Author Topic: Flight Path And Related Issues  (Read 1130649 times)


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1350 on: February 27, 2018, 06:19:44 PM »
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"While in flight, the direct communications with various NWA facilities would be handled through the ARINC teletype system..."

I assume you mean ground to ground through TTY. NWA 727s did not have radio teletype systems.


ARINC was/is a commercial service for the airlines that communicated by VHF voice between the airliner and ARINC ground stations.  ARINC was assigned specified VHF frequencies for those communications.  When ARINC received a message from an airliner, it copied the message and then formatted that message and sent it to the appropriate airline station(s) on a ground teletype network.  Since this was a commercial for-profit operation, the airlines subscribed to and paid for the service.  Only airline business was discussed on this as a rule, an exception to the rule was the FBI using the ARINC facilities for a phone patch to the airliner.

ARINC service was NOT an air traffic control operation.  Only the FAA radio network carried air traffic control messages.


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1351 on: February 27, 2018, 06:31:16 PM »
That matches my understanding of AIRINC ops.

I've heard transoceanic airliners report to their companies through AIRINC HF SSB voice comms.

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Once I heard a report of an unruly intoxicated VIP passenger and a discrete discussion about how to handle things without getting "the authorities" involved.

No ATC stuff, just operations messages. I suspect SATCOMMS are eroding this HF voice service as the number of calls has steadily diminished over the years.




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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1352 on: February 27, 2018, 10:47:08 PM »
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That matches my understanding of AIRINC ops.

I've heard transoceanic airliners report to their companies through AIRINC HF SSB voice comms.

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Once I heard a report of an unruly intoxicated VIP passenger and a discrete discussion about how to handle things without getting "the authorities" involved.

No ATC stuff, just operations messages. I suspect SATCOMMS are eroding this HF voice service as the number of calls has steadily diminished over the years.


AirTwardo posted some time back, I believe on this site, that when his wife was flying her 747 between anywhere in the USA and Europe that she could receive Faxes, text messages, and voice messages direct from her company dispatcher.

Fred Poynter and I were in contact for a period of time with the ARINC headquarters (I assume it was) in Annapolis, MD just a couple of weeks or so before MH370 disappeared in the Indian Ocean.  This was also just a few months before Rockwell Collins bought ARINC.

It was ARINC's European competitor which operated in Asia that did the calculations to estimate the crash location of MH370.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1353 on: February 28, 2018, 02:34:40 AM »
Satcomms and data modems keep boats and aircraft in constant touch with the ground regardless of position or all but extreme ionospheric conditions. Even before comm sats existed the USAF had HF radioteletype gear in long range large aircraft.

I think Airtwardo’s lovely wife flew Boeing 72 75 and 76 but not 74 aircraft. Could be mistaken.

Wish he were on the forum. Great guy. Superbly skilled jumper.




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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1354 on: February 28, 2018, 12:14:01 PM »
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Satcomms and data modems keep boats and aircraft in constant touch with the ground regardless of position or all but extreme ionospheric conditions. Even before comm sats existed the USAF had HF radioteletype gear in long range large aircraft.

I think Airtwardo’s lovely wife flew Boeing 72 75 and 76 but not 74 aircraft. Could be mistaken.

Wish he were on the forum. Great guy. Superbly skilled jumper.


When TWA and Pan Am started intercontinental 707 operations between the USA and Europe around 1960, the 707s usually had a long pipe-like antenna extending forward from the top of the vertical stabilizer.  That was an HF antenna, but I think they only had voice capabilities.

And some of the USAF 707/C-135 aircraft that were used for VIP operations did indeed have teletype communication capabilities.

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1355 on: February 28, 2018, 12:41:35 PM »
That's correct on the Pan Am 707s, voice (USB) only. Most carried the Collins 618T HF transceiver which was capable of SSB voice, CW (Morse Code) and RTTY (teletype) but CW required a key and an operator who understood Morse and RTTY required a modem, printer and a keyboard to send and receive. Pan Am just used the voice mode. That horizontal spike antenna on the vertical stabilizer top seemed way too short to be an effective HF transmitting antenna but 707s had good HF comms. Maybe some other part of the tail structure was part of the antenna.

I've been searching for more info on the Army 727 jumps reportedly made in the US but so far only that one personal anecdote reference has been found. Might be time to tap Snowmman for help.



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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1356 on: February 28, 2018, 12:46:03 PM »
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1357 on: February 28, 2018, 01:02:58 PM »
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Just a glance at the link you cite above indicates that it is filled with errors.  Do you know who wrote that?


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1358 on: February 28, 2018, 02:46:10 PM »
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Just a glance at the link you cite above indicates that it is filled with errors.  Do you know who wrote that?

It is yet one more uninformed maestro of the unknown who saz:

This ‘moment’ (8:13) was determined because it was shortly after the time that the stairs were opened and because the pilot (Scott) noticed the tail of the aircraft lurch upwards and he claims he had to trim the wings to compensate. The motion felt by Scott was said to have been caused by the weight of Cooper leaving the stairs causing them to bounce upwards towards the fuselage. This assumption led to one of the largest manhunts on American soil and very much focused on the small town of Ariel some 25 miles north of Portland and turned up absolutely no trace of Cooper whatsoever.

But … what if Cooper didn’t jump at 18:13?

It's more Chinese Cooper Scrabble for English speakers.  Some people must share the useless.

As a result, the storm calms and the sailors then offer sacrifices to God. Jonah is miraculously saved by being swallowed by a whale, in whose belly he spends three days and three nights. The same fate may have been visited upon DB Cooper, but after 8:13pm.   :o
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 03:01:31 PM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1359 on: February 28, 2018, 05:15:48 PM »
Yes, the "Aquiziam" website is filled with lots of errors, yet it does present a thoughtful perspective, especially in listing the possible political and corporate concerns about the public's perception of the FBI and NWO.

Maybe "Aqui" will appear aqui, so to speak, to continue the conversation...
« Last Edit: February 28, 2018, 05:17:04 PM by Bruce A. Smith »


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1360 on: March 01, 2018, 12:37:21 AM »
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Yes, the "Aquiziam" website is filled with lots of errors, yet it does present a thoughtful perspective, especially in listing the possible political and corporate concerns about the public's perception of the FBI and NWO.

Maybe "Aqui" will appear aqui, so to speak, to continue the conversation...

Bruce, what are you saying fer gawds sake? ???


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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1361 on: March 01, 2018, 02:51:40 AM »
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Yes, the "Aquiziam" website is filled with lots of errors, yet it does present a thoughtful perspective, especially in listing the possible political and corporate concerns about the public's perception of the FBI and NWO.

Maybe "Aqui" will appear aqui, so to speak, to continue the conversation...

Bruce, what are you saying fer gawds sake? ???

It's in tongues again - not meant for public consumption. Shama lacka respitotamolinogos Aqui. The "Elect" shall know and be elevated to knowledge by the Knowing Eye. To get the full effect see his videos. You must 'be in the know' to know.  Only the Elect can know. ;)
« Last Edit: March 01, 2018, 03:18:59 AM by georger »

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1362 on: March 01, 2018, 04:09:02 AM »
Ahem. "Aqui" is a shortened form of Aquiziam, the title of the web page in question. And the use of the word, aqui, is of course, Spanish for "here." Hence, I was suggesting that the guy who wrote the Aquiziam site ought to come to the Forum and post his thoughts more directly.
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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1363 on: March 01, 2018, 02:18:37 PM »
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Ahem. "Aqui" is a shortened form of Aquiziam, the title of the web page in question. And the use of the word, aqui, is of course, Spanish for "here." Hence, I was suggesting that the guy who wrote the Aquiziam site ought to come to the Forum and post his thoughts more directly.

Last time I checked we were not in Spain?  vote the smileycode and safe

Offline Bruce A. Smith

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Re: Flight Path And Related Issues
« Reply #1364 on: March 01, 2018, 07:07:40 PM »
Check again, G.

Derek just wrote me that DB Cooper is huge in Mexico due to the "True Crime" TV shows that are immensely popular. DB Cooper is one of the themes frequently discussed.

On a related theme, the US is expected to be 51% brown-skinned and non-Caucasian by 2040 or so. I'm just getting ready so I can chat with my case workers at social security in their native language. Besides, I want to move to Ecuador and dry out and warm up.

Asta la vista, mi amigo!