Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 1133087 times)

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2310 on: July 28, 2019, 02:51:51 PM »
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It doesn't matter because you spoke with Ammerman after she interviewed him. her reference no longer matters since others have spoke with him after her contact.
Am coming late to this, but wouldn't this all be entirely irrelevant? I'm putting all my eggs in with the experienced pilot POV on this, and isn't it pretty much a consensus that on the night in question, from the height in question, flares to spot a jump would have been completely useless anyway? I'm not a jumper, so by all means correct me if I'm wrong.

If it were still 1971, I'd be looking into sporting goods and farming supply stores in the Portland region, as farmers would be the most likely to use dynamite on a civilian basis, and flares would be more commonly employed by outdoor sports types. I'm not convinced Cooper's dynamite was really dynamite going by colour descriptions, but at the same time, that doesn't mean he had any secondary use for the flares beyond making his bomb look real.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2019, 02:52:42 PM by Lynn »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2311 on: July 28, 2019, 02:55:33 PM »
This appears to have sparked a little more. Georger read the email sent to me and didn't like the fact of her statement of being the first to speak with Ammerman. then the question of when the flare incident actually occurred.

part of this has been resolved and was right in front of us. she spoke with Ammerman before Georger did. the flare incident. not sure how to resolve this. no report has been found on the FAA site.
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2312 on: July 28, 2019, 03:01:58 PM »
As for me. I simply posted something interesting that turned into a nightmare. I was accused of working with Flyjack and the author in the background? then got my head bit off for trying to get answers from the author.....

If you will excuse me. I have some new rocks to invent.  :rofl:
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2313 on: July 28, 2019, 03:11:45 PM »
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As for me. I simply posted something interesting that turned into a nightmare. I was accused of working with Flyjack and the author in the background? then got my head bit off for trying to get answers from the author.....

If you will excuse me. I have some new rocks to invent.  :rofl:
Haha, well, I've kinda lost track of all the Flyjack stuff - he lost me at Hahnemann, who is Jay to Cooper's Silent Bob, though I admire his tenacity. The only link I can see from Hahnemann to Cooper is that H was also a skyjacker and Cooper may have looked "Latin". But if you look at the descriptions of how the skyjackings were carried out and the demeanour of the skyjackers, there's just no way I can entertain them being the same person. Hahnemann sounds like a damn meth-head compared to Cooper, lol.

Offline georger

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2314 on: July 29, 2019, 01:25:47 AM »
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Somehow I was focused on "nestled in his bag" . okay, this part was wrong that I stated. is she stating the dynamite was in a bag inside the briefcase?

Page 112 states this occurred on November 27, and the plane departed at 4:35 pm. transcripts show around 3:00 pm. 4:35 would only allow 25 minutes to meet Cooper's demands.

Page 114 has the plane in the air at 7:44.

Page 115 states cooper jumped at 8:10....20 minutes after takeoff. she goes on to explain two separate bumps and two separate trims. she questions these events to possibly being the airflow causing the bumps.

Page 115 starts discussing Ammerman and November 27 is brought up again. Ammerman starts his recollection with an event he states occurred on November 23, 1971. at the bottom of page 115 she states this occurred in a phone interview followed by a letter dated February 6, 2004. she once again writes that Ammerman was on duty November 27th.

Important factors:
The book appears to have been in the making years before publication. her work surrounding Ammerman dates back to 2004 and the book was released in 2010. anyone speaking with Ammerman later than 2004 is irrelevant as it hasn't occurred yet. she might be right that she was the first to speak with him.

Lots of basic errors of fact. She also calls Victor23 "Vector23". That's an interesting mistake for someone with an aviation background. In fact her sole reference in the book to the flight path is her single reference to "Vector 23". Again it is strange she would make a basic mistake like this. (She must not have taken R99's avionics class!  ;))  She says her interview of Ammerman followed meeting someone at an air museum where she worked, who thought she might benefit from talking to one of the people actually involved in the Cooper hijacking. She cites having read Gunther's book.

Unless someone else was aware of the Matheson book, FLYJACK is the first to ever post about it. His motives for quoting her book at DZ are clear. He says: "Putting together all the pieces, there is no way there was an alternate western flight path. The western flight path theory is DEAD and should be relegated to the Vortex dust bin." In a related post he tells Ulis in effect: 'its over for you'. "The chase planes were co-ordinated by Seattle Center. They were in contact with the chase pilots. Seattle Center must have known the 305 flight path to do this. The dashes in the transcript may be the deleted ARTCC comms with chase planes.:, FLYJACK says. 

I have made it clear since I first asked Ammerman for an interview, that my primary interest was 'anything he could give that would prove the flight of 305 - in the midst of speculations and claims about an East Path, West Path, etc.'. This is how I originally reported it to R99. This is how I framed my interest to Ammerman. Ammerman stated that he had heard about various attempts to redefine the Flight 305 flight path, but as far as he was concerned ' 305 flew almost right down the center of V23 the whole way to Portland'. And without checking my notes I recall I asked and he also said: 'and the plane was on auto pilot the whole time right up to when they approached Portland'. And I followed that up by asking: 'and which side of Portland did they cross on?' and I remember Cliff laughing and he said,
'I don't know. I wasn't looking at my screen when they crossed the Columbia. I was not looking at my screen but involved in communications and I had to stand up to switch radios. By the time I looked back at my screen they had already crossed the Columbia, ON THE WEST SIDE OF PORTLAND!' I believe I reported all of this almost verbatim to R99 the same evening.

If my interview with Cliff is valid there is more flight path detail in my account, than there is in Matheson's account. This simply reflects a difference in our backgrounds, interests, and goals at the time each of us interviewed Cliff.

But, and this is important. Cliff's account to me about him getting up to talk to military aircraft and having to stand up to do this with his radio gear, and not being able to see his radar screen during that process, is IDENTICAL to the same account Matheson describes in her book!  Matheson's account and my account are the same on that very point, as it relates to the flight path 305 flew (around Portland). The only difference is Matheson does not say this happened precisely as 305 was crossing the Columbia, on the west side of Portland. The difference in our accounts is a difference in goals. Matheson's book is a general synopsis of the Cooper hijacking, with lots of technical mistakes. My goal with Ammerman was to gain a new authoritative understanding of the flight path specifically, since he was thee person in charge of following and directing the aircraft involved.

Matheson focuses rather heavily on the flare incident at Eugene, but again she is not giving detail Ammerman gave me. For one thing she has the date of that event wrong vs what Cliff gave me. Whatever the date of the flare event at Eugene was, there should be paperwork verifying the event and the date, if what Cliff told me is accurate! Cliff told me the event generated filings with the FAA, FBI, Sherrif Dept, as well as other law enforcement and aviation entities. There might even be an FBI 302 mentioning this event. According to Cliff it was not a casual event but an event of some concern at the time. Then one week later the Cooper hijacking occurs. It was only natural that air controllers might think there was some relationship between the two events. And according to passenger Mitchell, he says he was told photos being shown to him were heavily weighted toward photos of suspects in the Eugene area. I have posted all of this before.

In fact, the flare incident only came up during my 'flight path interviews' with Mr. Ammerman because near the end of the second interview Cliff suddenly asked me: 'Do you want to hear about something interesting?'. He laughed and I laughed and I said "yes, what?". If Cliff hadn't brought it up I wouldn't even know about it to this day. When Cliff finished telling his 'flares dropped at Eugene' story, I asked: "Have you heard about the Janet story at Vancouver?" He didn't know anything about that, so I told him that story. At the end of that long interview we realised we had been talking a long time, so we agreed to talk again and exchange email addresses in the meantime.       
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 01:38:48 AM by georger »
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2315 on: July 29, 2019, 07:40:04 AM »
As I mentioned. all I did was post a page from a book that turned into a nightmare. why the need to drag the author through the mud. does she have an aviation background or is it a requirement? working at a museum wouldn't really qualify, would it?

I posted a comment from Snowmman in 2018. why are you claiming Flyjack was the only one?

Are we discounting the book all together. I don't follow what you are trying to do. it appears she went by what was said to her. I don't know. perhaps you should contact her. I don't think her intentions were the same as yours with finding answers. it's just another book surrounding the hijacking. actually, it's a book with a dozen different stories. not just Cooper. she never responded back to me. I just found it interesting. regardless to who posted it.


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2316 on: July 29, 2019, 01:57:41 PM »
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As I mentioned. all I did was post a page from a book that turned into a nightmare. why the need to drag the author through the mud. does she have an aviation background or is it a requirement? working at a museum wouldn't really qualify, would it?

I posted a comment from Snowmman in 2018. why are you claiming Flyjack was the only one?

Are we discounting the book all together. I don't follow what you are trying to do. it appears she went by what was said to her. I don't know. perhaps you should contact her. I don't think her intentions were the same as yours with finding answers. it's just another book surrounding the hijacking. actually, it's a book with a dozen different stories. not just Cooper. she never responded back to me. I just found it interesting. regardless to who posted it.

Let me go back and search for your comment about Snowmman, whatever he has to do with this.

edit> cant find it.

Lets do this. I will back off. We seem to have cross-conversations going on here. The topic is yours. That way I cant get in trouble.  :congrats:

You can remove my last post if it suits you, or if it offends in any manner!

I think I will call Meyer up and see what he is doing today!  Hell! I may even pet my cat or take a walk!! If it doesn;t offend anyone!   
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 02:19:22 PM by georger »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2317 on: July 29, 2019, 05:34:33 PM »
It appears some people lost the ability to search...enjoy, have to go now need to invent the search button for computers  :chr2:

Snowmman November 2018

Here's some detail about the chase planes, from Clifford Ammerman who was working radar control at Sea-Tac the night of the hijack. He was employed by the FAA.
I don't think Clifford Ammerman has been named before.

Ammerman controlled the F-106's that trailed Flight 305. It seems like the T-33 arrived just north of portland, and the F-106's left the immediate trail then to the T-33.

Notably, the F-106's weren't getting control from the SAGE center.

It's interesting the T-33/F-106 handoff occurred just north of Portland, because it means maybe they were switching the trailing planes around at the time Cooper jumped?

in this book

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Here's how Ackermann describes it.

He talks to the 727 pilot and learns of the hijack. Then contacted McChord, which launched two F-106's

He kept them five miles in trail, 1000 ft higher than 305.

Radar on the F-106's was effective only 20 degrees either side of their nose. They had to S turn to stay behind 305,  so if the turns exceeded that, they couldn't keep radar lock on 305.

Just north of Portland, Oregon Air National Guard T-33 joined.

Ammerman then turned the F-106's to the east of the projected track of 305 and then south to parallel the route.

They climbed to 20,000 feet to save fuel. At the same time he positioned the T-33 to 1000 feet above and five miles in trail at a matching speed.

F-106's were still faster than 305, so they did an occasional "orbit"

Military planes used UHF radio, civilian VHF.

Ammerman had to stand up and turn off the VHF while talking to the military on UHF..instructions were going on both frequencies at the same time.

T-33 trailed 305 to Eugene, but then was low on fuel. F-106's returned to McChord because low on fuel also.

Ammerman on radar control, followed 305  from Seattle to south of Medford, OR

Later when 305 entered another air traffic control center, a C-130 picked up the trail at Red Bluff, CA

There was a gap in tracking between Eugene and Red Bluff, in terms of chase planes.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 05:36:07 PM by Shutter »
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Offline nickyb233

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2318 on: July 29, 2019, 05:45:20 PM »
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It doesn't matter because you spoke with Ammerman after she interviewed him. her reference no longer matters since others have spoke with him after her contact.
Am coming late to this, but wouldn't this all be entirely irrelevant? I'm putting all my eggs in with the experienced pilot POV on this, and isn't it pretty much a consensus that on the night in question, from the height in question, flares to spot a jump would have been completely useless anyway? I'm not a jumper, so by all means correct me if I'm wrong.

If it were still 1971, I'd be looking into sporting goods and farming supply stores in the Portland region, as farmers would be the most likely to use dynamite on a civilian basis, and flares would be more commonly employed by outdoor sports types. I'm not convinced Cooper's dynamite was really dynamite going by colour descriptions, but at the same time, that doesn't mean he had any secondary use for the flares beyond making his bomb look real.

The FBI talked to many jumpers, I'm sure they asked about the use of flares. They put a lot of weight into it and brothers from the uegene oregon area being involved. That is why they showed bill mitchell all those photo of uegene suspects and they initially jumped on the marla cooper lead (LD and Dewey were from eugene.) I have also qouted the flights and flyers book as my suspect James Klansnics brother Dick lived in cottage grove at the time which is the very town the flare drops were reported to have happened in.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 05:50:14 PM by nickyb233 »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2319 on: July 29, 2019, 05:52:46 PM »
They put a lot of weight into it

You know this because?

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2320 on: July 29, 2019, 06:01:49 PM »
If the book or Ammerman's statement is correct?
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 06:02:02 PM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2321 on: July 29, 2019, 06:40:01 PM »
For the next two years, agents constantly came to visit Mitchell at Oregon State University with “hundreds” of suspect photos of exlusively people from the eugene oregon area. Why only Uegene suspects for two years!? You got to ask yourself why did the fbi give such credence to marla coopers claim? No other report got anywhere near the same attention from the fbi. Marla had a close relationship with FBI case agent Curtis Eng and she said the FBI believed brothers from Eugene were responsible for NORJACK.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2322 on: July 29, 2019, 07:23:34 PM »
Ammerman also believe it was connected and stated there has never been a report of this kind before or after again.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2323 on: July 29, 2019, 07:24:48 PM »
where is that statement from. I recall a similar statement from Mitchell but don't recall the FBI telling him where the suspects were from. what would that matter to him. he had no idea where Cooper was from..
« Last Edit: July 29, 2019, 07:42:35 PM by Shutter »

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #2324 on: July 29, 2019, 07:25:58 PM »
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Ammerman also believe it was connected and stated there has never been a report of this kind before or after again.

He said nothing came of it. if that's true then what does it mean?