I’m going to ask a respectful, straightforward question, but one that is bound to rile everyone up.
What physical evidence (excluding personal opinions or feelings) exists that suggest a Western Flight Path?
I know that R99 will say that “this has been discussed since 2009” and/or some form of “do your own research”, so he is excused from answering. But I’d appreciate to hear some hard evidence and facts that point toward a flight path that puts the plane above Tena Bar.
I also don’t want to hear arguments why the presumed FBI flight path is wrong. That’s a different question.
I would like to hear factual evidence that indicate the Western Flight Path is accurate.
1) The placard find location.
2) The fiberglass skirt find location.
3) The money find location.
and along the same lines but focusing on the opposite...
4) The complete lack of a single piece of physical evidence pointing to any other flight path. None. Zilch. Nada. Zero. After 49 years.
Your argument is circular. A fallacy. No to mention its all according to you!
Frankly, you and R99 have a lot of gall claiming that your work is superior to that of the Air Force who had the radar tapes in hand.
Circular reasoning is when you attempt to make an argument by beginning with the assumption(s) that what you are trying and needing to prove, is already true. You are assuming that each of your points above are true, only if your flight path is true! And therefore your flight path must be true! 
Based on your last paragraph above, you wouldn't know what circular reasoning is if it bit you in the butt. The facts that EU has repeated above is what led to the conclusion that the so-called Western Flight Path was the correct one for the airliner. And that is not circular reasoning.
To repeat for the record, I joined DropZone in early 2009 after Sluggo told me about it and how to find the Cooper thread. I then spent more than a year researching the hijacking and the flight path, obtaining information from the National Archives and other sources, and doing my own calculations. Based on my training and experience as a professional Aeronautical Engineer, a pilot since the age of 15, and a very limited amount of parachuting, I concluded that there was no way the so-called FBI flight path could be correct. And I discussed the flight path problems in my very first post on DropZone in the summer or 2010.
There was a knee jerk reaction to that post from some of the entrenched Cooper true believers, including yourself if I remember correctly. But none of the true believers have been able to come up with a single valid point to disprove the so-called Western Flight Path. It is not a faith-based creation.
And again for the record, I stand by everything that I have done on the Western Flight Path since 2009.