Flyjack originally posted the 3 foot drop. It's based on a larger leaflet. The smaller ones don't seem to change much. However, this appears to be the data needed. This will not prove much since we have a seven year gap. What if it show 15 mile drift? Do you move the path 15 miles?
Another site also quoted a 2-3 foot drop. How they figured that. I haven't a clue. I only posted what I seen.
What I posted has nothing to do with FJ and any calcs he did ... like I just said, go with the pdf values you have.
I never said it did? I responded to Roberts question of where the figures came from!
I removed the offending posts! 
I never saw the post you are apparently referring to so I don't know what you were saying in the first place. I did take a look at the CIA report that Shutter posted and I would suggest that you do the same and specifically take a look at Table NA-3 on page 27.
Find the line that lists the ground rate of descent for 3.0 feet per second. Read across that line until you come to the entry for 10,000 feet altitude. That entry lists a time of 0.13 hours, which is 7.80 minutes, for a non-rotating placard to reach the ground from 10,000 feet. That is an average rate of descent of 1282 feet per minute which is about the same rate of descent as a round 1971 era parachute with a 200 pound load.
Things get worse. Look again at that 3.0 ground rate of descent. And note that it supposedly takes 0.03 hours, which is 1.8 minutes, to go from 0 altitude to ground level which is the same thing. I look forward to seeing your explanation of how that happens! I didn't bother reading further in that report.
I see nothing in that report that would support the FBI flight path.
Thats actually funny Rebert! I see nothing in that report that would support the FBI flight path, either. That report was not written to support or not support the FBI flight path.

Now you really are looking for Jesus in the Toast. But, is the toast looking to be saved?
I think I will start ignoring your egotistical venom. Bye! Maybe its you who needs to do some reading for a change ?
As I recall this, you spent years at Dropzone claiming the money arrived on Tina Bar, from the south end of TBar. Your old posts are still at DZ. You spent months/years trying to locate a creek or channel that could feed the money "slowly you said" to the south end of Tina Bar. You thought a west path could accommodate that. That was the basis for your earliest west path, as I recall this. Maybe now you will call me a liar about that!
Then when you joined forces with Elvis/Ulis your west path morphed. It now favored a more northern intersection with TBar to accommodate Ulis' claim that that the Ingram find is where DB Cooper (Sheridan Peterson) buried the money on Tina Bar.
The upshot of all this and what disturbs me is that you seem to be willing to shift your flight paths around to accommodate the latest-greatest theory being published in the "news". You and Ulis now use the placard to justify all of this. If what you claim this month is true why the change? Why didn't you pin your west path on the placard all along - clear back in 2008? In contrast the FBI etal have not changed their basic flight path in what, 40+ years! I mean compared to you the FBI seems to be less subject to the whims of change and the latest-greatest broadcaster in the Cooper Forum News cycle.
In the final analysis it is what it is. Maybe it will change again tomorrow for some reason.
Thanks and take care.