Sandia Labs Report. by Bustamonte 1968
Free-Fall Rotation and Aerodynamic Motion of Rectangular ... › dtic › fulltext
It is believed that a rectangular plate will continuously autorotate about an axis which is free in flight. This behavior may be compared to the motion of a strip of paper of aspect ratio two or more. .... When dropped in still air, the strip rotates and descends along an inclined path. When dropped in other conditions ...
by AC Bustamante · ‎1968 ·
This is the report that Hominid and others used when evaluating the placard analysis of Robt Nicholson, esq. years ago!
Any drone drops of sheets and other paraphernalia will have "no" validity whatever to the DB Cooper placard analysis etc.
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I just happen to be the one who found that reference about 10 years ago and used it in the initial free fall analysis for TK as well as all subsequent analyses. That reference was the best information available at that time on such free fall tests.
Test drops of the actual placard will be of much greater value.
Georger's claim that the tests proposed by Shutter will not be valid is just more of his nonsense.
Sandia Labs Report. by Bustamonte 1968
Free-Fall Rotation and Aerodynamic Motion of Rectangular ... › dtic › fulltext
It is believed that a rectangular plate will continuously autorotate about an axis which is free in flight. This behavior may be compared to the motion of a strip of paper of aspect ratio two or more. .... When dropped in still air, the strip rotates and descends along an inclined path. When dropped in other conditions ...
by AC Bustamante · ‎1968 ·
This is the report that Hominid and others used when evaluating the placard analysis of Robt Nicholson, esq. years ago!
Any drone drops of sheets and other paraphernalia will have "no" validity whatever to the DB Cooper placard analysis etc.
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LoginSee Hominid's posts about this at DZ. R99 the 'engineer' is still in denial.