Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 916271 times)


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #330 on: July 04, 2014, 02:32:08 PM »
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The quote itself "We know where Cooper jumped. We just don't know where he landed" doesn't show up anywhere. if he claims Rataczak said this in an email, it contradicts what he has said in the past. ” Rataczak says. “I don’t think he made it out alive. I think he’s down there in the blackberry brambles someplace.”

He also says this:

There’s been a lot of talk, some recently, about former purser Ken Christiansen being D. B. Cooper.
He was fully vetted by the F.B.I., who determined he was not a person of interest.

Exactly. This plus what Kitt told me also puts the lie to the assertion: "The FBI (nor NWA) looked at NWA employees." I have no idea why people would let that slip without challenge. It's tantamount to saying the FBI and NWA were morons! Sluggo once stated a figure for formal suspects'/with files the FBI has. The number was over 1000 and may have been 1054? 1021? Something like that. The critical comment was: "and beyond that the FBI looked at thousands more!". NWA Historian Kitt says NWA did its own investigation also and looked at its own employees - conducted actual interviews. Blevins' assertion is simply wrong. What we don't know is how far wrong it is. Just think about this! It's takes a lot to contend neither the FBI nor NWA 'looked at NWA employees'? It's an astounding assertion. What it establishes is the public void in actual knowledge about the Cooper case. Why didn't Gray look into this and say anything about it? Once again it is obvious the public is missing many basic facts about the Cooper case. It's the public's knowledge about this case that is lacking; with people like writer RMB ready to fill in the void with total crap !

Once again I need to say: 99.999% of everything that shows up buried at Tina Bar is there due to hydrological actions, or it wouldn't be there at all. Why the Cooper money would be an exception is beyond me. The weight of Probability suggests the Cooper money also arrived at Tina Bar by hydrological action, or hydro-related action.

Maybe I should amend the above to say: There are people out there who do know facts about the Cooper case. What they know, however, is not part of the common 'Cooper case lexicon'. (and it isn't in the Wikipedia article on the DB Cooper case, especially with people like Blevins tampering with the Wikipedia page!)

« Last Edit: July 04, 2014, 02:40:40 PM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #331 on: July 05, 2014, 02:52:13 AM »
It makes perfect sense for NWO to look into there own. how could someone assume it wasn't a mechanic, or a purser? they would be missing one of the corners in the square I've mentioned. what does the cops do when someone is found dead in a home. they look for an inside job. the same for an abducted child. I'm sure the cameras would stop rolling the second something was said they didn't like.


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #332 on: July 07, 2014, 04:22:36 PM »
This seems to be another part Blevins fails to follow. we have them admitting the timing is off on the first plot of the jump. if the timing is further out of whack, it's only 2 minutes away from the Columbia!!!

Here is what Carr said, most of you already know. these two posts are comments made by Agent Carr on

A bit of new info, the concrete time of the jump was based on the crews communication with NWA flight operations. NWA flight operations was keeping a running log documenting each communication noting the time. I did a re-read of the NWA log, tower transmission and the flight crew interviews and discovered when the crew felt the pressure variance they were not on the phone with NWA. They called just after to report the incident. The person keeping the log must have not written the time he received the communication but the time the crew thought they felt the bump.

Another clue to the time is the ground radio teletype log. It my understanding that the teletype will automatically log the time with the communication. The crew typed a message which was logged at 8:12 and mentioned oscillations not a bump.

The crew referenced a call to Cooper at 8:05 PM when making a statement about the pressure change, stating the pressure bump occurred 5 to 10 minutes after this. They further stated that when they felt the pressure change they were not yet to Portland but definitely in the suburbs.

In reviewing the flight path the plane flew directly over Battleground WA, turn and flew a straight line to Salem OR. If you look at the map I posted, 8:11 PM was the determined to be the jump point which is listed as point A. Point S is 8:10 PM and Point F is 8:12. The plot was laid out with a +-1 minute delay in reporting.

From all of this and the location where the money was found, we need to extend the calulation to 8:13, 8:14 and 8:15. I am guessing this would put the jump location near Orchard WA.

Now, Carr also says this?
So the time reported when the crew mentioned the oscillations was when Cooper most likely started down the stairs. The further he got down the stairs the more air would be rushing through the cabin. The pressure bump, which would be when he jumped, occurred (according to Rataczak) 10 to 15 minutes after their last contact with Cooper at 8:05.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2014, 05:40:08 PM by shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #333 on: July 07, 2014, 04:27:00 PM »

This is what Cooper relayed to the crew through Mucklow:

(1) Fly to Mexico City non-stop, if you can't make it then anywhere in Mexico.
(2) Fly with landing gear and flaps down
(3) Do not fly above 10,000 feet
(4) Fly with the lights out in the cabin
(5) Do not land in the US for fuel or any other reason.
(6) No one aft of the first Class Curtain
(7) After takeoff the stewardess will be allowed to the cockpit.
(8) The rear door open and the stairs extended for takeoff.

Cooper did not request the flaps be set at 15 degrees.

Cooper never requested a speed.

Cooper never asked for the plane to speed up or slow down.

Cooper did not request flight updates from the crew at any time during the incident.


From re-reading the interviews and logs, the work going on here, the money (how and where it was found) and much thought on the subject, this is how the time line has shifted:

At 7:42 Cooper called to the cockpit and told them he could not get the stairs to open. The crew slowed the plane and the stairs opened a bit. (my thoughts here) So now Cooper is looking at the stairs twisting his head around like a dog hearing a high pitch noise trying to figure it out.

He soon gets it, "the stairs drop by gravity, if i walk out on them they drop, the further my weight gets out over the stairs, the lower they go." Having realized this Cooper finalizes whatever it is he needs to do and by 8:05 he is ready to go.

He now starts to slowly test out his theory by walking out a few feet on the stairs. As he does they drop a bit further, causing the opening in the rear of the craft to get larger. Because of this, the air pressure in the cabin starts to change. Rataczak sees the cabin pressure gauge oscillating at 8:10 to 8:12 and reports it to NWA flight ops.

For the next five to ten minutes Cooper gets it all figured out and jumps, creating the "bump" 5 to 10 minutes after the last contact at 8:05.

The oscillations and bump are two different events confused as one by the agents conducting interviews. This confusion led investigators to believe the 8:11 report by Rataczak was the jump.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #334 on: July 07, 2014, 08:59:47 PM »
7:42 all the way to 8:05 is a lot of time. Rataczak couldn't have seen the gauge in the co-pilots seat. is it possible Cooper was on the stairs at 8:12 and then jumped 5-10 minutes later? this would drop him in the river if he didn't pull? if you go by the new drop zone. it seems to appear he got away. I think they would have found his body in this area sooner or later?



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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #335 on: July 08, 2014, 04:36:13 PM »
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7:42 all the way to 8:05 is a lot of time. Rataczak couldn't have seen the gauge in the co-pilots seat. is it possible Cooper was on the stairs at 8:12 and then jumped 5-10 minutes later? this would drop him in the river if he didn't pull? if you go by the new drop zone. it seems to appear he got away. I think they would have found his body in this area sooner or later?


It's obvious nobody wants to release information about this case and until that happens no real progress can be made. Why authorities are taking this stance is anyone's guess. At this late date it can't be just because this is an active case! This opens the door to every conspiracy theorist of every stripe to engage in prolonged narcissism of the type displayed daily at Dropzone. This scenario feeds conspiracy theory that says 'the FBI simply wants the case to die and go away'. Lot's of crazy things happened in the 60s and 70s - this is no exception!

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #336 on: July 08, 2014, 04:54:45 PM »
When does anything in the case make sense anyway :) I think it makes them look worse by just letting it drag on. I've said in the past that they should turn it over to the US Marshal's office. I can only imagine some of the threads for Hoffa. conspiracies out the ass I'm sure.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #337 on: July 14, 2014, 05:29:14 PM »
Here is a short video of my simulator. I'm still working on my landings which have improved dramatically :) I also added a new plane. ERJ-140. and of course my newly painted Northwest Orient 727-100. the color isn't a match, but it works for me....Mark, take note of the landings. you will notice they don't go straight down lol.....had to say it.....

« Last Edit: July 14, 2014, 07:38:35 PM by shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #338 on: July 24, 2014, 08:47:35 AM »
40 some odd years.  Frustrating when authorities wont release all their info on cases this old.  It is obvious to anyone with a half a brain that they aren't going to solve the case... and it seems they want to make sure no one else does either.  I am more into investigating the zodiac case than this one.  At least in that case there are some police reports that have been made available to the public.  Most have not.   It's disappointing.

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7:42 all the way to 8:05 is a lot of time. Rataczak couldn't have seen the gauge in the co-pilots seat. is it possible Cooper was on the stairs at 8:12 and then jumped 5-10 minutes later? this would drop him in the river if he didn't pull? if you go by the new drop zone. it seems to appear he got away. I think they would have found his body in this area sooner or later?


It's obvious nobody wants to release information about this case and until that happens no real progress can be made. Why authorities are taking this stance is anyone's guess. At this late date it can't be just because this is an active case! This opens the door to every conspiracy theorist of every stripe to engage in prolonged narcissism of the type displayed daily at Dropzone. This scenario feeds conspiracy theory that says 'the FBI simply wants the case to die and go away'. Lot's of crazy things happened in the 60s and 70s - this is no exception!

None of it makes any sense. it's to old of a story/crime to have any hold on it security wise. I doubt they would even prosecute him if they found him alive. a couple years would be a life sentence at this point and time.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2014, 10:42:50 PM by shutter »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #339 on: August 20, 2014, 01:46:50 PM »
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When does anything in the case make sense anyway :) I think it makes them look worse by just letting it drag on. I've said in the past that they should turn it over to the US Marshal's office. I can only imagine some of the threads for Hoffa. conspiracies out the ass I'm sure.

When will drones enter the Cooper chase/debate !?  I just had to say something about this.  :)

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #340 on: August 23, 2014, 03:57:19 PM »
Everything seems to get confusing even with people who have had access to the files.

Tom Kaye
"It tells you (the money) likely didn't come down 20 miles of the Washougal River," Kaye said. "Then it brings up the question of where did Cooper really jump. We have reason to believe the jump zone was farther south. If the money landed in the Columbia, that would be the easiest explanation for how it got to Tena Bar."

Larry Carr
The crew referenced a call to Cooper at 8:05 PM when making a statement about the pressure change, stating the pressure bump occurred 5 to 10 minutes after this. they further stated that when they felt the pressure changed they were not yet to Portland, but definitely in the suburbs.

Now, the suburbs of Portland are not in the area of 8:15. are they implying they crossed the river before they felt the bump? I thought the first pressure felt was at 8:10? or oscillation. the pressure bump according to Carr was 5-10 minutes after the 8:05 transmission. could they possibly be wrong and it was 5-10 minutes after the oscillation? that would put them over the suburbs of Portland?


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #341 on: August 23, 2014, 05:11:59 PM »
One of the NWA personnel who was listening to the phone patch in Seattle gave a time of 8:18 PM for the airliner being at the 23 DME (nautical miles) position south of the present day Battleground VORTAC.  The teletypewriter message about that location was listed as being sent on the teletypewriter circuit to Seattle at 8:22 PM.  Since it required a finite time to "format" the message to be sent over the ARINC teletypewriter system, the 8:18 PM time for being at that location is probably correct.

This means that at 8:15 PM, the airliner would already be south of the Columbia River by several miles.  At 8:10 PM, the airliner would still be several miles north of the Tina Bar area.

The above assumes the airliner bypassed Portland on the west side which is the only route that will provide meaningful correlations with the data.


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #342 on: August 23, 2014, 07:13:33 PM »
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Everything seems to get confusing even with people who have had access to the files.

Tom Kaye
"It tells you (the money) likely didn't come down 20 miles of the Washougal River," Kaye said. "Then it brings up the question of where did Cooper really jump. We have reason to believe the jump zone was farther south. If the money landed in the Columbia, that would be the easiest explanation for how it got to Tena Bar."

Larry Carr
The crew referenced a call to Cooper at 8:05 PM when making a statement about the pressure change, stating the pressure bump occurred 5 to 10 minutes after this. they further stated that when they felt the pressure changed they were not yet to Portland, but definitely in the suburbs.

Now, the suburbs of Portland are not in the area of 8:15. are they implying they crossed the river before they felt the bump? I thought the first pressure felt was at 8:10? or oscillation. the pressure bump according to Carr was 5-10 minutes after the 8:05 transmission. could they possibly be wrong and it was 5-10 minutes after the oscillation? that would put them over the suburbs of Portland?

Was it suburbs of Portland or 'suburbs of Vancouver" ! ?


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #343 on: August 23, 2014, 07:45:50 PM »
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Everything seems to get confusing even with people who have had access to the files.

Tom Kaye
"It tells you (the money) likely didn't come down 20 miles of the Washougal River," Kaye said. "Then it brings up the question of where did Cooper really jump. We have reason to believe the jump zone was farther south. If the money landed in the Columbia, that would be the easiest explanation for how it got to Tena Bar."

Larry Carr
The crew referenced a call to Cooper at 8:05 PM when making a statement about the pressure change, stating the pressure bump occurred 5 to 10 minutes after this. they further stated that when they felt the pressure changed they were not yet to Portland, but definitely in the suburbs.

Now, the suburbs of Portland are not in the area of 8:15. are they implying they crossed the river before they felt the bump? I thought the first pressure felt was at 8:10? or oscillation. the pressure bump according to Carr was 5-10 minutes after the 8:05 transmission. could they possibly be wrong and it was 5-10 minutes after the oscillation? that would put them over the suburbs of Portland?

Was it suburbs of Portland or 'suburbs of Vancouver" ! ?

well, that's all part of the confusing part  8)

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #344 on: August 23, 2014, 08:23:51 PM »
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One of the NWA personnel who was listening to the phone patch in Seattle gave a time of 8:18 PM for the airliner being at the 23 DME (nautical miles) position south of the present day Battleground VORTAC.  The teletypewriter message about that location was listed as being sent on the teletypewriter circuit to Seattle at 8:22 PM.  Since it required a finite time to "format" the message to be sent over the ARINC teletypewriter system, the 8:18 PM time for being at that location is probably correct.

This means that at 8:15 PM, the airliner would already be south of the Columbia River by several miles.  At 8:10 PM, the airliner would still be several miles north of the Tina Bar area.

The above assumes the airliner bypassed Portland on the west side which is the only route that will provide meaningful correlations with the data.

I've been leaning more towards the fence of a timing issue over a flight path issue. I'm beginning to think the path could be correct, and the time frames are at error. lots of fumbling going on. nothing is clear cut stating this is exactly where the plane was at "time here". 8:10 the transcripts say he could of jumped here. then we find we have two different issues with the stairs causing a jump further south than first expected. each time this occurs we get closer to the water hazards. he might have jumped around PDX, lost the money, and went home? I don't know......

I have all day tomorrow to myself  8) I'm going to run some more flights and see what happens.