Doubtful any redaction has taken place. even the FBI makes a reference to no chatter on the's the company log that's needed..
What is a "company log"? The Harrison papers are notes taken during the actual hijacking. What we need are the complete Seattle ATC radio transcripts for the flight south and the missing ARINC teletype transcripts that went to the Seattle NWA office.
That and a
General Cooper bibliography! There is no standard Cooper file bibliography. The same and similar documents are being referred to by different names by different people. That has been going on since Cooper discussions started and it only adds to confusion. One case in point is "The Transcript" being used by Tom Kaye. Which transcript? PI Transcript? NWA Transcript? "The Transcript" referred to by Tom Kaye has nothing to do with the PI, NWA, or other socalled transcripts but is a compilation of FBI documents including the Palmer Report!
We need a "General Cooper bibliography" with specific assigned names for specific documents that people can refer to so everyone is on the same page and knows what documents are being referred to!
That bibliography should include tittles like: (a) missing complete Seattle ATC radio transcripts, (b) missing ARINC-NWA teletype transcripts, etc that dont even exist (yet). These documents probably do exist somewhere but have never been made public! "The Company Log" - what does that refer to? Is that the missing ARINC-NWA flight communications teletype transcripts: ?
I agree with your general premise. The need is real.