In the first place, nobody has said or claimed the 'Seattle ATC transcripts are complete'! Stop putting words in people's mouths that dont exist either!

Maybe the alleged missing communications are in some other document or tapes? The critical period is presumably 8:12 pm to 8:20 pm. We have the following:
8:12 pm t1
305: Getting some oscillations in the cabin. Must be doing something with
the air stairs.
MSP: Roger.
8:13.14 305 Center? 405 (unintel) 20.9 10,000.
SEAR5 Northwest 305 ident
8:15.52 SEAR5 Northwest 305, the Portland uh altimeter 3003.
305 0 0 3
8:20 pm t1
305: Called.
MSP: Go to 131.8 (phone patch to company on that freq.)
SEADD: He (?) is already on that frequency.
MSP: Roger. We are on the phone and will be talking to him shortly.
SEADD: Roger.
At 8:20 305 is on the phone talking to "him" on some other frequency? There are no comms with ATC during this period. Why or how would non-existent communications with ATC be included in a Transcript if they didn't even occur? Maybe those comms (people want) are on some other tape and in some other document, or they never existed in the first place with ATC? And the socalled unredacted ATC transcript does not exist because it never existed?
So far after all these years of looking-demanding, not one shred of hard evidence has ever surfaced that an 'unredacted' Transcript even exists, or ever existed except as a figment in some people's minds!

*If people recall, we asked NW Historian Bruce Kit if he had ever seen a flight comm transcript with "HIM" at 8:20. Bruce replied, 'No but I sure would like to!'