sure, okay....
The Cooper mystery is full of Narcissists trying to milk it. For example this quote: "This stuff here is just killing time while I watch a rerun of Vanishing Point. An underrated movie that Quentin Tarentino once said was one of his favorites. Mine too!"
The person brings up a Quentin Tarentino movie, which Ckret also said he liked! And compares himself to Quentin Tarentino, which has nothing to do with the DB Cooper case! The person is also comparing himself to Ckret, which we all know! That is pure unadulterated Narcissism.

There is nothing worse than a herd of Narcissists trying to defend territory they have staked out. They will say and do anything until called down for it, and their only clock is their Narcissism. Sooner or later they all get into serious trouble. Prisons and jails are full of these people.
Who says "Vanishing Point" is an underrated movie!? It's a highly acclaimed movie. The Narcissist will distort reality to make a point. The Narcissist is talking about themselves being underrated and ignored, not the movie! The Narcissist operates in a vacuum outside of reality and struggles to bring everyone in to their reality. It's a no-win situation for all concerned and must be avoided short of total chaos for everyone including the Narcissist.
The first job of a Narcissist is to create a false reality. Everything follows from that...