Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 916439 times)


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #360 on: September 20, 2014, 05:17:29 PM »
R99 has posted two critical posts which are a synopsis of the current debate, and critical to the FP debate; I hope he doesn't mind that I repose them here. TIA R99.


The pilot who said he wanted to fly over the ocean could have purposely flown over the river (?)

The short answer is "yes", but the airliner was above several cloud layers and an overcast so that the river could not have been seen visually. In addition, the airliner was only over the river proper for a few miles (at more than three miles per minute groundspeed) so the probability of Cooper landing in water deliberately is quite low. The crew didn't know when he planned to jump or when he actually did jump.

In all probability, the airliner was just taking a short cut around the west side of Portland, to avoid flying over the city, when Cooper jumped. Somewhere around Toledo (or the Mayfield/Malay Intersection) the airliner left V-23 and flew direct to the area of the Canby Intersection which is on V-23 and 27 DME miles south of the present day Battleground VORTAC.

The above shortcut would mean that the airliner either overflew or passed very close to Tina Bar. Note that the Columbia River runs north, or a couple of degrees east of north, at Tina Bar. In any event, all of the chase aircraft and the helicopter that tried to sight the airliner were vectored to the west and southwest sides of Portland.

There is nothing to support a flight path on the east side of Portland or even east of Tina Bar. The people who claim the flight stayed on V-23 or east of it while in the Portland area are simply making that claim since they need Cooper to survive the hijacking to support their claims about their Cooper candidates.

Further, the topography of the Tina Bar area is so unique that additional statements can be made once the flight path has been pinned down. And we need the un-redacted Seattle ATC transcripts to do that.


Jo, You don't understand how the Air Traffic Control system operates. On the flight to Reno, the Portland Airport would not be contacted by the airliner which was under direct control of the Seattle ATC Center. Portland was NOT involved.

It makes no difference what happened to any radio transcripts in Portland. The transcripts in question involved the Seattle ATC communications and not anything from Portland.

The FBI had transcripts of ALL relevant communications from both the Seattle ATC and Oakland ATC Centers within about a week of the hijacking. The Seattle transcripts were redacted by the FBI but they did not redact the Oakland transcripts.



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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #361 on: September 21, 2014, 01:03:46 AM »
Blevins is missing some key points in the flight path debate, ands he is making assumptions which are not true. He says the FBI FP map is true because Larry Carr presented it, and Carr was a Cooper case agent!     
(1) Carr passed out the fp map specifically to get people's evaluation and analysis, to judge the map's veracity!  Not because the map was True, as Blevins states! Blevins has made a fundamental error of fact. Read the Dropzone thread 2009 -

(2) Carr DID NOT pass out the map because it is TRUE! Carr says that very clearly.  Read the thread.

(3) Carr talked to Rataczak multiple times and still did not know if the FBI flight path map was true or not!  Blevins keeps telling people to talk to Rataczak. Blevins should talk to Larry Carr! The thread is very clear on these points!  Blevins should read the thread!

(4) RobertBlevins doesn't know anything about flight path maps or how pilots fly airplanes, or anything about the technical decisions that were made by pilots and others or why, on the evening of 11-24-71  !!

(5) Since Blevins literally doesn't know anything about this whole matter or why Carr even brought the flight path map out in the first place (for evaluation and analysis!), Blevins keeps yacking about the plane having been East vs West of I5, of all things.  Nobody has bothered to tell Bobby Blevins that "I5" doesn't have a God damned thing to do with anything! I5 had nothing to do with the route #305 flew! But Blevins is stuck on "I5" for some weird reason. He might as well be stuck on "cows at the Fazio farm"!  In addition Blevins can cite no reason whatever for what made the pilots fly one route versus another! Blevins is just blowing smoke in this whole debate.

(6) Blevins is stuck on "east vs west of I5". Or east vs west of Vancouver, or Portland.  Blevins is 100% unaware evidently that this problem involves two variables at least, not just one. Position and Time! Not just position, east or west of I5 but the time of being at any given position!  Blevns’ discussion of this whole matter is literally at the level of a Kindergartner trying to discuss and make pronouncemrnts about General Relativity! Beam Blevins up! 

Blevins' posts on this whole subject are utter nonsense and meaningless.

He is missing the fact and history of why Larry Carr posted the map in the first place: to be evaluated and examined by experts, of which RobertMBlevins is not one!
« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 01:50:37 AM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #362 on: September 21, 2014, 01:22:49 AM »
I've been reading it. he just goes 100% what the FBI claims, or says until it conflicts with KC. Larry Carr admits on this video with the map and says "the believed flight path"...this clearly means that they are not positive of the path, or he wouldn't be stating that.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 01:41:47 AM by shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #363 on: September 21, 2014, 01:41:26 AM »
I've been in the cockpit all evening. testing the speeds again. I amazed how things will change with passengers, and then without, or different temps will give different speeds. I'm going to be recording the first 40 minutes of the flight. the video will be rather large in size due to the uncompressed video. we are talking about 50 gigs of space. it records at a little over a gig a minute! then I have to compress them so they will be transferable to You Tube without having to wait 30+ hours to upload. I will be including what is said on the transcripts according to that time. this will take some time to put together, but should be interesting to watch...... 8)

I will also show any corrections needed in the transcripts during that time frame.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 02:17:23 AM by shutter »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #364 on: September 21, 2014, 02:06:58 AM »
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I've been reading it. he just goes 100% what the FBI claims, or says until it conflicts with KC. Larry Carr admits on this video with the map and says "the believed flight path"...this clearly means that they are not positive of the path, or he wouldn't be stating that.

Correct! "Believed flight path". How could Blevins have missed this? He has missed a whole year of discussions by Carr and others on Dropzone 2009. Like missing a whole year of school.

Carr brought the map to Dropzone specifically to get evaluation and analysis, not to present it as thee true flight path of 305 on 11-24-71! That point is fundamental and true, whether Blevins likes it or not! All of that after
Carr personally talk to Bill Rataczak multiple times!
Larry makes that very clear on the thread.

Blevins is totally out on a limb here, as usual. He's talking total nonsense. Blevins would have been better off had he cited Tom Kaye as the reason he-Blevins accepts the FBI flight path map; not Carr!.

It is also 100% clear Blevins doesn't have a technical grasp of the problem. He keeps citing "east vs west of I5" which has nothing to do with anything! I5 did not figure in anyone's thinking or actions when 305 flew a route going south. I5 is irrelevant. Moreover, it is not just position, but time & position. Carr discussed time as much if not more than position and everyone agreed the timeline was off, but by how much.

Remember it was Blevins who posted this piece of garbage attached he claims was a 'flight path Kenny drew'! People have told Blevins hundreds of times his picture is not a flight path at all - he just won't accept that because he doesn't even know what a flight path map is! The man is a natural born idiot.

You can't argue with Blevins. If I was R99 I would simply tell Blevins everything he has ever said on this whole problem is nonsense and irrelevant, and leave it at that. because Blevins is incapable of change except to turn around and claim: "I never said that" just to get himself out of the corner he has put himself in time after time after time for 4 long years. The man is an idiot.   



« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 02:15:45 AM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #365 on: September 21, 2014, 02:16:37 AM »
I put it on DZ several times. he will only listen to what he can hear, which is about half of the story. best case, to worse case, and nothing in between.


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #366 on: September 21, 2014, 02:29:01 AM »
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I put it on DZ several times. he will only listen to what he can hear, which is about half of the story. best case, to worse case, and nothing in between.

Blevins keeps telling people to talk to Rataczak!  He tells R99 and makes fun of him saying he should have talked to Rat in 2009!  Wasn't it Blevins who was going to talk to Rataczak in 2010, and never did, or couldn't get a reply? He says Porteous talked to Rataczak and Blevins relies on that.

What Blevins is missing is that Carr himself talked to Rataczak multiple times in 2009 and still came out uncertain about the veracity of the FBI map, Blevins somehow knows is true!

R99 should tell Blevins: Go talk to Carr who has talked to Rataczak!  :) :) :)

10:1 Blevins will read this here and try to deny it, or he will read it and ignore it hoping it goes away so he can continue to peddle his false portrait of Larry Carr and the whole Carr-Flight path discussion on Dropzone in 2009. It's amazing the things this guy does not know or chooses to ignore, and later claims never happened or exists, all so he can continue his Eulenspiegel!

« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 02:38:46 AM by georger »

Offline MarkBennett

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #367 on: September 21, 2014, 02:56:36 AM »
The FBI had to come up with some sort of proposed flight path and jump spot in order to figure out where to start their search .  But, even so, there is a wide range of confidence they could have in it from "We're pretty sure this is where and when he jumped" to "We can't be sure, but this is our best guess at this time".  What Georger notes above about Carr talking to Rataczak and sharing it on the DZ forum for comment, leads me to think it might be the second one.

Or, maybe they originally thought they had a good idea of where he jumped.  But, after finding no body, parachute, spare chute, brief case or money in the area -- and money turning up a little over seven years later a good distance away -- may have given the FBI some doubt.

Robert99 has done far more studying than me and I admit I don't understand all of it.  I don't know why he puts so much effort into trying to convince RobertMBlevins on the flight path.  RobertMBlevins has already made up his mind, and nothing short of a body turning up is going to change it.


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #368 on: September 21, 2014, 03:53:33 AM »
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The FBI had to come up with some sort of proposed flight path and jump spot in order to figure out where to start their search .  But, even so, there is a wide range of confidence they could have in it from "We're pretty sure this is where and when he jumped" to "We can't be sure, but this is our best guess at this time".  What Georger notes above about Carr talking to Rataczak and sharing it on the DZ forum for comment, leads me to think it might be the second one.

Or, maybe they originally thought they had a good idea of where he jumped.  But, after finding no body, parachute, spare chute, brief case or money in the area -- and money turning up a little over seven years later a good distance away -- may have given the FBI some doubt.

Robert99 has done far more studying than me and I admit I don't understand all of it.  I don't know why he puts so much effort into trying to convince RobertMBlevins on the flight path.  RobertMBlevins has already made up his mind, and nothing short of a body turning up is going to change it.

Let me make a cogent reply when I can tomorrow - I think its important to bring up Himmeslbach's 1976 pree release which changed the drop zone further south from the original Search zone. But I want to be able to document H's statement and will do so tomorrow - - -

In 2009 after working months on the FP and drop zone at Dropzone, with Larry Carr present, Sluggo settled on the Orchard WA area as a  likely drop zone... which ironically fit almost exactly H's statement from 1976! Sluggo of course was working completely independently. We laughed at the irony involved, but it lead to Sluggo getting an interview with H which he published at DZ during this period...

I need to check my files before posting further.

« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 04:07:01 AM by georger »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #369 on: September 21, 2014, 05:39:11 PM »
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The FBI had to come up with some sort of proposed flight path and jump spot in order to figure out where to start their search .  But, even so, there is a wide range of confidence they could have in it from "We're pretty sure this is where and when he jumped" to "We can't be sure, but this is our best guess at this time".  What Georger notes above about Carr talking to Rataczak and sharing it on the DZ forum for comment, leads me to think it might be the second one.

Or, maybe they originally thought they had a good idea of where he jumped.  But, after finding no body, parachute, spare chute, brief case or money in the area -- and money turning up a little over seven years later a good distance away -- may have given the FBI some doubt.

Robert99 has done far more studying than me and I admit I don't understand all of it.  I don't know why he puts so much effort into trying to convince RobertMBlevins on the flight path.  RobertMBlevins has already made up his mind, and nothing short of a body turning up is going to change it.

Where Cooper jumped and when he jumped varies according to the author, as noted in a Bruce Smith post below.

Where was 305? [In reply to]
Can't Post
I see there is a lot of talk about chatting with Rataczak to clarify where 305 was when Cooper jumped.

That might be useful, but I also think it would be worthwhile to review what has already been revealed by the principals.

1. Rataczak told me he did know where 305 was when DBC jumped. Later in our 70-minute phone conversation he said that 305 was east of V-23 by a couple miles due to the wind.

2. Himmelsbach told me that Rataczak told him that 305 was over the Washougal.

3. Mrs. Cooper says that Rataczak told her that he could see the lights of Vancouver to the right. Not sure what that means. It sounds like perfect Jo Weber haze. But it could very well be V-23-ish, too.

4. Calame and Rhodes say that Scott told the folks at Himms' retirement party in 1980 that 305 was west of V-23 and over Woodland, WA.

5. Larry says V-23 All the Way to Red Bluff, CA!

6. Marianne Lincoln of Shady Acres Airport in Spanaway, WA says that the transmission from Seattle Center she heard were reporting east of V-23 to Gresham and then up the Columbia River Gorge.

7. Multiple eye witnesses allegedly report that they saw a burning object descend from a low-flying aircraft just west of the I-5 bridge over the Columbia, just about the time that 305 passed over the area.

( BruceSmith on Sep 21, 2014, 1:39 AM)

Fact: nobody including SA Larry Carr seems to know who or what generated the socalled FBI FP Map which Larry presented via Sluggo in 2009. The origin of that map is a total mystery to me. In any event, we know the FBI was not in the business of generating 'flight path and drop zone maps' back in 1971 and that specifically included the Seattle and Portland offices of the FBI.

The first map called "FBI Search Map" was generated as a joint effort between engineers at NWA and computer techs at Ft. Lewis, Wa., according to SA Tom Manning. This map merely plots zones of probability according to the data available at the time, but proved empty when a massive searches were conducted on this basis. Pilot Wm Scott told officials he thought Cooper had bailed near Woodland, Wa., "about 25 miles north of Portland". Searches there were conducted on that basis.

With the statute of limitations ending in 1976, Ralph Himmelsbach at the Portland Office entered the picture to extend the case; he obtained a John Doe warrant and updated the press on the Cooper case. Himmelsbach now refers to a (new?) computer analysis and says, quote: "We are positive Cooper came down in a 24 square mile area 12 miles north of Portland". (In an independent analysis by Sluggo etal in 2009, Sluggo speculates Cooper may have bailed near Orchard, Wa.)

1980 arrives and the Ingram money is found. Himmelsbach specifically tells agents the money came down the Washougal based on hydrologist and other reports (Palmer etal). Himmelsbach now claims Cooper bailed near the Washougal River, and Rataczak suddenly chimes in saying: ' When Cooper bailed we were east of V23'. The Washougal Theory is thus born!

2009 arrives and SA Larry Carr surfaces with the previously unseen "FBI Map" in hand, but he isn't sure how valid the map is as a correct depiction of the flight path of 305, but if the map is an accurate depiction, when and where on this map did Cooper bail; that discussion is brought to Dropzone. The matter gets debated on Dropzone during 2009 with no firm conclusions during which time noted experts Robert99, Hominid, and Farflung all make significant contributions, the Washougal Theory is rejected, and several variants of the Carr FBI FP Map are suggested based on different people's analyses, and new interviews of ATC and 305 flight crew people who were involved at the time. The rendezvous of T33's  with flight 305 below Portland near Lake Oswego is documented by R2, for the first time. Interviews of people who were personally involved with the flight reenactment commence over a period of months and are still ongoing!

I cant post whole newspaper articles here due to size...  will have to post the others later ...


« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 05:44:11 PM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #370 on: September 21, 2014, 06:55:59 PM »

"4. Calame and Rhodes say that Scott told the folks at Himms' retirement party in 1980 that 305 was west of V-23 and over Woodland, WA."

This is what I asked a couple weeks ago about people claiming the plane flew over Woodland. just for giggles lets assume they were off on the plotting of the map, or where the plane was east, or west. if you take the same calculations and put them further west the same distance away from V23. things start to make more sense. the plane now fly's over Woodland, and also goes completely around Portland....

Just Saying.... 8)

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #371 on: September 21, 2014, 07:32:15 PM »
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"4. Calame and Rhodes say that Scott told the folks at Himms' retirement party in 1980 that 305 was west of V-23 and over Woodland, WA."

This is what I asked a couple weeks ago about people claiming the plane flew over Woodland. just for giggles lets assume they were off on the plotting of the map, or where the plane was east, or west. if you take the same calculations and put them further west the same distance away from V23. things start to make more sense. the plane now fly's over Woodland, and also goes completely around Portland....

Just Saying.... 8)

Pardon my ignorance, but how close would that flight path get to Tena Bar?

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #372 on: September 21, 2014, 07:44:27 PM »
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"4. Calame and Rhodes say that Scott told the folks at Himms' retirement party in 1980 that 305 was west of V-23 and over Woodland, WA."

This is what I asked a couple weeks ago about people claiming the plane flew over Woodland. just for giggles lets assume they were off on the plotting of the map, or where the plane was east, or west. if you take the same calculations and put them further west the same distance away from V23. things start to make more sense. the plane now fly's over Woodland, and also goes completely around Portland....

Just Saying.... 8)

Pardon my ignorance, but how close would that flight path get to Tena Bar?

still not close enough, probably 4 or 5 miles guessing...

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #373 on: September 21, 2014, 09:38:46 PM »
A typo on the Rataczak comment that Georger re-printed from the DZ.

Initially, Bill Rataczak told me that he did NOT know where 305 was when Cooper jumped.

"It's an enigma," he added.

Later in our 70-minute conversation, Bill said that 305 had drifted in the wind a few miles east of V-23.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #374 on: September 21, 2014, 09:44:46 PM »
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A typo on the Rataczak comment that Georger re-printed from the DZ.

Initially, Bill Rataczak told me that he did NOT know where 305 was when Cooper jumped.

"It's an enigma," he added.

Later in our 70-minute conversation, Bill said that 305 had drifted in the wind a few miles east of V-23.

drifted east at what location? they were on the east side of V23 a lot from Maylay to BTG area