Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 1130973 times)

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2385 on: July 31, 2019, 06:19:28 PM »
I can only respond with what CA told me. That's the best I can do.

Nobody is asking anything of you. you didn't make these statements. someone else did. I'm posting things that conflict and I'm trying to make sense of what he states. some things don't seem to add up. he might have a reason that clears these things up. I don't know.

Offline Robert99

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2386 on: July 31, 2019, 07:03:39 PM »
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The question is whether Ammerman was ARTCC or TRACON. he said he was at SEATAC. the ARTCC has been away from the airport since 1962.

TRACON handles flights coming in and flights taking off then it's handed off to ARTCC.

ARTCCs, usually referred to as "Centers," are established primarily to provide Air Traffic Service to aircraft operating on IFR flight plans within the controlled airspace, and principally during the en route phase of flight.

There are 21 Air Route Traffic Control Centers (ARTCC) in the United States.

Any aircraft operating under Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) within the confines of an ARTCC's airspace is controlled by air traffic controllers at the Center. This includes all sorts of different types of aircraft: privately owned single engine aircraft, commuter airlines, military jets and commercial airlines.

Is the information I've provided inaccurate or is Ammerman going off second hand information? he sounds like he knows what he's talking about.

It is my understanding that the radar system for the Seattle area was physically located at McChord AFB.  It would probably be operated by USAF military and civilian personnel.  The FAA air traffic controllers may not have been directly involved in its operation.

There was probably a Memorandum of Understanding between the USAF and the FAA about the use of the radar data.  In any event, the Seattle air traffic controllers in Auburn would have displays from this radar at their work stations.  The Auburn controllers probably had displays from radar systems in the Spokane area as well as other areas for which they were responsible for air traffic control.

The approach and departure controllers at SEATAC would also have displays from the McChord radar and/or they might also have displays from lower powered radars located at SEATAC itself.  These controllers would probably be located in the SEATAC tower building very close to the tower controllers who were looking out the windows.  All of these people would work very closely together.

The NWA airliner was cleared for take-off on the ground control frequency and told to contact the Seattle ATC center directly on a specific frequency.  They therefore bypassed the tower controller and the departure controller.  Apparently there was some confusion between the SEATAC tower controllers and the ATC controllers in Auburn.  When the airliner contacted the Auburn controllers, they were apparently taken by surprise and had to ask the airliner for information.  This took a couple of minutes to clear up and I think it is discussed in the "FBI Notes" and other places.

In the Portland area, there was probably a low power radar station that provided coverage that was not available from the Seattle ATC radar system.  This station would probably be located on the PIA property (maybe on top of the tower cab).  Presumably it was just such a station that claimed to have tracked the airliner in the Portland area.  This station would be entirely separate from the enroute radar network at Auburn.  The mountains between Seattle and Portland would block the two radars.

Previous posts on this site have stated that the F-106s broke off their trailing of the airliner, climbed to 20,000 feet, and headed east while still north of the Columbia River.  Ammerman claims to have been the controller who worked the intercept problem between the T-33 (and also presumably the F-106s) and the airliner.  He would almost certainly have been at the Seattle ATC in Auburn.  Also, he would probably have been assisted by several other people.  And I imagine that the most senior managers at the Auburn facility were looking over his should (and that of the other controllers involved) as he worked the interception.  This hijacking was not a routine event so it would be an "all hands on deck" situation.

Ammerman has apparently told Georger that he was not looking at his radar display from some point where the airliner was north of the Columbia River until it was south of the Columbia River.  But you can rest assured that someone was looking at that display.  And it appears that the other people were giving the airliner instructions that Ammerman was not aware of while he was working on the interception matter.

During the hand off to the Oakland Center, at least four Oakland controllers were involved.  Only one Seattle Center controller was involved apparently.

I have a feeling this is going to get *very* complicated, due to hair splitting, the system Cliff was part of, etc - looking for anything that will nullify Ammerman's testimony ?

From my notes:

"Cliff was a controller located at Seattle Center who handled 305 all the way to PDX and slightly beyond PDX  on the evening of 11-24-71.  Cliff handed off to Eugene. Departure control gave over 305 to Cliff and Cliff handled 305. Cliff was not SEAR2 in the NWA transcript.  Cliff says whoever R2 was, R2 would have handed off to R4, who would have handed off to R5 etc.  Cliff was located at Seattle Center. Seattle Center was one of 22-26 large air control centers at the time in the US.  Seattle Center was in a building below the tower at SEA-TAC."

And: 'Cliff suggests we contact the FAA Northwest Region who he feels kept and still has ‘all the radar input and any controller transcripts and notes'  “if those were kept at all from that nightâ€, he says.

This complexity is the whole reason I wanted R99 to talk to Cliff. Apparently that never happened!

Georger, please read this post before replying.  There is no hair splitting here.

Here are the Seattle controllers listed on the front page of the Seattle ATC radio transcripts (note that an R4 is not listed):


The Seattle ATC radio transcripts are described as being a "true transcription" by Gerald H. Osterkamp, Chief, Seattle ARTCC.  He adds that the original transcripts are on file in his office.

Did you read Shutter's post about when the Seattle ATC was opened in Auburn?  If not, you might find it interesting compared to what you have written above.

The FAA does keep records of aircraft accidents and incidents such as this hijacking.  For the Seattle area, this records are eventually retired to the FAA Regional Office in the Seattle area.  If you remember, that FAA Regional Office is the one that I initially contacted several years ago in an effort to obtain the unredacted Seattle ATC radio transcripts.

That FAA Regional Office promptly replied to my inquiry with a full page of contact information for the FBI FOIA office in Winchester, Virginia.  And they replied by registered mail.

I contacted that FBI FOIA office and got a run-around, then I appealed to the DOJ and got another run-around.  After that I contacted my US Congresswoman, who is now a US Senator filling out the remainder of John McCain's term.  Three Congressional interventions later, I received exactly two pages of information but nothing on the radio transcripts.  Those two pages are posted here on Shutter's site.

All of the above has been discussed here and at DZ at great length over the last several years.

If you are interested in contacting Ammerman again, let me know and I can suggest some specific questions you might want to discuss with him.  This assumes that you have a working relationship with him.   

This assumes that you have a working relationship with him.   ?

Nothing new in your reply including the smarm.

So let me say it again and maybe this time you can HEAR IT!  Why didn't you go ahead and interview Ammerman like I thought you were going to do? I always told you I preferred you interview him - not me! My interviews of CA were preliminary to you interviewing him - as I recall I even asked you 'what questions shall I ask?' I think I asked you again between my interviews, based on the first interview conducted.

For all I know you could be correct. The one thing I do know is: I am though with your childish shit. Good luck.  :rofl:

And you can take that to the bank! I am not going to e in the middle of this shit any more.  :congrats:

To the best of my knowledge, I have never received any contact information for Ammerman from you.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2387 on: July 31, 2019, 09:05:02 PM »
Weather you like it or not we have a conflict with his statement.

To the best of my knowledge the Seattle center wasn't at SeaTac in 1971. I believe TRACON controllers were before they moved. when I read someone saying the center was there in 1971 it made the old eyebrow raise. If he was there on November 24, 1971 he could of been a tracon controller. to date. that makes the most sense. I could be wrong but I think we are here to find some truth and make sense out of things? to date, it's confusing until further details are found.

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2388 on: August 01, 2019, 12:00:15 AM »
It appears the tracon controllers were at Sea-Tac till about 2004. reason being the FAA ask's for there removal when a new tower is built. the new tower was started in 2001 and the new tracon building was completed in 2004 which is right beside Sea-Tac.

"The FAA’s policy is to consider relocating a TRACON any time construction of a new airport traffic control tower is considered."

Offline georger

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2389 on: August 01, 2019, 03:20:20 AM »
FLYJACK has solved the issue of where Ammerman was. FLYJACK says:

Dropzone 3 hrs ago -
TRACON was in the Tower in 1971....
Ammerman's interview in Matheson's book names Seattle Center.. matches the transcripts.
Georger's SEATAC account is incorrect or inaccurate.

So, if CA was in TRACON, and TRACON was in a Tower, then wherever the Tower was, that is where Ammerman was.?

Matheson says: "Clifford Ammerman was employed by the FAA as an air traffic controller at Seattle Center. Ammerman at Seattle Center .....  was now ‘one of those who ….

Georger has said Ammerman said: Cliff was a controller located at Seattle Center … Seattle Center was in a building below the tower at SEA-TAC.

If still confused please contact Cliff Ammerman. Or Shirlee Matheson who you are already in contact with. Or, FLYJACK.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 04:13:21 AM by georger »

Offline Shutter

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2390 on: August 01, 2019, 09:12:36 AM »
All I'm saying is Ammerman could not of been part of ARTCC if he claims he was at Sea-Tac in 1971 or anytime past 1962. the tower is a control center that directs the traffic around the airport. this is why it's above everything. TRACON and ARTCC don't need towers...they were in the Admin. building and moved to Auburn and the tracon building was completed in 2004. that means only the ground control remains at Sea-Tac. actually, TRACON is right beside runway 34L/16/R. it might still be on the property.

Radar screens are hard to see in the daylight hours especially decades back.

Basically, it appears the DZ and now a spin off of this site since they appear to make it the main discussion over there.

« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 09:30:21 AM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2391 on: August 01, 2019, 10:07:10 AM »
So, if CA was in TRACON, and TRACON was in a Tower, then wherever the Tower was, that is where Ammerman was.?

Georger, it appears that you are the only one claiming Ammerman was at the airport. is it possible you have this wrong. the book only states he was employed by the FAA and worked at the Seattle Center. that does make sense with what he talks about in the book and to you. the only things that sticks out is the claim of being at the airport. different controllers were there at that time. ARTCC was miles away from the airport in 1971. TRACON controllers hand off 50 nautical miles out from the airport. that's around 12 NM short of Toledo. R2 can't be tracon since communication exceeds the 50 mile ring. the list of controllers don't mention any tracon controllers. they are all ARTCC and I believe control tower boys are in the mix.

Actually, the word "control" could be tracon controllers...
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 10:14:41 AM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2392 on: August 01, 2019, 10:30:29 AM »
Transcripts state "Seattle approach" which is the trancon controllers. they speak on frequency 119.5 which is one of the approach frequencies. ground control is on 121.7 . I don't see a hand off from ground control to departure. Seattle Center takes over (R2) right at takeoff..
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 10:34:14 AM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2393 on: August 01, 2019, 10:53:19 AM »
Right out of the gate it appears 305 is preoccupied and takes 3 minutes to report altitude. they finally radio just getting past 6500 and Cooper trying to get the steps down. probably difficult dealing with Cooper and the company trying to run the show wanting to know every move.

Offline georger

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2394 on: August 01, 2019, 01:56:00 PM »
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So, if CA was in TRACON, and TRACON was in a Tower, then wherever the Tower was, that is where Ammerman was.?

Georger, it appears that you are the only one claiming Ammerman was at the airport. is it possible you have this wrong. the book only states he was employed by the FAA and worked at the Seattle Center. that does make sense with what he talks about in the book and to you. the only things that sticks out is the claim of being at the airport. different controllers were there at that time. ARTCC was miles away from the airport in 1971. TRACON controllers hand off 50 nautical miles out from the airport. that's around 12 NM short of Toledo. R2 can't be tracon since communication exceeds the 50 mile ring. the list of controllers don't mention any tracon controllers. they are all ARTCC and I believe control tower boys are in the mix.

Actually, the word "control" could be tracon controllers...

I keep telling you I am giving what I have! I dont know if it is accurate or not as to where Ammerman was physically located. I have no more. Im not an expert in these matters!

Have you asked Matheson; you are in contact with her ? Plus she is supposed to be an actual aviation historian.  Email Matheson again for any clarification she can give. I have no more on this.
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 02:18:26 PM by georger »

Offline Robert99

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2395 on: August 01, 2019, 02:10:19 PM »
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Right out of the gate it appears 305 is preoccupied and takes 3 minutes to report altitude. they finally radio just getting past 6500 and Cooper trying to get the steps down. probably difficult dealing with Cooper and the company trying to run the show wanting to know every move.

Most of the above posts and this one discuss information that is in my flight path analysis which used to be posted here.  Most of it is now in Eric Ulis's book if anyone is interested in more details.

The redactions or deletions in the Seattle ATC radio transcripts have removed radio communications with the airliner for the period 7:59:10 PM PST to 8:13:14 PM PST which covers the predicted jump time.

At 7:59:10 PM, Seattle Center controller R2 tells the airliner to contact Seattle Center on the 133.9 frequency.  Actually, I think this is an ARINC frequency rather than an air traffic control frequency.

The next transcript entry is at 8:13:14 PM when the airliner contacts the Seattle Center on 120.9 and controller R5 responds.  The 120.9 frequency is remoted to a Scappoose facility which is located 8 statute miles west of Tina Bar.

So there was apparently a change in Seattle Center controllers at almost exactly the same time that the airline crew was dealing with the possibility that Cooper had just jumped.  There is nothing in the transcripts to suggest that R2 was involved after this time.   

Offline georger

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2396 on: August 01, 2019, 02:20:28 PM »
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Right out of the gate it appears 305 is preoccupied and takes 3 minutes to report altitude. they finally radio just getting past 6500 and Cooper trying to get the steps down. probably difficult dealing with Cooper and the company trying to run the show wanting to know every move.

Most of the above posts and this one discuss information that is in my flight path analysis which used to be posted here.  Most of it is now in Eric Ulis's book if anyone is interested in more details.

The redactions or deletions in the Seattle ATC radio transcripts have removed radio communications with the airliner for the period 7:59:10 PM PST to 8:13:14 PM PST which covers the predicted jump time.

At 7:59:10 PM, Seattle Center controller R2 tells the airliner to contact Seattle Center on the 133.9 frequency.  Actually, I think this is an ARINC frequency rather than an air traffic control frequency.

The next transcript entry is at 8:13:14 PM when the airliner contacts the Seattle Center on 120.9 and controller R5 responds.  The 120.9 frequency is remoted to a Scappoose facility which is located 8 statute miles west of Tina Bar.

So there was apparently a change in Seattle Center controllers at almost exactly the same time that the airline crew was dealing with the possibility that Cooper had just jumped.  There is nothing in the transcripts to suggest that R2 was involved after this time.   

Back up!

Who was R2, R3, R4 R5 etc? Name them and their locations. 

You need to simplify your outpouring to a level the average person can understand - otherwise you are howling at the Moon. If that cannot be done then there is something wrong!
« Last Edit: August 01, 2019, 02:32:30 PM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2397 on: August 01, 2019, 02:40:57 PM »
An attempt to locate and communicate with Cliff Ammerman is being made.

Offline Robert99

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2398 on: August 01, 2019, 04:28:46 PM »
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Right out of the gate it appears 305 is preoccupied and takes 3 minutes to report altitude. they finally radio just getting past 6500 and Cooper trying to get the steps down. probably difficult dealing with Cooper and the company trying to run the show wanting to know every move.

Most of the above posts and this one discuss information that is in my flight path analysis which used to be posted here.  Most of it is now in Eric Ulis's book if anyone is interested in more details.

The redactions or deletions in the Seattle ATC radio transcripts have removed radio communications with the airliner for the period 7:59:10 PM PST to 8:13:14 PM PST which covers the predicted jump time.

At 7:59:10 PM, Seattle Center controller R2 tells the airliner to contact Seattle Center on the 133.9 frequency.  Actually, I think this is an ARINC frequency rather than an air traffic control frequency.

The next transcript entry is at 8:13:14 PM when the airliner contacts the Seattle Center on 120.9 and controller R5 responds.  The 120.9 frequency is remoted to a Scappoose facility which is located 8 statute miles west of Tina Bar.

So there was apparently a change in Seattle Center controllers at almost exactly the same time that the airline crew was dealing with the possibility that Cooper had just jumped.  There is nothing in the transcripts to suggest that R2 was involved after this time.   

Back up!

Who was R2, R3, R4 R5 etc? Name them and their locations. 

You need to simplify your outpouring to a level the average person can understand - otherwise you are howling at the Moon. If that cannot be done then there is something wrong!

As stated in earlier posts, the only Seattle controllers listed in the transcripts are R2, R5, R6, and R10.  They are never named and their location is never given. 

However, in the hand off to Oakland Center the controllers involved gave their initials, as was the custom.  Four Oakland Center controllers gave their initials and one Seattle Center controller gave his initials.

The Seattle Center controller was listed as R10 and his initials were "LE".

All of the above has been discussed online over the past several years.  If you ignored it then, you can still benefit by getting a copy of Eric Ulis's book.   

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2399 on: August 01, 2019, 06:04:18 PM »
If the ARTCC works similar to TRACON then it has what is called blocks. area's which they control and hand off once they get close to the end of there range/perimeter. it appears R2 goes to around the Toledo area and R5 picks up from there. if R2 is watching the plane cross the Columbia it appears he's only a spectator. actually, they all appear to be spectators since they were given the sky. the only route given was V23.

I also wonder if KOMO news ever interviewed the fighter pilots as claimed in the 302 provided...