This is a very good and very important discussion. The entire case changes on the flight path alone. That said, I'll briefly state why I think the FBI flight path is wrong.
1) I'm assuming that TK's depiction of the placard find is accurate given that he obtained GPS coordinates from Carroll Hicks. The placard being found west of the FBI flight path is a major problem if you adhere to the FBI flight path model.
2) The money was found at Tena Bar. Outside of human intervention, the only remotely feasible way for the money to arrive at Tena Bar by natural means is for it to have ended up in the Columbia River upstream from Tena Bar. However, according to the FBI flight path the jet crossed the Columbia at 8:17PM. Moreover, factoring in the SW winds the jet would probably have needed to be at least one minute into Oregon before Cooper jumped in order to land in the Columbia River. This puts Cooper's jump time at 8:18PM. How is this possible if the FBI is also certain that he jumped at 8:12PM? Something doesn't add up here.
3) No one has ever found Cooper's body, his parachute, the dummy reserve, the attache' case or the rest of the money anywhere along or near the FBI flight path. Why? How is this possible especially if he no-pulled?
4) Put yourself in Cooper's shoes for a minute. It seems likely that he intended to jump near Seattle. That said, he was delayed and did not. Why then would he chose to jump into utter blackness knowing he has to walk out? Why wouldn't he wait until he was closer to an urban area before jumping?
5) Given that the jet had a "bomb" aboard, why would the jet have flown right over downtown Portland? Why would it have taken the circuitous route depicted in the FBI flight path versus simply travelling straight to the western suburbs of Portland from Maylay?
In my diseased mind the only way to rationalize all of this is that the FBI flight path is wrong. Furthermore, that the jet traveled to the west of the FBI's flight path.
Once again you seem completely unaware of Cooper case evidence and ignore or deny all "evidence" in the DB Cooper case.
On 4/8-9/1976 a high level conference was held in San Francisco, on the Cooper case. Attendees included reps from the FBI, NWO cental figures, FAA, ATC, USAF, etc. A central issue discussed was the flight path and where Cooper actually left 305, in light of the fact all searches had proved negative. The flight path was re-evaluated all over again with presentations by various individuals and entities.
The 302 attached below details how the FBI planned to inform the media, following this "seminar". Principal people were assigned the task of informing the media about where central issues in the Cooper case now stood, following the San Francisco seminar. Himmelsbach was one of the people assigned to speak with the press and the foundations for that began being laid, coordinated from several FBI offices. Clyde Jabin of the UPI became one of the press people contacted.
Speaking with an FBI rep, Jabin wrote: "From a computer analysis of available information, including the plane's altitude, speed, and wind data, the FBI says it is 'positive' Cooper came down in a 24 square mile area
12 miles north of Portland" The FBI is saying the flight path and jump time of Cooper has been re-evaluated at the SF Conference, and is now being changed to an area
12 miles north of PortlandThe variable in the timeline that was now being changed was the "timeline" of Cooper's departure.
Carr found and read these 302's in 2008-09 and he questioned on DZ if the timeline could be extended further. People analysing this matter in this discussion were R99, Sluggo, Snowmman, etc. Sluggo moved Cooper's DZ further south to the Orchard WA area. Sluggo said there were rumors of the FBI searching the Orchard area and Carr refused to comment publicly.
There is no evidence that 305 flew a straight line between Maylay and Canby! There is evidence that 305 crossed the Columbia near Hayden Island. In 1980 Cooper money was found at Tina Bar. In order for money to appear on Tina Bar it has to have originated in the Columbia basin if not in the Columbia itself. Since the money was last seen being roped around Cooper's waste, and Tina testified the bills offered her were put back in the bag, a simple adjustment of the timeline for Cooper bailing puts Cooper in the Columbia basin if not in the Columbia itself.
Second document attached in next post below -