Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 1130600 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3285 on: October 15, 2020, 01:02:37 AM »
I ask this over and hard would it have been to draw a basic straight line on a sectional chart for the them to see? why did they agree to the map. "why do you have us over here?" were they asleep like portland?

Offline Chaucer

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3286 on: October 15, 2020, 01:04:53 AM »

The coordinates for the Cinebar find were from Shutter. I don’t know where he got them from. The community of Cinebar sits nearly 10 miles EAST of the FBI flight path. I think you inadvertently provided the coords for the placard find.

I am not mathematician, but an 8 miles drift from 10,000 feet seems like an excessive lateral movement. Are R99’s calculations publicly available?
“Completely unhinged”

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3287 on: October 15, 2020, 01:05:52 AM »
I don't recall giving those coords, sure it was me?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 01:11:00 AM by Shutter »

Offline Chaucer

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3288 on: October 15, 2020, 01:22:04 AM »
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Cinbar cords should be   46°36'19.0"N 122°32'20.0"W
From p. 192 of this thread.

I only know this because I have spend the better part of two weeks reading the entire Flight Path thread - all 200+ pages.
“Completely unhinged”

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3289 on: October 15, 2020, 01:25:51 AM »
Yes, I gave coords to Cinebar but not the piece found..the location is unknown other than the area.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 01:26:26 AM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3290 on: October 15, 2020, 01:27:43 AM »
Ah, gotcha. So do we have any indication of where the staircase panel would have been found? It can’t be too far from Cinebar I would imagine.
“Completely unhinged”

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3291 on: October 15, 2020, 01:29:18 AM »
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The coordinates for the Cinebar find were from Shutter. I don’t know where he got them from. The community of Cinebar sits nearly 10 miles EAST of the FBI flight path. I think you inadvertently provided the coords for the placard find.

I am not mathematician, but an 8 miles drift from 10,000 feet seems like an excessive lateral movement. Are R99’s calculations publicly available?

The coords are for the placard. We do not know the specific location of the fiberglass skirt find near Cinebar.
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Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3292 on: October 15, 2020, 01:30:44 AM »
I don't have the document in front of me but I believe it was found near Cinebar. not sure where the document is right you claimed's getting late. I'm way past me time. perhaps Eric can post it.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3293 on: October 15, 2020, 01:47:51 AM »
He was asked days later to recollect where the jet was at a specific point that had no meaning or significance. It's not like Cooper jumped and a light went off and everyone took note of the spot of the jet on a black radar monitor.

This was a major event. downplaying it doesn't make sense when you use the diversion of Portland because a bomb is on board. they just assumed it would not fly over Portland, which could also mean PDX and could explain the sharp turn.. these guys can multi-task with ease. it's there job. I would guess memory wouldn't be an issue either. I don't believe they were ignored. I doubt they were half as busy as today.

Offline Robert99

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3294 on: October 15, 2020, 01:55:28 AM »
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The coordinates for the Cinebar find were from Shutter. I don’t know where he got them from. The community of Cinebar sits nearly 10 miles EAST of the FBI flight path. I think you inadvertently provided the coords for the placard find.

I am not mathematician, but an 8 miles drift from 10,000 feet seems like an excessive lateral movement. Are R99’s calculations publicly available?


If you have my calculations feel free to send them to Chaucer.  You also did the calculations and we were in excellent agreement. 

You and I discussed this matter extensively when Tom Kaye came up with the MEASURED winds aloft values that were made on the evening of the hijacking.  Those MEASURED winds aloft values were a bit higher than the FAA ESTIMATED winds aloft values for the evening of the hijacking that were provided to pilots that evening and that were used in the earlier calculations.

As I pointed out to Tom Kaye a number of years ago when I did the initial drift estimate for him, I made it a point to be extremely conservative since there were a number of assumptions that had to be made.  When Tom came up with the MEASURED wind aloft values, the number of assumptions could be drastically reduced and that produced a drift distance that was quite a bit larger than the initial estimate made several years ago.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3295 on: October 15, 2020, 02:15:30 AM »
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He was asked days later to recollect where the jet was at a specific point that had no meaning or significance. It's not like Cooper jumped and a light went off and everyone took note of the spot of the jet on a black radar monitor.

This was a major event. downplaying it doesn't make sense when you use the diversion of Portland because a bomb is on board. they just assumed it would not fly over Portland, which could also mean PDX and could explain the sharp turn.. these guys can multi-task with ease. it's there job. I would guess memory wouldn't be an issue either. I don't believe they were ignored. I doubt they were half as busy as today.


With all due respect, it is unlikely that any FAA people in Portland were involved in the airliner's flight to Reno.  The flight was totally controlled from the Seattle Center until it was handed off to the Oakland Center in Northern California.

There is nothing to indicate that anyone in Portland even knew which transponder code the airliner was squawking and that would be the only way for them to accurately identify the aircraft.  When the airliner was handed off from one controller to another, the new controller would tell it to "ident" (squawk its transponder) and to state its altitude.  Both the old and new controllers would be watching their radar displays, and coordinating the transfer by land line telephones, to insure that they were looking at the same aircraft.

For the record, the airliner squawked transponder code 3100 all the way from Seattle to Reno.

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3296 on: October 15, 2020, 02:31:12 AM »
8 years on the ground uncovered in the woods and didn't budge. was it on the ground, in brush. was the area open or full of foliage?

Doesn't this area have a lot of pine tree's that would be hard to penetrate. sticking right out in the open? just seems odd. they also put the appearance into question.

What would the placard do torn up vs a perfect placard floating around?
The wind data can be pretty accurate but can also shift. air traffic controllers told me it would be difficult to pinpoint wind direct in a small area. these are guys who deal with this stuff on a daily basis. calculations are known to be wrong. we argue that with the path.

How did the Air Force come up with data similar to Portland or what NWO calculated. I seriously doubt they called anyone. it's a totality of things matching. the placard was found near the known path and not an unknown path. the Air Force did there own thing and appears NWO did but with help from the FBI and Portland. all of them wrong? I'm not on board 100% with anything until all the facts are in.
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 02:49:01 AM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3297 on: October 15, 2020, 02:32:14 AM »
Your saying they couldn't of been listening in or tracking. again, the "bomb" but ignored it and only the pilots were concerned?
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 02:36:48 AM by Shutter »

Offline georger

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3298 on: October 15, 2020, 02:40:28 AM »
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I’m going to ask a respectful, straightforward question, but one that is bound to rile everyone up.

What physical evidence (excluding personal opinions or feelings) exists that suggest a Western Flight Path?

I know that R99 will say that “this has been discussed since 2009” and/or some form of “do your own research”, so he is excused from answering. But I’d appreciate to hear some hard evidence and facts that point toward a flight path that puts the plane above Tena Bar.

I also don’t want to hear arguments why the presumed FBI flight path is wrong. That’s a different question.

I would like to hear factual evidence that indicate the Western Flight Path is accurate.

1) The placard find location.

2) The fiberglass skirt find location.

3) The money find location.

and along the same lines but focusing on the opposite...

4) The complete lack of a single piece of physical evidence pointing to any other flight path. None. Zilch. Nada. Zero. After 49 years.

Your argument is circular. A fallacy. No to mention its all according to you!

Frankly, you and R99 have a lot of gall claiming that your work is superior to that of the Air Force who had the radar tapes in hand.

Circular reasoning is when you attempt to make an argument by beginning with the assumption(s) that what you are trying and needing to prove, is already true.  You are assuming that each of your points above are true, only if your flight path is true! And therefore your flight path must be true! :rofl:
« Last Edit: October 15, 2020, 02:57:20 AM by georger »

Offline Robert99

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #3299 on: October 15, 2020, 03:39:11 AM »
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I’m going to ask a respectful, straightforward question, but one that is bound to rile everyone up.

What physical evidence (excluding personal opinions or feelings) exists that suggest a Western Flight Path?

I know that R99 will say that “this has been discussed since 2009” and/or some form of “do your own research”, so he is excused from answering. But I’d appreciate to hear some hard evidence and facts that point toward a flight path that puts the plane above Tena Bar.

I also don’t want to hear arguments why the presumed FBI flight path is wrong. That’s a different question.

I would like to hear factual evidence that indicate the Western Flight Path is accurate.

1) The placard find location.

2) The fiberglass skirt find location.

3) The money find location.

and along the same lines but focusing on the opposite...

4) The complete lack of a single piece of physical evidence pointing to any other flight path. None. Zilch. Nada. Zero. After 49 years.

Your argument is circular. A fallacy. No to mention its all according to you!

Frankly, you and R99 have a lot of gall claiming that your work is superior to that of the Air Force who had the radar tapes in hand.

Circular reasoning is when you attempt to make an argument by beginning with the assumption(s) that what you are trying and needing to prove, is already true.  You are assuming that each of your points above are true, only if your flight path is true! And therefore your flight path must be true! :rofl:


Based on your last paragraph above, you wouldn't know what circular reasoning is if it bit you in the butt.  The facts that EU has repeated above is what led to the conclusion that the so-called Western Flight Path was the correct one for the airliner.  And that is not circular reasoning.

To repeat for the record, I joined DropZone in early 2009 after Sluggo told me about it and how to find the Cooper thread.  I then spent more than a year researching the hijacking and the flight path, obtaining information from the National Archives and other sources, and doing my own calculations. Based on my training and experience as a professional Aeronautical Engineer, a pilot since the age of 15, and a very limited amount of parachuting, I concluded that there was no way the so-called FBI flight path could be correct.  And I discussed the flight path problems in my very first post on DropZone in the summer or 2010.

There was a knee jerk reaction to that post from some of the entrenched Cooper true believers, including yourself if I remember correctly. But none of the true believers have been able to come up with a single valid point to disprove the so-called Western Flight Path.  It is not a faith-based creation.

And again for the record, I stand by everything that I have done on the Western Flight Path since 2009.