Most US interceptor aircraft in the 70s had only UHF AM comm radios covering 225-400 MHz. They had no way to directly communicate with civil aircraft that had only VHF AM comm radios covering approx 118-136 MHz.
The McChord F 106s never sighted Coopers 727, despite SAGE and the Hughes MA1 data link system that, when working, provided SAGE directed automatically flown target intercepts.
A McChord "trash hauler" C 130 cargo plane did intercept the skyjacked 727. The elite F 106 fighter/interceptor jocks must have been totally humiliated.
The involvement of Minneapolis is not surprising. Airline pilots want to clear everything with "The Company" when there are risky situations. I've seen VHF ACARS texts where a cockpit crew was angsting with "The Company" on whether to involve law enforcement when a drunk celeb was causing trouble on a flight. You are not allowed to view links.
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