Could there be an innocent non CYA explanation for the radio redactions? If it is a cover up what might it be concealing? Speculation welcomed.
This is the section where Cooper bailed. Apparently everyone lost their marbles and the Maldum Fornax collapsed!
All starting around 8:10 and ending when 305 was in the hands of a different controller south of Portland.
Plus we dont have anything from the company communications ... or the military side.
NWA did apparently have its own channel at SEATAC for direct communications with its aircraft while they were on the ground there. There is a reference in the SEATAC transcripts to the crew being on the "company channel" and missing a message from the tower. The company channel would have been used for such things as coordinating the service of the aircraft during a turn around, passing flight plan information, passenger information, enroute weather, etc., etc..
While in flight, the direct communications with various NWA facilities would be handled through the ARINC teletype system and the ARINC telephone patch that was specifically set up during the hijacking. Only a very limited amount of the ARINC teletype information was released for the Seattle area. Fred Poynter, of the Washington State History Museum, had access to the teletype printouts of some of the ARINC communications several years ago. He and his staff analyzed what they had and concluded that the printouts had also been redacted.
The Oakland ATC told the airliner at one point to contact the ARINC station in Sacramento on a specific frequency while it was under their control. Presumably, there could have been a phone patch transcript involved in this as well as the teletype printouts. But they have never surfaced.