As I understand quantum theory, the worms are both alive and dead until observed. However, there is an interesting counter theory that says the observer drinking the Twequila might not be observant enough. Interesting dilemma, no?
Yes, remote viewing, when we develop the skills necessary to make it reliable, will be a tremendous asset.
My understanding of QM is completely different from yours. There is no known association between QM and Consciousness - Perception - Neurology. A scientist at Harvard, Barb Shipman, actually looked into this - her father is a great mathematician. Look up Shipman's work on Bee roaming (in order to find pollen) and read it.
After that read something about what Quantum Mechanics is and how it came into being, and why. Your dimestore version of QM and Uncertainty is just that, a dimestore novel! QM and Uncertainty is not a fact - just opposite is the case.
QM is not the father of Uncertainty. QM predicts extremely rigorous standards and certainty! QM is a mathematical strategy ( a tool) which explains or predicts how atomic and subatomic particles and forces will act (and interact). QM actually applies more certainty to the world, rather than less! QM actually tightens and restricts 'what can happen' vs 'what cannot happen' and the whole body of quantum theory is tantamount to a new set of Conservation Laws which are the most basic Laws in Physics!
What the Sun does in nucleo-synthesis, for example, is a dead-certain proposition. That certainty is precisely what has lead to the technological world we have today ... from LEDs to nuclear bombs and reactors to radiation therapy and CT scanning. QM theory is responsible for that.
When it comes to QM and Uncertainty vs the idea of Remote Perception, I think you are confusing QM with ordinary probabilistic Innumeracy and Chance which occurs in daily life also - as a random statistical experience in life!
The two are not the same. Any contribution of QM to the Cooper case will occur in a Lab vs trying to remote view or imagine what Cooper did or did not do. Its as simple (and certain) as that.
I predict you will ignore everything I am saying, and continue in the same
habits you have always had as part of your life strategy. We all have life strategies of one kind or another. Different life strategies lead to different life outcomes!