Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 1130989 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2610 on: August 17, 2019, 12:40:49 PM »
If you make a turn at Toledo and try to line up with 3 nautical miles from V23 would be a challenge. then the plane would have to merge east to line up one nautical mile west of V23 at Kelso and turn from there. this is why Robert says they flew from V23 to Malay straight down.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2611 on: August 17, 2019, 12:44:45 PM »
How far west is the Toledo airport from the Maylay intersection?

I don't think anyone got too specific on the precise turn location. 305 merely made the turn at Toledo/Maylay then traveled however many miles it was to the Kelso area before turning 160.

To be clear, I'm referring to the Toledo airport, not the town.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 12:46:43 PM by EU »
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2612 on: August 17, 2019, 12:46:34 PM »
Around 4 nm on center Malay...17 nm to Kelso area. if you are trying to make a path you should know all of this?
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 12:48:09 PM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2613 on: August 17, 2019, 12:48:39 PM »
Yeah, I'm just saying he rounded the turn at Maylay and headed down V23. Perhaps he was 4NM west of the centerline as he flew toward Kelso.
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2614 on: August 17, 2019, 12:54:43 PM »
Here is your path...

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2615 on: August 17, 2019, 12:59:17 PM »
It's difficult to tell. What I have mocked up on Google Maps shows the jet flying over Woodland and Tena Bar, passing between the 405 and Beaverton, and ultimately merging into the centerline near Canby.
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2616 on: August 17, 2019, 01:01:34 PM »
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It's difficult to tell. What I have mocked up on Google Maps shows the jet flying over Woodland and Tena Bar, passing between the 405 and Beaverton, and ultimately merging into the centerline near Canby.

You need to be working off of Skyvector or sectional maps..
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 01:02:47 PM by Shutter »

Offline georger

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2617 on: August 17, 2019, 02:48:39 PM »
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This is precisely what Scott told Himmelsbach according to a couple of accounts. Specifically, that he flew west of downtown Portland and that he believes they flew about 10 miles west of the FBI Flight Path. Additionally, Ammerman stated that he believes the jet passed west of downtown Portland between the 405 and Beaverton--this while traveling on heading of 160 (due south). Also, consider that Ammerman was never interviewed by the FBI.

where is that documented! ?

Offline Robert99

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2618 on: August 17, 2019, 02:51:39 PM »
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It's difficult to tell. What I have mocked up on Google Maps shows the jet flying over Woodland and Tena Bar, passing between the 405 and Beaverton, and ultimately merging into the centerline near Canby.

You need to be working off of Skyvector or sectional maps..

Let me comment on about the last 20 posts between EU and Shutter.

First, I am saying that the "FBI map" DOES NOT look like it was drawn on a 1971 FAA Sectional Chart since the airway widths shown appear to be 8 Nautical Miles (due to a number of factors this remains to be confirmed).  If the date of the change over from 10 Statute Mile widths to 8 Nautical Mile widths can be determined, that would give the earliest that this map could have been prepared.

The map shows Mount St. Helens at its original height before it blew its stack about three months after the money find at Tina Bar.  Update issues of sectional charts are published about ever six months and include updates up to about six weeks before the published date.  Thus, it would take at least one and probably two update cycles before the new Mount St. Helens height was shown on the sectional charts.  The map would have to be prepared on an issue of the sectional chart prior to the date of the issue of the map with the new height shown.  This assumes, of course, that the "FBI map" was prepared on a current issue of the sectional chart and not on an out-of-date issue.

Later today, time permitting, I will post on the meaning of "headings" and such things as used in aircraft navigation and air traffic control.  But it is something that everyone should understand when discussing the flight path.  And EU is correct when saying that if a controller told a pilot that he was pointed in the compass direction of 160 degrees while in the Portland area in 1971, the aircraft was actually pointed almost straight south, or 180 degrees, when there was a no wind condition.  More on this later in greater depth.

Further, assume that the airliner did fly direct between the Malay and Canby Intersections.  Its maximum distance from V-23, assuming an 8 Nautical Mile width for V-23, would still be only about 3 Nautical Miles.  And that would be in the Tina Bar area.  There is no basis for a flight path west of the Malay to Canby path. 
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 03:01:34 PM by Robert99 »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2619 on: August 17, 2019, 02:53:03 PM »
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Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23. 305 cutting off the dogleg and veering outside of V23 by 2 or 3 miles is meaningless if that's what it takes to skirt downtown Portland. Moreover, V23 heads 175 degrees from Battlefield, therefore 305 would naturally merge right back into center line V23 just south of Portland.

You are making this up as you go along ... Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23 ?

Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23 but to Ammerman who was "beholden" to V23!  That is the central point of Ammerman's whole testimony and he has been tested on that point by at least five interviewers! Ammerman has told EVERYONE! that the only time 305 could have slipped out of V23 was during the brief period when Cliff was not watching the screen as 305 briefly passed on the west side of V23 passed Portland and his testimony is: "or I would have alert everyone instantly. I was lining the T33 and 305 for a rendezvous, and that was dependent on knowing exactly where 305 was".  So sir it is not like you are saying: Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23. Those are your words - not Ammerman's. Ammerman has never said what you are saying he said. 

You are just looking for an 'out' you can plop some cobbled west path in. Whether it fits with Ammerman's testimony or not. Its as simple as that.

BTW! When you say Cliff says he was never interviewed by the FBI --------- SO WHAT! IT DOESN'T MATTER. why would the "FBI" interview Cliff at all! ? The FBI doesn't make flight path maps! McChord has the tape! Nobody needs Ammerman! Ammerman's superiors were deposed and worked with the Air Force and that is on record.

You are just floating more nonsense when you are posting that empty news. The FBI didn't interview Walt Disney either -  :rofl:   
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 03:14:22 PM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2620 on: August 17, 2019, 03:07:10 PM »
Here's EU map, for whatever thats worth. I had to trim it to under 200k and try to focus it which I couldnt do - 

Offline Robert99

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2621 on: August 17, 2019, 03:17:11 PM »
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Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23. 305 cutting off the dogleg and veering outside of V23 by 2 or 3 miles is meaningless if that's what it takes to skirt downtown Portland. Moreover, V23 heads 175 degrees from Battlefield, therefore 305 would naturally merge right back into center line V23 just south of Portland.

You are making this up as you go along ... Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23 ?

Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23 but to Ammerman who was "beholden" to V23!  That is the central point of Ammerman's whole testimony and he has been tested on that point by at least five interviewers! Ammerman has told EVERYONE! that the only time 305 could have slipped out of V23 was during the brief period when Cliff was not watching the scene as 305 briefly passed on the west side of V23 passed Portland and his testimony is: "or I would have alert everyone instantly. I was lining the T33 and 305 for a rendezvous, and that was dependent on knowing exactly where 305 was".  So sir it is not like you are saying: Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23. Those are your words - not Ammerman's. Ammerman never said what you are trying to inform us he said! Ammerman has never said what you are saying he said. 

You are just looking for an 'out' you can plop some cobbled west path in. Whether it fits with Ammerman's testimony or not. Its as simple as that.

BTW! When you say Cliff says he was never interviewed by the FBI --------- SO WHAT! IT DOESN'T MATTER. why would the FBI interview cliff at all! ? McChord has the tape! Nobody needs Ammerman! Ammerman's superiors were deposed and worked with the Air Force.

You are just floating more nonsense when you are posing that empty news. The FBI didn;t interview Walt Disney either -  :rofl:

Cliff (R2) was not the controller after 8:13 PM, it was R5.  Cliff may have worked on the intercept problem after that time but the intercepts were made southwest of Portland.  Probably ever supervisor in the Seattle ATC facility was looking over the shoulders of R2, R5, and the other controllers involved.  This was not a routine operation.

There are four Oakland ATC controllers listed as being involved in the hand-off between Seattle and Oakland.  And as I have stated numerous times, the Oakland Center radio transcripts are textbook air traffic control for the 1971 era.  If the Seattle Center radio transcripts included the 19 deleted portions, they would probably show textbook air traffic control also.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2019, 05:17:53 PM by Robert99 »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2622 on: August 17, 2019, 03:20:23 PM »
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Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23. 305 cutting off the dogleg and veering outside of V23 by 2 or 3 miles is meaningless if that's what it takes to skirt downtown Portland. Moreover, V23 heads 175 degrees from Battlefield, therefore 305 would naturally merge right back into center line V23 just south of Portland.

You are making this up as you go along ... Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23 ?

Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23 but to Ammerman who was "beholden" to V23!  That is the central point of Ammerman's whole testimony and he has been tested on that point by at least five interviewers! Ammerman has told EVERYONE! that the only time 305 could have slipped out of V23 was during the brief period when Cliff was not watching the scene as 305 briefly passed on the west side of V23 passed Portland and his testimony is: "or I would have alert everyone instantly. I was lining the T33 and 305 for a rendezvous, and that was dependent on knowing exactly where 305 was".  So sir it is not like you are saying: Remember that 305 wasn't beholden to V23. Those are your words - not Ammerman's. Ammerman never said what you are trying to inform us he said! Ammerman has never said what you are saying he said. 

You are just looking for an 'out' you can plop some cobbled west path in. Whether it fits with Ammerman's testimony or not. Its as simple as that.

Let me explain a few things to GEORGER who is apparently intellectually challenged and "confused" as he rightfully admitted in previous post:

1) Ammerman stated that 305 passed Portland west of the 405 but east of Beaverton as best he can recall.

2) Ammerman stated that 305 maintained a consistent heading of 160 (Between the Kelso area and south of Portland) as best he can recall.

3) Ammerman stated that 305 could have been OUTSIDE of V23 west of PDX.

4) Ammerman stated that he was there to observe 305 and coordinate the F-106s and T-33.

5) Ammerman stated that he handed communication with 305 off to the controller who handled the airspace from 9K feet and lower as the jet was near Kelso. Therefore, he could not and did not communicate directly with 305.

6) Ammerman stated he was never interviewed by the FBI.

7) Ammerman stated that he was unaware of the FBI Flight Path specifics.

8) Ammerman stated that the T-33 pulled in behind 305 NNW of PDX. Therefore, 305 was never north or east of PDX.

9) Ammerman stated that he was told by a woman he works with, who apparently knew Capt. Scott in some capacity, that she was told that Scott intentionally flew the jet west of Portland to avoid the primary cluster of population because of the prospect of a bomb being onboard.

10) Ammerman stated that 305 embarked upon a heading of 160 near Kelso to cut out the "dogleg" portion of V23.

Now take that home and smoke it. Plot it out. See what you come up with. Please report back to us all immediately upon discovering the mass EU/R99 conspiracy.
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Offline georger

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2623 on: August 17, 2019, 03:20:54 PM »
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It's difficult to tell. What I have mocked up on Google Maps shows the jet flying over Woodland and Tena Bar, passing between the 405 and Beaverton, and ultimately merging into the centerline near Canby.

You need to be working off of Skyvector or sectional maps..

Let me comment on about the last 20 posts between EU and Shutter.

First, I am saying that the "FBI map" DOES NOT look like it was drawn on a 1971 FAA Sectional Chart since the airway widths shown appear to be 8 Nautical Miles (due to a number of factors this remains to be confirmed).  If the date of the change over from 10 Statute Mile widths to 8 Nautical Mile widths can be determined, that would give the earliest that this map could have been prepared.

The map shows Mount St. Helens at its original height before it blew its stack about three months after the money find at Tina Bar.  Update issues of sectional charts are published about ever six months and include updates up to about six weeks before the published date.  Thus, it would take at least one and probably two update cycles before the new Mount St. Helens height was shown on the sectional charts.  The map would have to be prepared on an issue of the sectional chart prior to the date of the issue of the map with the new height shown.  This assumes, of course, that the "FBI map" was prepared on a current issue of the sectional chart and not on an out-of-date issue.

Later today, time permitting, I will post on the meaning of "headings" and such things as used in aircraft navigation and air traffic control.  But it is something that everyone should understand when discussing the flight path.  And EU is correct when saying that if a controller told a pilot that he was pointed in the compass direction of 160 degrees while in the Portland area in 1971, the aircraft was actually pointed almost straight south, or 180 degrees, when there was a no wind condition.  More on this later in greater depth.

Further, assume that the airliner did fly direct between the Malay and Canby Intersections.  Its maximum distance from V-23, assuming an 8 Nautical Mile width for V-23, would still be only about 3 Nautical Miles.  And that would be in the Tina Bar area.  There is no basis for a flight path west of the Malay to Canby path.

I almost hate to say this, meanwhile the rest of the world is going with V23 and the socalled FBI flight path map.  Why? Because there are no compelling reasons anyone has shown (including you) to do otherwise.

It really comes down to that.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2624 on: August 17, 2019, 03:21:54 PM »
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Here's EU map, for whatever thats worth. I had to trim it to under 200k and try to focus it which I couldnt do -

I did not create this map. I can barely read the map.
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