I contacted the author and just got her response...
Thank you for your email and your interest in my book, Amazing Flights and Flyers. I states clearly in the book (pp. 115-117) that I had personal telephone calls with Mr. Ammerman as well as a follow-up letter he wrote to me to explain some of the more technical aspects of his work in air traffic control the night of the hijacking. He told me I was the first (and possibly only) person who had ever contacted him about this experience (see last line, p. 117). His contact information was given to me by a tour guide (docent) at the Seattle Museum of Flight (whom I met when I myself worked at an aviation museum in Calgary). This fellow was a personal friend of Ammerman, and so I followed up.
The book is still in print and can be ordered through Amazon or the Canadian distributor, Alpine Book Peddlers of Canmore, Alberta.
Best regards,
Shirlee Smith Matheson"
So? WTF is that supposed to mean? 
I dont know or care who was 1st or 2nd or third or fourth. ...... where does R99 fit in? He talked to Ammerman too by email. Was he 14th?
Actually, I never contacted Ammerman but Georger did tell me about his contacts with him about 10 years ago.
Who knows for sure where R3 was located? Frankly, I would assume that he was located at the Seattle ATC facility and probably only a few feet from R2. Some of you would probably be surprised as to how much the ATC people used land telephone lines and remote transmitter/receiver sites. At least some of the remote transmitter/receiver sites and their radio frequencies are listed on the FAA's IFR Enroute Charts.
I thought you exchanged emails with R2 ? Didnt I share his email adr with you so you and he could converse? I told Cliff to look for you.
Fly is really pushing this over at DZ - congratulating Shutter on his fine job and basically saying I am an idiot, as usual. He has not called me a liar - yet! But I would not count that out.

Fly has yet to even identify his source or name the Matheson book, a fellow Canadian. For all anyone knows Flyjack and Matheson may be one-and-the-same person? For all we know Shutter, Flyjack, and Matheson have been comunicating for some time? And as usual, Flyjack has not admitted (yet) that Matheson makes any mistakes. Perhaps another Flyjack bankruptcy is just around the corner - who knows.
All that matters is whether Matheson's Ammerman report is accurate or not. Parts of it agree with my interview notes with Cliff - but parts do not agree. Neiher FLYJACK or Matheson even mention a T33 rendezvous at Lake Oswego, for example. And as usual, that is the last thing FLYJACK (with capitol letters) is even concerned about at present, until he gets his zombie mileage he wants first, from his reports at DZ and the controversy he has stirred up again. FLYJACK might at least try to get Matheson to get the date of the hijacking straight! That would be a good place to start. EH?

Again, what matters here is whether Matheson's report for Ammerman is accurate or not. All other considerations are secondary.
Matheson's fast reply to Shutter today seems to imply that she is concerned about the accuracy of her reporting.
Lastly, there is also a possibility nobody has mentioned: Cliff's recollections may have changed over time? I tend to discount that because for one thing the Matheson book was copyrighted 2010, the same year I interviewed CA. I tend to doubt that Ammerman's recollections changed radically within one year? I am sure he knows the actual date of the hijacking, for example. How Matheson (and FLYJACK) got that wrong, who can say. Moreover, if they continue to stick to the wrong date ... then we do have a problemo!