It appears some people lost the ability to search...enjoy, have to go now need to invent the search button for computers

Snowmman November 2018
Here's some detail about the chase planes, from Clifford Ammerman who was working radar control at Sea-Tac the night of the hijack. He was employed by the FAA.
I don't think Clifford Ammerman has been named before.
Ammerman controlled the F-106's that trailed Flight 305. It seems like the T-33 arrived just north of portland, and the F-106's left the immediate trail then to the T-33.
Notably, the F-106's weren't getting control from the SAGE center.
It's interesting the T-33/F-106 handoff occurred just north of Portland, because it means maybe they were switching the trailing planes around at the time Cooper jumped?
in this book
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LoginHere's how Ackermann describes it.
He talks to the 727 pilot and learns of the hijack. Then contacted McChord, which launched two F-106's
He kept them five miles in trail, 1000 ft higher than 305.
Radar on the F-106's was effective only 20 degrees either side of their nose. They had to S turn to stay behind 305, so if the turns exceeded that, they couldn't keep radar lock on 305.
Just north of Portland, Oregon Air National Guard T-33 joined.
Ammerman then turned the F-106's to the east of the projected track of 305 and then south to parallel the route.
They climbed to 20,000 feet to save fuel. At the same time he positioned the T-33 to 1000 feet above and five miles in trail at a matching speed.
F-106's were still faster than 305, so they did an occasional "orbit"
Military planes used UHF radio, civilian VHF.
Ammerman had to stand up and turn off the VHF while talking to the military on UHF..instructions were going on both frequencies at the same time.
T-33 trailed 305 to Eugene, but then was low on fuel. F-106's returned to McChord because low on fuel also.
Ammerman on radar control, followed 305 from Seattle to south of Medford, OR
Later when 305 entered another air traffic control center, a C-130 picked up the trail at Red Bluff, CA
There was a gap in tracking between Eugene and Red Bluff, in terms of chase planes.