?  I hope you are the right guy that is doing the simulation?  I just figure if someone can accurately pinpoint the DZ, just maybe a search in the area could be done with metal detectors, because just maybe the bomb device is buried there somewhere?  I just cant see him keeping that briefcase and walking out of the woods with it.  I believe if he simply dropped it when he jumped, it would have scattered all over the place.  And some of it would have been found.   
With the messed up DNA from the tie, and the lack of the cigarette butts, not much else to go on.  Too many false and stupid confessions already.  I just cant believe all these women saying "I KNOW he was DB Cooper".    Crazy
I realize much of this has been gone over and over.   Its just tough to find things among long conversations on message boards.  The more the conversation continues the more motivated people are to keep the search going. Not that I see any let up here.  I just cant believe how many people are willing to like about being DB Cooper.  You look at Weber, Christianson, Reca and Rackstaw just to name a few of the big suspects off the top, and you know at least 3 of these are lying and I say all of them are.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 09:06:53 AM by DBfan57 »

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3712 on: November 27, 2020, 10:44:15 AM »
Your post is a little confusing. Yes, I'm the one with a simulator and a drone. what kind of picture are you looking for?

The testing with the drone was going to be done for several reasons. I noticed the placard that was found in the woods was damaged and had a large tear from the bottom to almost the center of the placard. you would think it would drift different than one that is undamaged. I'm dropping the two different placards at the same time to see how they drift.

The second test is what R99 wants data for. he wants to know the drift time from release to the ground from several different altitudes.

I've been wanting to start the testing but this time of year is always windy then we had a tropical storm come through along with small cold fronts causing windy days for weeks. sometimes in the 20 mph range which is tough on drones. Robert wanted little or no wind.

Between being grounded due to wind a photo was posted that shows 305 didn't have the emergency function on the plane. this puts the placard into serious question as to where it come from.

Since I took the time to build a release mechanism for the drone I've decided to at least drop a undamaged piece along with one that is damaged and see how they drift. not sure if R99 still wants any data...
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 10:48:16 AM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3713 on: November 27, 2020, 10:56:10 AM »
A simulation was done on part of the flight path. I broke it down into three legs. leg one was from Seattle to Toledo, leg tw was from Toledo to crossing the Lewis river and the third leg was from the Lewis to the Columbia. I can go into detail later.

Here is the plane I flew.


Offline Robert99

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3714 on: November 27, 2020, 11:21:02 AM »
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Your post is a little confusing. Yes, I'm the one with a simulator and a drone. what kind of picture are you looking for?

The testing with the drone was going to be done for several reasons. I noticed the placard that was found in the woods was damaged and had a large tear from the bottom to almost the center of the placard. you would think it would drift different than one that is undamaged. I'm dropping the two different placards at the same time to see how they drift.

The second test is what R99 wants data for. he wants to know the drift time from release to the ground from several different altitudes.

I've been wanting to start the testing but this time of year is always windy then we had a tropical storm come through along with small cold fronts causing windy days for weeks. sometimes in the 20 mph range which is tough on drones. Robert wanted little or no wind.

Between being grounded due to wind a photo was posted that shows 305 didn't have the emergency function on the plane. this puts the placard into serious question as to where it come from.

Since I took the time to build a release mechanism for the drone I've decided to at least drop a undamaged piece along with one that is damaged and see how they drift. not sure if R99 still wants any data...

All data will be useful.

Offline DBfan57

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3715 on: November 27, 2020, 03:04:07 PM »
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A simulation was done on part of the flight path. I broke it down into three legs. leg one was from Seattle to Toledo, leg tw was from Toledo to crossing the Lewis river and the third leg was from the Lewis to the Columbia. I can go into detail later.

Here is the plane I flew.


So you are using flight simulator software or you are an actual pilot?   How confident are you in having an idea of Coopers drop zone?  Or how many different scenario's do you believe in?  Don't you think looking for the brief case/bomb might be the best bet as far as finding any evidence out there now?  The Parachutes of course also, but why would Cooper bury the chute?  Do you think its possible he might have buried the bomb (which we all seem to agree was fake?)  As  for the drop zone there has been much disagreement on it
« Last Edit: November 27, 2020, 03:06:17 PM by DBfan57 »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3716 on: November 27, 2020, 04:12:37 PM »
I'm a sim pilot only. we put the simulator through a lot of testing with speed, altitude , drag, weather etc. Hominid put me through dozens of tests. then learning how to actually fly it.

using the transcripts and Harrison papers we were able to get speeds and altitudes to try and match what was presented on the map made by the Air Force as well as following what was stated in the transcripts. I was able to match speeds of 170 knots along with a ground speed of close to 200 if not mistaken. the fule flow matched as well as the wid speeds and direction.

The first leg was tricky since the transcripts showed different speeds. I was able to reach Toledo, or Carlson field at the time frame marked on the map. then from there I crossed the Lewis river at around 8:10. from this point to the Columbia is a little longer than the map shows with timing.

If you go by this then Cooper jumped somewhere around the area they pinpointed. getting the exact spot would never be accomplished IMO. times are given from 8:10 to 8:15 where he could of possibly jumped. no  coords or actual position of the plane were given by the pilot other than mark the spot which they apparently didn't do.

If the briefcase was imitation as believed its long gone by deterioration. he could of dumped the contents over an area which is nothing but forest and remains that way today. it would be very hard to find. the briefcase would be extra luggage not really needed.

Offline Dfs346

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3717 on: November 27, 2020, 06:40:27 PM »
Not sure where this story belongs.

SMSgt Wally Johnson, in his 2013 interview with the Washington State Historical Society, identified Captain Thomas Spangler as the co-pilot on the "sled test" flight of 01.06.1972. In the same interview, Johnson recalled a previous flight with Spangler, on a C-141 which had an uncommanded deployment of three thrust reversers in flight. They made an emergency landing at Baker City, Oregon. Here's the funny thing: the MAC Flyer of June 1969 has an account of that incident: Johnson was aboard but Spangler was not.
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3718 on: November 27, 2020, 07:59:14 PM »
Has flight data  involved but probably better off in clues and biggie that it's here.

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3719 on: November 27, 2020, 10:01:51 PM »
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I'm a sim pilot only. we put the simulator through a lot of testing with speed, altitude , drag, weather etc. Hominid put me through dozens of tests. then learning how to actually fly it.

using the transcripts and Harrison papers we were able to get speeds and altitudes to try and match what was presented on the map made by the Air Force as well as following what was stated in the transcripts. I was able to match speeds of 170 knots along with a ground speed of close to 200 if not mistaken. the fule flow matched as well as the wid speeds and direction.

The first leg was tricky since the transcripts showed different speeds. I was able to reach Toledo, or Carlson field at the time frame marked on the map. then from there I crossed the Lewis river at around 8:10. from this point to the Columbia is a little longer than the map shows with timing.

If you go by this then Cooper jumped somewhere around the area they pinpointed. getting the exact spot would never be accomplished IMO. times are given from 8:10 to 8:15 where he could of possibly jumped. no  coords or actual position of the plane were given by the pilot other than mark the spot which they apparently didn't do.

If the briefcase was imitation as believed its long gone by deterioration. he could of dumped the contents over an area which is nothing but forest and remains that way today. it would be very hard to find. the briefcase would be extra luggage not really needed.

I saw the simulator!  I can confirm it!  Unfortunately, I crashed every time I tried to use it.   ;D