The plane was not flying just above stall speed. somewhere between 105 and 130 if not mistaken. the 727 was very stable at low speeds vs other commercial jets.
The Air Force made the map, so you are saying the Air Force got it wrong. George Harrison (NWO) got it wrong. air traffic controllers got it wrong. the C130 following the plane was wrong.
It's really not the FBI that you can blame any of this on? the only way to blame the FBI would be with a conspiracy.
The only planes having trouble remaining in the sky was the fighter jets.
I understand how the flight path was put together. The term "FBI flight path" is commonly used and envelops all sources that led to its creation. That said, I'm not sure anyone like George Harrison carries any particular weight.
Let's un-pack this.
Did they get it wrong? Yes. Remember, it was this same data they also used to put together the plot points and 8:11PM jump spot which has to be wrong if he ended up in the Columbia. This is an irrefutable fact. And, if they can get this wrong by a factor of 20% why are they incapable of getting anything else wrong?
How was the flight path derived? According to the FBI, via Air Force radar. That's it.
Now we also have R2 in Portland who was tasked with organizing the chase planes and took his eyes off the jet for a period before he came back to it at which point he noticed the jet had already crossed the Columbia River and was "slightly west (Georger's words)" of Portland. The FBI flight path never shows the jet slightly west of Portland. In fact, it was on top of Portland and slightly
EAST of downtown Portland center.
Where did the C-130 pick up the jet? I see there is one that picked it up in Southern Oregon which is obviously of no value here.
I do not use words like "conspiracy" because I do not believe it was a conspiracy. I believe it was a mistake.
Regarding the stall speed? R99 says that it flew just above stall speed and Rat stated that they were very concerned about ice build up on the wings given their slow speed. Yet the jet is entering hard turns to ensure it flies over as many people, and as dense a populated area, as possible?
Again, someone, got something wrong, somewhere.