Brand new INTERPRETATIONS by FKYJACK! (to fit his suspect of course)

1 hour ago (edited)
Cooper’s initial demand was Mexico City, non stop in US for any reason. It wasn’t nonstop to Mexico City, the plane could refuel in Mexico. His initial demand was also airstairs lowered inflight. NOT airstairs down on takeoff, that came up later.
The problem everyone is noodling is why make a demand the plane's range couldn’t achieve flying dirty that would be rejected.
logical answer is either Cooper believed the demand was achievable or he was engaged in some sort of misdirection.
Everyone has accepted the theory that he knew it was unachievable and was somehow instigating some negotiation. I disagree, this makes no sense and there is no evidence for it..
IMO, Cooper thought the plane could reach Mexico.. when he made his initial demand.
So, if Cooper was knowledgable about the 727 aircraft and had flying experience how did he make such an obvious error. He got the range way off if the 727 was flying in that configuration.
Everybody has made the assumption that Cooper made a demand he knew was unachievable and would be rejected.
That assumption may be wrong.
Here is a theory nobody has brought up..
All of Cooper’s demands regarding Mexico and the plane configuration were passed to the crew orally through Tina.
What if Tina didn’t convey the instructions to the pilots exactly as Cooper intended.
What if he initially wanted the dirty configuration applied when the airstairs were lowered inflight by the stew, not the entire flightpath. We only have Tina’s interpretation of Cooper’s demand to go by.
It is extremely unlikely Cooper made the initial demand of "no stops in US for any reason" knowing it was unachievable. It makes no sense for Cooper to make a demand that he knew would be rejected.
IMO, Cooper’s initial plan was to jump outside the US.. airstairs lowered inflight by Tina. She conveyed his instructions slightly inaccurately to the pilots and they went back to Cooper to negotiate a stop in Reno. When Reno was agreed to Cooper changed his plan to jump before the plane landed in Reno. That is when the airstairs down on takeoff came up. Cooper’s LZ wasn’t his initial plan, it was ad hoc.
Other factors,, Cooper wasn’t dressed for a PNW jump and Cooper's money demand was referred to as “US” currency by Tina and “American” currency by pilots… that suggests a foreign element. Why define the currency as US/American.. AND Cooper was described as swarthy, latin, Mexican in features and appearance..
Edited 1 hour ago by FLYJACK
* What are suspect peddler cultists going to do if Cooper turns out to have been Chinese!