Here is the files I have surrounding the flight path. they are not in order yet but thought some might want to look them over and not have to scroll around file after file...
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Good! Glad someone has grouped these all together.

What I still have a hard time reconciling is Anderson's testimony late on 11/24 at Reno vs 'someone's belief' that Cooper had bailed clear up at Lake Merwin which sent the FBI scrambling looking in the area of Woodland, Ariel, and in that region?
If my reconstruction is right, the FBI is getting their first impressions of a search zone from ... Paul Soderlind and people at NWA? This is before 305 has even landed at Reno and Anderson has given his testimony later that night ?
It seems to have taken (years!) for Anderson's testimony to be given credence? Years later Scott is still preaching the Merwin Lake scenario. Rataczak is all over the map telling different people different things! Anderson is still giving the same testimony he gave the night of 11-24. In 1972 a huge search is conducted clear up north at Ariel! And NWA has issued a probability map that looks like something the Consumer Lottery published!
And it all revolves around the time issue - when Cooper bailed.
Meanwhile Anderson's original testimony sits .... no one is paying attention until around .... 2008?

It's like a Charlie Chaplan movie. Keystone Cooper cops.
Throw into that scenario Himmelsbach's 1975-6 announcement to the press that the new DB Cooper landing zone is somewhere 12 miles north of Portland!
Maybe DB Cooper landed on the Moon!